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Day, R . E ., on the new journalism , 262 n .

Débats, Les, 49 n ., 330 ; during Franco

Dilke, Charles Wentworth , his policy toward book reviews, 307-308; Fran cis on , 307 n .

Prussian War, 442. Decatur, Admiral, his toast, 373 – 374. Declaration of Independence, 421; when recorded in newspapers , 28 n . See also Mechlenburg Declaration of Independence . Defender , 48 .

“ Ding," his political views discussed ,

Defoe, Daniel, 103; Dunton 's quarrel

Disraeli, Isaac , on English Mercurie,

with , 59 -60 ; quoted , 249 ; editorial and, 249– 250, 268 – 269 ; Lee's biog raphy of, cited, 250 n .; owners and , 263 ; Stephen on , 285; on journalists ,

445; on special correspondents, 450. Deist, 49.

433; Cook on , 14 n ., 35 n ., 270 n ., 302 n .; Dasent's biography of, cited ,

379 n .

Disraeli, Benjamin , 50 , 56 , 439 ; ver batim speech by, in Morning Star, 172 n . ; opposed by Macdonell, 264 ; his Lothair , 304; in caricature, 401 ; on English Mercurie, 414 n . 414 n .

Dissenters' Chapel Bill, Macaulay's speech on , 171, 171 n . Distrib Disgtragencies ibutin ,cl 16b, 135Distributin 136 . Distribution of news, u y 16.0.-V 2,. 41See e. e Chap 311. also Distributing agencies; News; News-distributing agencies. Dithmar, E . A ., article by, cited, 184 n. Diurnall Occurrences, 9 n ., 160.

23 n . ; frequent guest of Lord Pal-

Dodwell, H ., Acta Diurna and , 412, 413n .

merston , 88 ; Palmerston 's secret correspondence with , 188; his parting words to Russell, quoted , 200 ; blamed by Kinglake, 201, 204 n . ; corn laws and , 257; American Civil War and ,

Doesticks, 61. Domestic news, II. Dooley, Mr., 61, 62, 106 , 381; on news, 29 ; quoted , 138. See also Dunne,

257; Cobden and , 258 ; Walter and

Doumic, René, article by, cited , 324 n .

265 n.; Brodrick and, 266 ; at Oxford , 278 ; MSS . altered by, 280, 280 n .; Reeve and , 280 ; book reviews and , 302 n .; Escott on, 418 n .; Wyke s letter to , quoted, 453. Dell, Robert, expelled from France, 186.

“ Dow , Jr.," work by, cited , 92 n . Dowden , Edward , French interviews ridiculed by, 243 n . Dowling, Vincent, Wellington and , 380 n . Downey, Edmund , on book reviews in newspapers , 293.

F. P.

Democrat, 47.

Drake, J. R ., “ American Flag," 106 .

Democratic NationalCommittee , 349 n .; cartoon sent out by, 406 n .

Dramatic news, 11. See also Criticism ,

Denmark , Ford's experience with press of, 238 n . Deutschland , 350 n .

D 'Ewes, Sir Symonds, parliamentary journals of, 158 - 159.

DeWeese , T . A ., on advertising, 361 n . Dial, articles in , cited, 186 n ., 462 n . Diamond , 47.

Dibblee , G . B ., on writer of signed articles , 66 ; favors anonymity, 69 n .; work by, cited , 118 n ., 431 n ., 456 n .; on foreign correspondent, 190 ; on war correspondence, 197 n .; on advertise ments, 362 n . ; quoted , 412; on news, 456 .

Dicey, Edward, on new and old journalism , 53 -54 ; on American press , 56 ; on English press, 469.

Dickens, Charles, 301 n ., 310; on abuse in American papers, 55 ; on his experi

dramatic. Drawings. See Sketches.

Drummond-Wolff, H ., work by, cited , 23 n . Dryden , John, 104, 318. Dry-Dock Dial, The, 49 .

Dry Goods Economist, The, editorial in , cited , 367 n .

Dublin Review , cited, 20 n . Dublin University Magazine, article in , cited , 13 n ., 276 n .

Du Bois, W . E . B., ed ., work by, cited , 26 n .

Dubost,Stephane, letter of, cited , 5ı n . Dulcinea , 62. Du Maurier ,George, Wood on , 408 - 409 . Dunlop, A ., work by, cited , 234 n . Dunne, F . P ., quoted , 1. See also Dooley , Mr. Dunton , John, founder of The Athenion Gazette, 59, 59 n.; on Defoe's inter

ences as reporter, 140- 141; Mrs.

loping, 59 - 60 ; editorials collected by,

Gaskell and, 279; MSS. altered by, 279; letter to Napier , quoted , 282– 283; contemporaneous and modern critics of, 303;Mrs. Linton and , 312 n .; on British troops, 442- 443.

274 n .

Dürer , Albrecht, 386 n . Durstine, R . S ., article by, cited , 234 n ., 245 n .

Dwight, Frederick, on advertising, 361.