Page:The Oregon Trail by Parkman.djvu/399

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Mormons and Missourians. The United States officer in command of the whole came also to visit us, and remained some time at our camp.

In the morning the country was covered with mist. We were always early risers, but before we were ready, the voices of men driving in the cattle sounded all around us. As we passed above their camp, we saw through the obscurity that the tents were falling, and the ranks rapidly forming; and mingled with the cries of women and children, the rolling of the Mormon drums and the clear blast of their trumpets sounded through the mist.

From that time to the journey's end, we met almost every day long trains of government wagons, laden with stores for the troops, crawling at a snail's pace toward Santa Fé.

Tête Rouge had a mortal antipathy to danger, but one evening he achieved an adventure more perilous than had yet befallen any man in the party. The day after we left the Ridge-path we encamped close to the river, and at sunset we saw a train of wagons encamping on the trail, about three miles off. Though we saw them distinctly, our little cart, as it afterward proved, entirely escaped their notice. For some days Tête Rouge had been longing for a dram of whisky. So, resolving to improve the present opportunity, he mounted his horse "James," which he had obtained from the volunteers in exchange for his mule, slung his canteen over his shoulder, and set out in search of his favorite liquor. Some hours passed without his returning. We thought that he was lost, or perhaps that some stray Indian had snapped him up. While the rest fell asleep I remained on guard. Late at night a tremulous voice saluted me from the darkness, and Tête Rouge and James soon became visible, advancing toward the camp. Tête Rouge was in much agitation and big with some important tid-