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Nasr-ullah 209 Nihal sponsible king, Nasr-ullah died, leaving the throne to his son and successor Muzaffar-uddm who was living in 1873 A. D. Nasr-ullali bin-'Abdiillali al-Akhmi Alazhari, sijjj^^ a celebrated poet who died in the year 1173 A. D., 569 A. H. He is also called Kalakas, and Alaaz al-Iskandari. Nasir-uddin Shah, cri<>-'!^'*^, king of Persia, was born in 1831 A. D., was the eldest son of Muhammad Shah, tlie eldest son of 'Abbas Mirza, so well-known for his partiality to the English, and the great-grandson of Fatha 'All Shah. Nasir-uddm ascended the throne after the death of his father, on the 4th September, 18-18 A. D., in his 19th year. He visited Eussia, London, France, Germany &c. in 1873 A. D. Natik, iS)^^^'^^^ a poet of Naishapur, who came to India, and was the master of Jawahir Singh the poet. Natik, (3^ } the poetical name of Gul Muhammad Khan of Dehli. One of his works is called Jawhar ul-Muazzim. He died in 1848 A. D., 1264 A. H. Wawai, CjtLj^j the poetical name of Amir AHsher. Nawai, Millla, iJ^lr'^ <^'> ^ of Khurasan. He came to India and found a patron in prince Danial the son of Akbar, and died at Burhanpur in 1610 A. D., 1019 A. H. He is the author of a Diwan. Nawal Rae, Raja, (Sb ^b, Kayeth of the Saksena tribe in. the service of Nawab Safdar J ang ; was by degrees raised to higher rank with the title of Raja, and was appointed his deputy to settle the alFairs of the province of Farrukhabad which was seized by the Nawab after the death of its ruler Nawab Kaem Jang. Nawal Eae was slain in a battle fought against Ahmad Khan the brother of the late Nawab, on the 3rd August, 1750 A. D., 10th Ramazan 1163 A. H. Nawal Singh, Jy *^!;, the Jat Raja of Bhartpur who succeeded bis brother Eae Ratan Singh after the death of Kehri Singh his nephew, about the year 1769 A. D., 1183 A. H., and died in the year 1776 A. D. at the time when the fort of Dig was besieged by Nawab Najaf Khan. After his death his nephew Ranjit Singh, the son of Kehri Singh, the son of Surajmal Jat, succeeded him. Nawawi, «-ir^ iS^j the son of Sharaf whose proper name was Abu Zikaria Yehia ; is the author of several works on different subjects. One of his works is called " Tahzfb-ul-Asmae" a biographical dictionary of Illus- trious Men, another the " Fatawa-an-Nawawi" a collection of decisions of some note. He also composed a smaller work of the same nature, entitled " 'Uaiun-al-Masael al- Muhimmat" arranged in the manner of question and answer. He died 1278 A. D., 676 A. H. Nawazish Khan, cA)!^* author of the " Gulzar Danish." Nawedi, Lf^yj a poet who is the author of a Di'wan. He was living in 1645 A. D., 1055 A. H. This person appears to be another Nawedi besides the one whose proper name was Khwaja Zain-ul-'Abidin, which see. 53 Naweri, t^Lr'^'j an historian who wrote the Life of Sultan Bibars, the sovereign of Egypt. He died in 1331 A. D., 732 A. H. Nazari, Hakim, iS jiP (*^^; Nizarf (Hakim). Nazar Muhammad Khan, <>*s:*ji.j^ ^uler of Balkh. He was defeated by the emperor Shah Jalian and his country taken possession of by that monarch in 1646 A. D., 1056 A. H. Nazar Muhammad Khan, <x«.s'« ^oj^ Nawab of Bliopal succeeded his father Wazir Muhammad in March, 1816 A. D. Nazar, U'-'^r^, son of Shumfl, whose proper name is Abu'l Hasan Nazar, was an author of several works He died at Marv 820 A. D., 204 A. H. Nazir, ^/^A*, the poetical title of a poet of Agrah, whose proper name was Shaikh "Wali Muhammad. He is the author of a poem or Diwan containing Persian, Urdu and Hindi verses on different subjects. He has besides composed a "Tarjihband" in Urdu on the Pand-nama of Sa'di. He supported himself by teaching, and his poetry is much esteemed by the bazar people of Agrah. He died at Agrah on Monday the 16th August, 1830 A. D., 26th Safar, 1246 A. H., and is buried at Tajganj. Naziri, tffJ^^V LSji^, poetical title of Muhammad Husain of Naishapur. He came to India where he found a patron in 'Abdul Rahim Khan IvhanKhanan. In 1603 A. D., 1012 A. H. he made the pilgrimage to Mecca, and after his return he paid a visit to his patron and then settled in Ahmadabad, Gujrat, where he died in 1613 A. D., 1022 A. H. He is the author of a Persian Diwan. Nazim Hirwi, C5J (♦■^^^ a poet of Hirat, who is the author of a Diwan and a " Yiisaf Zalekha," which he completed in the year 1648 A. D., 1058 A. H. Nazir Bakhtyar Ehan, u^^^ a man of letters, who led a private life near Faridabad, within a few miles of Agrah, and is the author of the work called " Mirat 'Alam," or the Mirror of the World. This work contains the history of the first ten years of the emperor 'Alamgir. He is also caUed Bakhtawar Khan, which see. Nazim-ul-Mulk, Nazir-ul-Mulk, ^J^j^^ i^LJ^^j "Wazir-uddaula, the son of Mubarik-uddaula, the Nawab of Bengal whom he succeeded 28th September, 1793 A. D., and died in April, 1810 A. D. He was succeeded by his son Zain-uddin 'Ali Khan. Nekodar, j'l^^*^? surname of Aljmad Khan, king of Persia, which see. Neko Siar, Sultan, ^r^^^-* cj'^*-, son of Muhammad Akbar, the j'oungest son of 'Alamgir Aurangzeb. Nigahi, (Symbol missingArabic characters) of Aran near Kashan, is the author of a poem or Slasnawi called " Mukhtar-nama," of about 30.000 verses in the metre of the Shah-nama, and one caUcd " Mehr-wa-Mushtari," in imitation of Assar's Masnawi. Nihal Singh, Eaja of Kapurthala. He died in the year 1852 A. D., having made his last will and testament, in which he left the throne with nearly the