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letters to editor regular feature of press in , 58 ; articles on press in , 64 n . ;

parody on press of, cited , 64 n .; anonymity in , 66 , 71, 72; Macintyre on press in , 71; politics and press of, 87, 88 –89 ; Church and press in , 93 -95 ; stamp duty on newspapers repealed in , 136 ; contract system of

legislative reporting used in smaller provinces of, 175 ; war correspondents barred from , 204 ; American Civil War and , 257– 258, 330 n ., 397 n ., 472; editorials in , 270 n .; Arnold on newspapers of, 288; success of gov ernment advertising in , 340 n ., 343 ; cartoons in , 382; war photographs in , 396 n . ; Venezuela boundary episode,

427 n .; Greenwood on press in , 430 ; school of journalism

in , 400 ; Dicey

on press in , 469.

See also Great

Britain .

English Mercurie, The, forged news paper , 413-414.

Enquirer, Richmond, official patronage and, 86 – 87.

Episcopal Church , two conferences of, 353 n .

Epitaph ( Tombstone , Ariz .), 48. Erlanger. See Klaw and Erlanger . Escott , T . H . S ., edition of Juvenal by, 3 n .; quoted, 75, 195; article by, cited, 103 n .; on war news, 204 n.; on the “ leader, " 262 n .; on the editor, 266 n .; on cartoons, 381;

discussed in , 248 n .; on personal journalism , 252; its editorial policy unaffected by change of ownership , 266 ; library of, 275 n .; pamphlet published by, 275 n . ; real estate advertising in , 333 n .; fashion guide issued by, 358 n .; circulation of, 363 n .; on its own advertisements, 364 n . ; advertisements rejected by,

367 n ., 371.; on literary and adver tising sections, 368 – 369; on cartoons, 381, 389 n ., 390, 396 - 397 ; on carica tures , 389 n ., 397 n ., 399 n .; Cesare's cartoon in , 393 n . ; on fake illustra

tions, 396 ; Sisson documents exposed by, 419 n ., 443 n .

Evening Sun, N . Y., illustration in , 393 n .

Evening Transcript, Boston, special fea tures in , 80 n .

Examiner, 55, 107. Excelsior, 48. Exchanges , newspaper , 11, 452. Expeditions, sponsored by press , 12– 13 . Express, 48 .

Express, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, sale of, 117; Macdonell on , 117– 118. Eye (Needles, Cal.), 48. Fackel, 440. Farm and Garden , 48 . Farm Journal, proposal by, 371. Farnsworth , H . W ., work by, cited , 208 n .

on Delane, 418 n .

Farrar, Archdeacon , article by, cited ,

15 n .

Fashion page, discontinued by N . Y .

318 n .

Essen , Leon van der, on accounts of battle of Yser, 488 .

Tribune, 18 n .

Favorite, 48.

Etheredge, Sir George, 318.

Favre, Jules, 186 .

Eureka, 48 .

Faye, Charles De La, Defoe's letters to,

European War. See World War. Evening, 47: Evening Chronicle, Manchester, Eng., typewritten edition of, 97 n .

Federalist, The, 422. Federated Press, Gettson , 126 - 127; object of, 126 - 127; motto of, 127.

Evening Mail, The, creed of, 46 -47; editorials collected from , 274 n .

Federation for the Support of Jewish Charitable and Philanthropic So

Evening Monitor, Concord , N . H .,

cieties of New York City, 339. Feltre, Duke of, letters of, cited , 199 n . Fenton , F ., work by, cited , 73 n . Ficke, Arthur Davison , hoax by, 313 n .

guarantee of, quoted , 79 n . Evening Post, N . Y ., published news of Waterloo , 28 n .; on recent newspaper , tendencies, 37 n .; prospectus, quoted , 46 ; on new type of paper, 54; on

269 n .

Field , Eugene, humorous column by, 61 n .

letters to the editor, 57; on letters to London Times, 58 n .; letter to

Fielding, Henry , 54 ; work by, cited ,

editor of, how printed , 58 n .; account

Fields, J . T ., poem by, cited , 297 n .

Drake's “ American Flag ” in , 106 ; editorial on headline in , 108 n .; editorial on Associated Press, cited , 122 n .; on the reporter, 157 ; quoted , 195 ; on interview , 237; interviews

54 n .

260 n .; on pirating of news in Ger many, 28 n .

Figaro, Moniteur imitated by , 415 . Fiji Islands, newspapers of, 487. “ Filler,” 11.