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Abdu 3 Abdu di'na Sakfna," " Matla'-ul- Anwar," " Madarij-un-Nubixw- wat," " Jazb-ul-kulub", " Akhbar-ul-Akhyar" a book on the saints. He was born in the month of January 1551 A. D., Mnharram 958 A. H. In the year 1637 A. D., although he was then ninety years old, he is said to have been in possession of his faculties. He died in the year 1642 A. D., 1052 A. H., aged ninety-four lunar years ;lies buried on the bank of the Hauz Shamsi in Dihli, and now holds a high rank among the saints of Hindustan. His son Shaikh Nur-ul-Hakk is the author of the Zubdat-ut- Tawarikh. For further notes vide Dowson, Elliot's History of India, VI, 175, 483.] Abdul-Hakim of Siyalkot, i*t^^f'^> was a pupil of Maulana Kamal-uddin of Kashmir. He wrote the Hashiya, or marginal notes, on the Tafsir Baiziiwi and a Hashiya on the marginal notes of 'Abdul-GhaflFar. He died in the year 1656 A. D., 1066 A. H. Abdul-Halim bin-Muhammad, /•i^^" sur- named Kanalizdda, an Arabian author, who died in the year 1589 A. D., 997 A. H. Abdul-Hamid, vide Ahmad IV, emperor of Turkey. Atadul-Hamid of Labor, was the author of the Padshah-nama-i-Shahjahani. Regarding this history, vide Dowson, EUiot's History of India, VII, 3.] Abdul-Hasan (Kazi), author of an Arabic work on Jurisprudence called " Ahkam-us-SuItanf . Abdul-Hay (Mir) Sadr, j'^-* a learned man who wrote a chronogram on the death of the emperor Humayun, and one on the accession of Akbar in 1556 A. D., 963 A. H. Vide Ain Translation I, 480,] Abdul-Jalil (Mir or Sayyid) c5'°l/^- '-^iW' '^^'^ jr^'^, of Bilgram in Audh. Ho was a great scholar and an elegant poet, and his poetical name was Wasiti. In 1699 A. D., 1111 A. H., he visited the camp of Aiu-angzib at Bi- japtir ; and being presented to that monarch by Mirza 'AH Beg, the royal intelligencer, obtained a mansab and a jagir, with the joint offices of Bakhshi (Paymaster) and News--vriter of Gujrat ; from which place he was removed to Bhakar in Sindh, with similar appointments. Through some intrigues at court, he was recalled from Bhakar in the reign of Farrukh-siyar in 1714 A. D., 1126 A. H., but upon circumstances being explained, he was restored in the most honorable manner, and was at length permitted to officiate by deputy, whilst he himself remained at Dihli until 1721 A. D., 1133 A. H., when he resigned in favor of his son Mir Sayyid Muhammad. He was the son of Sayyid Ahmad of Bilgram, was born on the 2nd June 1661 A. D., 13th Shawwal 1071, and died on Monday the 28th December 1724 A. D., 23rd Eabi' I, 1137, aged 66 lunar years, and is bui-itd at Bilgram close to his father's tomb. He is the author of several works, one of which containing letters written in Persian is called " Adab-ul-Mursilin. For a detailed biography, vide Azad's Sarw-i-Azdd, and the Tabsirat-un-NdziriH by 'Abdul-Jalfl's son.] Abdul-Kadir (Sultan), was the descendant of a Ma- rabaut family of the race of Hashim, who trace their pedi- gree to the Khalifas of the lineage of Fatima. His father died in 1834. His public career began at the time of the conquest of Algiers by the French. In 1847, he was defeated and surrendered himself, but was after- wards permitted to reside in Constantinople. He died in 1873. Abdul-Kadir bin-Abil-Wafa al-Misri (Shaikh Muhiy-uddin) iSj'^'° ^V'l^' i^'.j^i^^ author of the " Jawahii--ul-Maziya fi Tabakat- il-Hanafiya, a biographical dictionary giving an account of the Hanafi lawyers, arranged in alphabetical order. He died in 1373 A. D., 775 A. H. 'Abdul-Kadir Badaoni (Shaikh), ^•i-"! was the son of Mulfik Shah of Badaon and pupil of Shaikh Mubarak of Nagor. He is the author of a work called " Muntakhab-ut-Tawarflfh". He was a very learned man, and was frequently employed by the emperor Akbar to make translations into Persian from the Arabic and Sanskrit, as in the case of " Mu'jam-ul-Buldan," " Jami'-ur-Eashfdi", and the " Eamayan". He also com- posed a moral and reKgious work, entitled " Najat-ur- Eashid," and translated two out of the eighteen Sections of the " Mahabharat," and made an abridgment of the History of Kashmir in 1591 A. D., 999 A. H. The year of his death is not known, but he was living in 1596 A. D., 1004 A. H., in which year he completed the Muntakhab- ut-Tawarikh. His poetical name was Kadiri. He died at Badaon, in 1004. For a detailed biography vide Joui-nal, Asiatic Society, Bengal, 1869, Pt. I, p. 118 ; and Dowson, V, 477.] 'Abdul-Kadir Suhrawardi, ti^JJlrt'* ji'^-'t author of the work called " Adab-ul-]Iui-id." 'Abdul-Kadir Bedil (Mirza), 'J'^.O'i'^- "^^^ 'jr^ a celebrated poet, better known by his poetical name of Bedil or Mirza Bedil. He was a Tartar of the tribe of Birlas ; in his youth he was employed by j^rince A'zam Shah, son of Aurangzib, but being one day ordered bj' the prince to write a panegyric in his praise, he resig-ned the service and never afterwards served any one. He is the author of several works, such as " Muliit A'zam" ; " Char 'Unsur"; " Insha-i-Bedil", also called Euk'at-i-Bedil, and of a Diwan or book of Odes in Persian, containing 20,000 couplets. He died in the commencement of the reign of Muhammad Shah, on the 24th November 1720 O. S., 4th Safar, 1133 H. He is also the author of a work called "Nukat-i-Bedil," containing the memoirs of Shaikh Junaid, third in descent fi-om the celebrated Shaikh Safi, and grandfather of Shah Isma'il Safawi, king of Persia. Vide Sprenger, Catalogue of Oudh MSS., p. 379.] 'Abdul-Kadir G-ilani or Jilani or Jili (Shaikh), also called Pir-i-Dastgir and Ghaus-ul-A'zam Muhiy-ud- din, a saint, who is said to have performed a number of miracles during his lifetime. He was born in Gilan or Jilan in Persia, in the year 1078 A. D., 471 A. H., and was greatly revered for his learning, his piety, and the sanctity of his manners. He died on the 22nd February 1166 A. D., 17th Eabi' II, 661, aged 91 lunar years, and is bmied at Baghdad, where he held the place of guardian of Abii- Hani'fa's tomb. The order of Dervishes, called after him the Kadiris, acknowledge him as foimder. His tomb is held in high veneration amongst the Muhammadans. He is said to have written many books on Mystical Theology, amongst which are the " Futuh-ul-Ghaib", "Malfuzat-i-Kadiii" in Arabic, and a translation of the same in Persian, named " Malfu/.at-i-J£lam'." Another work of his in Arabic on Jurisprudence is called Ghunyat-ut- Talibin, and another work on Sufism is entitled Bahjat- lil-Asrar, and a book of Odes called Diwan-i-Ghaus-ul- A'zam. Vide Muhammad Kasim (Sayyid) and Abdals. Some say that he was bom at Jil, a viUage near Baghdad ; hence he should be called JiTi.] 'Abdul-Kadir (Maulana), tS^*-^ J •5^^^' G^j./Oj of Dihli, the son of Maulawf Wali-ullah. He is the author of an Urdu commentary on the Kui-an, entitled " Tafsir Muzih-ul-Kui-an." 'Abdul-Kadir Naini (Maulana), (^^5 j:>^-^' a poet who was a native of Nain near Isfahan, and contem- porary with Shaikh Sa'di,