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�INDEX Specialarticle, 11; its effect on editorial, 262.

Spender, J. A ., on tendency towards

Washington , 185; Godkin on , during

few papers with large circulation , 22 n .; on editor and proprietor, 264. Sphynx, 21 n ., 48 . Spichernberg , battle of, 381 0 . Spielmann, M . H ., articles by, cited , 62 n ., 384 n ., 386 n ., 389 n .; works by , cited, 379 n ., 388 n ., 389 n ., 390 n ., 397 n .; on caricatures and cartoons, 389 n .

Civil War, 187; Stanhope on , 187;

Spingarn , J. E ., work by, cited , 288 n.;

Special bureaus. See Bureaus, special. Special correspondence, 11, 32; many forms of, i8o ; Wade on , 180- 181; “ grand reportage, ” 181; relation to interview , 181; functions of, 181; given rise to war correspondence, 181; authoritativeness of, 183– 186 ; from Greenwood on , 187; Bismarck 's offer of, 187– 188 ; in America prior to Civil War, article cited , 190 n . ; Ogden on , 190 n .; limitations of, 191- 194 ; censorship and, 192 ; " for home consumption, ” 192- 193 ; its effect on editorial, 262; continuity of, 438. See also Special correspond ent; War correspondence. Special correspondent Chap . VIII ; Leaves from the Life of a, 49 n .; num ber in service of Associated Press, 120 ; as a pamphleteer, 181; reporter developed into, 181; at Washington , article cited , 181 n .; Bennett on , 182;

Ralph on , 182– 183; Salisbury on , 183; of London Times, 183; sources of news of, 184; unwritten rules of, 184 ; Schierbrand on , 184 n .; Bismarck and , 185 ; instructions to , 185 n .;

Labouchere on , 186 ; international controversies due to, 186 ; expelled, 186 ; in Russo- Turkish War, work on , cited , 186 n .; responsibilities and opportunities of, 186 - 187; prone to magnify office, 187; Butler on South African, 188– 189; Layard on , 189 190 ; Dibblee on , 190 ; official facilities granted , 191- 192 ; at Peace Con ference, 192; the free- lance, 193; temptations of, 193 - 194; Borrow on , 194 ; general high type of, 194; Godkin 's judgment of, 196 n .; authoritativeness of press limited by, 450 ; Defoe on , 450 . See also Special correspondence; War correspondent. Special editions, 12,63. Special interests, 11.

Special Libraries, bibliography of ad vertising in , 332 n .

Spectator, 107; collection of mottoes of, 46 n .; on its Latin mottoes, 46 n .;

quoted , 138 ; editorials of, republished , 274 n .; advertisements of, 487.

Spedding, James, his criticism Macaulay, 299.


Speed , J. G .,article by, cited , 53 n. Speed Up, Spencer, T. A ., work by, cited , 23 n. Spender, Edward , Central Press of 117 .

Sporting page, 11, 27 ; “ Oldest Sporting " Journal, " 27 . " Spy .” See Ward , Leslie . Square and Compass, 48. Square Deal, 48. Squatter Sovereign , 47. Staats-Zeitung, Ñ . Y ., mistranslation by ,

151; misleading advertisement in , 363 n .

Stamp duty, newspaper, repealed in England, 136 . Standard, London , 48; nickname of, 50 ; its correspondent expelled from Rus sia , 186 .

Standard Oil Co., advertisement of, 344 . Stanhope, Aubrey, on foreign corre spondence, 187.

Stanley, A . P., ed ., work by, cited , 105 n. Star, 47. Star Bulletin , prison journal, 27 n .

Star-Enterprise, Poughkeepsie, cited , 434 n .

Star of Hope, The, prison journal, 27 n., 49 .

Stars and Stripes, 24 n . Start , E . A ., article by, cited , 486 n . State, Columbia , S . C ., varying accounts of an address collected by, 156. State Editorial Assn . of Pa ., 454 n . Statesman , 47; extract from , sent to King Joseph, 200 n .

Stead, W ., Jr., quoted , 332; work by, cited , 332 n .

Steed , H . W ., work by, cited , 16 n .; quoted , 85; interview by, 237 n .; on Fackel, 440 .

Steele, R ., 103; patrons and, 263; Stephen on, 285.

Steevens, G . W ., 206 n .; Boynton on , 210 . Stelzle , Charles, work by, cited , 92 n .; on church advertising, 353 n . Stephen , James, on Sydney Smith , 295 n . Stephen , Sir James Fitzjames, Life of, cited , 278 n .; his account of Macau lay's Life of Hastings , 299, 299 n . Stephen , Leslie , cited , 250 , 330 n . ; on London Times in Civil War, 257; Lowell's letter to , quoted , 257 – 258 ; on Edinburgh Review , 278 ; on D