Page:The Odyssey of Homer, with the Hymns, Epigrams, and Battle of the Frogs and Mice (Buckley 1853).djvu/217

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these many possessions? and where do I myself wander? would that I had remained there with the Phæacians; I indeed might have come to some other powerful king, who would have entertained me, and escorted me so as to return. But now I know not where to place them; I will not indeed leave them here, lest they become a booty to others. Alas! the leaders and chiefs of the Phæacians were not wise nor just in every thing, who have taken me away to another land; they said in truth that they would take me to western[1] Ithaca,[2] but have not performed [their promise]. May suppliant Jove exact vengeance on them, who also regards other men, and punishes whoever errs. But come, I will now count the possessions, and see whether they have gone, taking away any thing in the hollow ship."

Having thus spoken, he numbered the beautiful tripods and cauldrons, and the gold, and the beautiful woven garments; of these he missed none; but he lamented his paternal land, creeping along the shore of the much-rolling sea, bewailing much. But Minerva came near him, like in person unto a young man, a shepherd of sheep, very delicate, and as are the sons of kings, having a double well-wrought cloak about her shoulders; and she had sandals under her soft feet, and a javelin in her hand: Ulysses rejoiced seeing her, and came to meet her, and addressing her, spoke winged words:

"O friend, since I meet thee first in this country, hail, and do not thou meet me at all with an evil mind; but preserve these things, and preserve me; for I entreat thee, as a god, and come to thy dear knees. And tell me these things truly, that I may be well informed, what land is this? what people? what men are born here? is it some western island? or does some shore of the very fruitful continent lie inclined towards the sea?"

But him the blue-eyed goddess Minerva addressed in turn: "Thou art foolish, O stranger, or thou hast come from a distance, if indeed thou inquirest of this land: it is not by any means so nameless; but very many know it, both as many as dwell towards the East and the Sun, and as many as [dwell] behind towards the misty darkness. It is rough indeed, not fit for driving horses, yet not very barren, but it is not

  1. Or "sunny." Cf. Buttm. Lexil. p. 224, &c.
  2. See Stanl. on Æsch. Suppl. 1. Hemstech. on Lucian. Tim. sub init.