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Chapter II Page - Docs art compensate for so much evil?—What is art?—Confusion of opinions—Is it "that which produces beauty"?—The word "beauty" in Russian—Chaos in esthetics
351 Chapter III - Summary of various aesthetic theories and definitions, from Baumgarten to to-day
360 Chapter IV - Definitions of art founded on beauty—Taste not definable—A clear definition needed to enable us to recognize works of art
376 Chapter V - Definitions not founded on beauty—Tolstoi's definition—The extent and necessity of art—How people in the past have distinguished good from bad in art
383 Chapter VI - How art for pleasure has come into esteem—Religions indicate what is considered good and bad—Church Christianity—The Renaissance—Skepticism of the upper classes—They confound beauty with goodness
389 Chapter VII - An aesthetic theory framed to suit this view of life
396 Chapter VIII - Who have adopted it?—Real art needful for all men—Our art too expensive, too unintelligible, and too harmful for the masses—The theory of "the elect" in art
401 Chapter IX - Perversion of our art—It has lost its natural subject-matter—Has no flow of fresh feeling—Transmits chiefly three base emotions