Rihi 225 Rukayya BiM, ij^J, poetical name of Majd-uddia TramTrar Farsi, which see. B.iTn, i^J} author of a coUection of poems on religions sntjects entitled " Duir-i-Akaed." Hijai, i^^J) poetical name of Hasan 'AK, a native of Hirat, ■who died in the year 1558 A. D., 965 A. H. Eind, poetical name of Sayrad ^Inhammad "KTiaTi, son of llirza Ghavas-nddin Muhammad Khan. Bahadur Xasrat Jang, who died in the year 1813 A. D.. 1228 A. H., at Lakhnau. Bind is the author of a Diwan in Urdu. He was living in 1850 A. D., 1267 A- H. Bind, ^^ri '^J} poetical name of Jani !Man>n Lai a Eaveth of Dehli. He is the author of a small Diwan in Persian which he published iu the year 1851 A. D. Hizk-ullah, S h a i k h,' i53>' ^tose poetical , name is ilubhtakL was the uncle of Shaikh 'Abdul Hak I biu-Saif-uddin of Dehli, and brother of Shaikh Xur-ul- Hak's grandJather. Shaikh Xur-ul-Hak being the son of "Abdul Hak. Eizk-ullah is the author of a history called " Waka'at Mushtaki" written by him in the reign of Sultan Sikandar. He was a Persian as well as a Hindi poet. In Persian compositions he used " ilushtakf ' for his poetical title, and in Hindi, " Eajan and he is also the author of a work in Hindi which he called "Jot Niranjan." He was bom in the year 1495 A. D., 901 A. H.. and died in 1561 A. D.. 969 A. H. He had eight brothers, all of whom were men of learning. Boshan 'Ara B e g a m, i:r*yj, the youngest daughter of shahjahan. She died about the year 1669 A. D., 1080 A. H., and is buried at Shahjahinabad in her own garden called the Grarden of Eoshan 'Ara. Boshan-uddaula BTistam Jang, (>^j whose proper name was Zafar TThan^ -was a noble- man of the reign of Muhammad Shah. He is the founder of the Sonahri Mas j id (golden mosque) at Dehli, situated near the Kotwali Chabutra, and built in the year 1722 A. D., 113i A. H. Another mosque or coUege called the ' Masjid of Eoshxm-uddaula, situated in the vicinity of ' Kaziwara at Dehli which he had inlaid all over with , gold, was bmlt by him in 1725 A. D., 1137 A. H. This is that college, on the roof of which !^^ adir Shah took ' post, and from whence he gave orders to slaughter the inhabitants of that city. Eoshan-uddaula died in the 14th year of Muhammad Shah 1732 A. D., 1145 A. H. Boshan-uddaula, Nawab, ^j^^ cr^jj? brother to the late Xizam of Haidarabad, died of apoplexy on the 27th July, 1870 A. D. Hounak, t^X, poetical name of Earn Sahae, a Hindu, who was an excellent Persian poet. Eounaki, lS^V> ^ poct of Ham dan who died in 1622 A. D., 1031 A. H. Eoz Afzun, Nazir, Lr- *^'>^ lyj j^' j Jj^^, a celebrated Khwaja Sara or eunuch of the emperor Mutiammad Shah. The garden called Bagh ^azir at Shahjahanabad. Dehli, was built by him iu the vear 1748 A. D.. 1161 A. H. Eoz Bih.an, Shaikh, a^.jjj ^i**> surname of Abu Muhammad ibn-Abi !S'asr-al-Bakili, a learned and -pious 57 Musalman who is the author of the commentary on the Kuran called " Tafsir Araesh," " Safwat-al-Masharib," and several other works. He died in Julv, 1209 A. D., Muharram 606 A. H., vide Abu Muhammad Eoz Bihan. Budaki, i^Jl) J, a celebrated Persian poet and musician who flourished in the reign of Amir Xasr the son of Ahmad Samani ; and though bom blind, soon attained, from the superiority of his genius, the highest rank at the court of that liberal ruler. History, indeed, gives no instance of a poet so honoured. His establishment was raised by Nasr to a level with that of the proudest nobles : and we may conjecture the style in which Eudaki lived, when assured that he was served by two hundred slaves, and that his equipment was conveyed, when he attended his patron in the field, by four hundred camels. He turned the Arabic translation of PUpay's Fables into modem Persian verse in 925 A. D., 313 A. H., and re- ceived from his royal master a reward of 40.000 dirhams. He is the first who wrote a Diwan or book of Odes in Persian. His original name is Farid-uddin 'Abu 'Abdullah, but he assumed the title of Eudaki from Eudak the place of his birth in Samarkand or Bukhara. His death happened in the year 954 A. D., 343 A. H. Bllhani, Amir, tr'^ij -ri^'j a most learned poet and philosopher. He was a native of Samarkand and a pupil of Eashidi. He fled from Bukhara, after that city was taken by Changez TThan about the year 1226 A. D., 623 A. H., and sought protection at Dehli in the reign of Sultan Altimsh, where he wrote many excellent poems. EuM Bagh d^'a d i, iS^^. ^^3^, a Turkish poet of celebrity. His satires are very forcible and striking, and his manner not unlike that of JuvenaL Buhi, is^J)} poetical name of Sayyad Ja'fer of Zanbirpur. He died in the year 1741 A. D., 1154 A. H., vide Sayyad Ja'fer. Buhul Am in Khan, Shaikh, J-=^ c^^^'c-JJ ^> son of Kazi Muhammad Sa'id of BUgram. He was related to Shaikh Alah Tar TThan the martyr, whose sister he married. He was an excellent poet and wrote a. poem containing 7.000 verses. He held the rank of 6.000 with a jagir and 2.000 sawars. He acted as deputy to Xawab Sij«hdar Khan, and after his death to Xawab Mubariz-ul-MuIk Sarbaland Shan, Subadar of Allahabad. He was subsequently made govemor of 22 inahala in the Panjab in the time of Muhanmiad Shah, and was killed in battle against Xadir Shah at Kamal on Tuesday the 13th of Febrnarv. 1739 A. D.. 15th Zi-Ka'da, 1151 A. H. Buh-ullah Khan, * •^JJj an Amir who held the high office of Mir Bakhshi or Pay Master General, in the reign of the emperor 'Alamgir. He died in the Dakhin in the 36th vear of the emperor, on the Sth of August, 1692 A. D., .5th Zil-hijja, 1103 A. H. After his death his son Khanazad KhAn , who was grand-steward of the emperors household and treasurer of the privy purse, was also honoured with the title of Euh-ullah Khan n. and died about the year 1703 A. D., 1115 A. H. Bukayya, a daughter of Muhammad. She was at first married to "Utba, the son of Abu Lahab, Muhammad's uncle, and after being divorced by him, was married to 'Usman the son of Aflan. She died about the month of March. 624 A. D., 2 A. H., a few days after the battle of Badar.
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