Page:The Order for Compline Or Prayers Before Bed-Time.djvu/8

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Priest. The LORD be with you.
Answer. And with thy spirit.
Priest. Let us pray.
Vouchsafe, O LORD,
Answer. To keep us this night without sin.
Priest. Keep us as the apple of Thine eye.
Answer. Hide us under the shadow of Thy wings.
Priest. Into Thine hands we commend our spirits:
Answer. For Thou hast redeemed us, O LORD, Thou GOD of Truth.

Priest. Visit, O LORD, we beseech Thee, this habitation; repel from it all assaults of the enemy; let Thy holy Angels dwell therein, and keep us in peace; and Thy blessing be upon us evermore, through Jesus Christ our LORD; Who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, One God, world without end. Amen.

We beseech Thee, O LORD, pour Thy grace in our hearts; that as we have known the Incarnation of Thy Son Jesus Christ, by the message of an Angel, so by His Cross and Passion, we may be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ our LORD. Amen.

GOD, Which art the giver of pardon, and the lover of men, grant to us, and to all Thy servants, both living and departed, a merciful judgment in the last day; that we, in the face of all creatures, may then, be acknowledged as Thy true children, through Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.

Priest. The Grace of God remain with us evermore.
Answer. And with our brethren that are absent. Amen.