Kasim 144 Kastalani Kasim Arsalan, (^i^^^ ^i)^^•««>Jl (♦■wlj, of Mashhad, a j)oet who was a descendant of Arsalan Jazib, a general of Sultan Malimud of Ghazni. He flourished in the time of the emperor Akbar, and was in great favour with that monarch. He died in 1587 A. D., 995 A. H., and has left a Diwan. Kasim Barid Shah I, Ji'-^ "^^.ji f***^^ was the founder of the Barid Shahf dynasty in the Dakhin. He was a Turkish or Georgian slave, hecame by degrees the wazir of Mahmud Shah II, king of the Dakhin, and assumed such power as to take upon himself the entire govern- ment of the kingdom. He treated the king as a mere pageant, and about the year 1492 A. D., 898 A. H., by the advice of 'Adil Shah, Nizam Shah and 'Imad Shah, became entirely independent, and leaving to the king- only the town and fort of Ahmadabad Bi'dar, read the public praj'ers and coined money in his own name. After having ruled his estate for a period of twelve years, during the lifetime of his sovereign, he died in the year 1504 A. D., 910 A. H., and his son Amir Barfd succeeded him in office, and assuming still greater power, deprived Mahmud Shah of what little power had been left him by his father. Seven persons of this family have reigned since their establishment in the capital of Ahmadabad Bidar ; their names are as follow : A. D. Kasim Barid I., Began 1492 Amir Barid, „ 1504 Ali Barid ; first who assumed royalty, , 1542 Ibrahim Barid Shah ,, 1562 Kasim Barid Shah II, „ 1569 All Barid Shah II, , 1572 Am'ir Barid Shah IT, „ 1609 Kasim Barid Shah II, 8^ 'Hj' (••"'^j succeeded his brother Ibrahim Barid Shah to the government of Ah- madabad Bidar in 1569 A. D., 977 A. H., and died after a reign of three years in 1572 A. D. Ho was succeeded by his son Mirza 'Ali Barid II, who was deposed after a reign of 27 years by his relative Amir Barid II who ascended the throne in 1609 A. D., and was the last of this dynasty. 4 Kasim Beg Halati, is^^^=^ r'"'-'^ Halati. Kasim Diwana, *^l5->i /♦•"^j a poet who was probably aUve in 1724 A. D., 1136 A. H., and is the author of a Diwan. Kasim Kadiri, Shaikh, (S)^^' f**^ ^i^j also called Shah Kasim Sulaimani, a Musalman saint whose tomb is at Chunar. His son Shaikh Kabir commonly called Bala Pii- is buried at Kanauj where he died in the year 1644 A. D., 1054 A. H. The shiine of Shah Kasim Sulaimani at Chunar is the only notable Muhammadan endowment in the Mirzapur District supported from the income of rent-free lands and a Ma'ash Rozina pension. Kasim Kahi, Matdana, is^^ (^'^^ ^h'^, a Sayyad, whose proper name was Najm-uddin and surname Abti'l Kasim. He was a pupil of 'Abdul Eahman Jami ; he accompanied Mirza Kamran, the brother of the emperor Humayun, on a pilgrimage to Mecca from Hirat, and after the death of that prince in 1557 A. D., 964 A. H., he came to India in the reign of the emperor Akbar. For a long period he remained with Bahadur Khan the brother of 'Ali Kuli Khan at Benaras, and after his de- mise he came to Agrah, where he passed the remainder of his life, and died there on the I7th of April, 1580 A. D., 2nd Rabi' II, 988 A. H., aged 110 lunar years. He was buried at Agrah at a place called Madar Darwaza. Maulana Kasim Arsalan another poet and Shaikh Fai/.i wrote the chronograms of his death. 'Abdul Kadir Badaoni calls him an atheist and a disgusting cynic. Kasim Khan, (*'"^*3 Subadar of Kabul in the reign of the emperor Akbar Shah. He was murdered by one Muhammad Zaman, who gave out that he was the son of Shahi-ukh Mu-za. He had held possession of Badak- shan for some years, but after his defeat by 'Abdullah Khan Uzbak, he came to Kabul and was confined by Kasim Khan whom he murdered about the year 1600 A. D., and was consequently put to death by Muhammad Hashim the son of Kasim Khan. Kasim Khan Jawini, Nawab, is^^^ (♦'"^ was a nobleman of the court of the emperors Jahangir, and Shah Jahan, and held the rank of 5,000. He was a native of Sabzwar and was married to iManija Begam, the sister of Nur Jahan, consequently he was sometimes in jest called by the officers of the court " Kasim Khan Manija." He is the author of a Diwan, and his poetical name is Kasim. He succeeded Fidai Khan in the government of Bengal in the first year of Shah Jahan 1628 A. D., 1037 A. H. He slew about 10,000 Portuguese (men and women) and drove the rest from Hugli, of which place he took jjossession and died three days after, 1631 A. D., 1041 A. H. Ho had built a very grand house at Agrah on 20 bighas of land and on 10 bighas of land the garden was built, of which no traces now remain. Kasim Khan, Shaikh, '^Jy^^ id^^ f*-^^^ . of Fathapur Sikrf, entitled Muhtashim Khan, brother of Islam Khan. He was a noble of the rank of 4,000, in the reign of the emperor Jahangir who appointed him governor of Bengal after the death of his brother in 1613 A. D., 1022 A. H. He invaded Asam, and his troops were mostly killed in a night-attack by the Asamis, on which account he was recalled to court and died some time after. Kasim Shah, (*'^^', vide Shah Kasim. Kasim Shirazi, c/jlr'i'" 1*^^, a native of Shiraz, and author of the " Timur-nama," a very beautiful poem on the conquest of Amir Timur.
Kasim Sulaimani, (Arabic characters)vide Kasim Kadiri.
Kasim Tibbi, ij^^ j*^^', author of an Insha.
Kasimi, t5***'^'j tis proper name is Maulana Majd-uddfn, a poet of Khwaf in Khurasan. He is the author of the work " Rauzat-ul-Khuld" which he wrote in imitation of the GuUstan of Sa'di.
Kasimi, (Arabic characters) (Dervish) of Tun in Persia, who
went about like a derwish and wrote poetry. He lived
in the 9th century of the Hijra.
Kasir, or Kathir Azza, one of the celebrated Arabian poets of the court of the Khalif 'Abdul Malik. Vide Jamil.
Kassab, (Arabic characters) the poetical name of an author.
Kastalani, cs^^'^'^*^ thesumameof Ahmad bin -Ali al-Kha-
tib. He is so called because he was born at Kastala. He
is the author of several works among which is the history
called " Mawahib Ladina," or " Mawahib-ud-Dunni,"
an accurate history of the first forty j'ears of Muhammad,
being the period previous to his assuming the prophetic
character. He died in the year 1517 A. D., 923 A. H.
Besides him there were other authors of this surname,
viz., Ahmad bin-Muhammad al- Kastalani, who died 1527
A. D., 933 A. H., Ahmad bin-Ibrahim bin-Yahya-al-
Yazdi-al-Kastalani, and MuUa Maslah-uddin Mustafa