Shafari 243 Shahab-uddin several Masnawfs, one of wtich is called " Namakdan Haki'kat" the Salt-cellar of Truth. He died in 1628 A. D., 1037 A. H., vide Sharaf-uddin Hasan Shafai. Shafari, iS) "^j of the three authors who composed the poems entitled " Lamaat-ul-Arab." Shall Abbas I, W^^.^ ^i<^» ^^^as (Shah I.) Shah. Abbas II, tr'^^ vide Abbas (Shah II.) Shahab-uddin, KDi^^^ v't^j author of a Medical work in Persian, called " Asrar Atibha." Shahab-uddin Abu'l Fazl Ahmad-al-'Uskalani, ^^a~«j| .Xa^f (J^ftJ|_^Jt v'r^, author of a work on Traditions, entitled " Bulugh-al-Maram." an abridge- ment of which called " Muntakhib Bulugh-al-Marani" was printed at Calcutta with an interlinear Urdu transla- tion. 'Uskalani died in 144,8 A. D., 852 A. H., vide Ibn- Hajar. Shahab-uddin Adib Sabir, y}-'^ V^J' iv-i'^h a celebrated poet at the court of Sultan Sanjar Saljukf. He was a contemporary of Anwari and Kashidi, and was drowned in the river Jaihiin by order of Sultan Atsiz of Khwarizm who was an enemy of Sultan Sanjar. When Atsiz raised in Khwarizm the standard of revolt against Sanjar, the latter sent Adib as a spy to the court of Atsiz that he might continually keep him informed of the intentions of his enemy. It so happened that Atsiz despatched an assassin who was to murder Sanjar on Friday. Adib sent the intelligence of the plot and portrait of the assassin in advance to Sanjar. The plot was thus frustrated, but Adib paid with his life for his fidelity to his former patron. Atsiz ordered that his hands and feet be tied, and that he be thrown into the Oxus. This happened in 1152 A. D., 546 A. H. He has left a Diwan of Kasidas, caUed " Kasaed Adib Sabir." Shahab-uddin Ahmad bin-Mahmud-al-Siwasi, j_j«t^| o^s^ ^^♦•=»l e^Ji^-'l v^f^., author of a most celebrated Commentary on the Sirajia of Sajawandf. He died 1400 A. D., 803 A. H. Shahab-uddin Ahmad Talash, t^i"^ "^=>'t V^t*"} author of the " Tarikh Mulk Asham," which contains the account of an expedition imdertaken against the kingdom of Asam in the 4th year of the reign of 'Alamgir 1661 A. D., by Jluazzim Khan KhanKhanan, written in 1663. Tide Mir Jumla. Shahab-uddin Ahmad, <^*'^ lj^*- son of Muhammad Makdisi of Jerusalem, author of the " Sharah Lamia Shatibia." He died 1328 A. D., 728 A. H. There appears to be another Shahab-uddin the son of Yusaf Chilpi, who is said to be the author of the above work. He died in the year 1355 A. D., 756 A. H. Shahab-uddin Ahmad, u^'^-'t v't^j author of the " Fatawa Ibrahim Shahi" which was composed by order of Ibrahim. Shah of Jaunpiir in the ninth century of the Hijra. Shahab-uddin Burhanpuri, iSjy^^^y. (^l<*Jl author of the Fountain of Truth, called " A)'n-ul-Maani," an Essay on the knowledge of God, &:c., written in the year 1588, vide Majd-uddin Ahmad. Shahab-uddin Ahmad bin-Y a h i a, litJ V X"; an Arabian author who died in 1317 A. D. s } Shahab-uddin Burulusi, is^^y. uri*^' vV"^ author of a work on Siifpsm called " Durr-ul-Ghauwas." Shahab-uddin, Kazi, c5 c^'^i-'l {S^^y of Daulatabad, author of the Commentarj^ on the Kuran, called "Bahr ]Iauwaj," in Persian. He received the title of Malik-ul-'Ulma, king of the learned from Sultan Ibrahim Sharki of Jaunnflr, and died in the year 1437 A. D., 842 A. H. He is also the author of the work entitled " Munakib-us-Saadat." Shahab-uddin, Maulana, ^j^V, author of the marginal notes on the Kuran, caUed " Hashia Shahdb Hifachi." Shahab-uddin, Mua'mmai, t^'**^ u^J'XIi w't^, or the Punster. He accompanied the emperor Babar Shah to India ; was a good poet and wi-ote a book of Enigmas, ^ on account of which he received the title of Muammai or the Punster. He died in the reign of the emperor Humayun 1535 A. D., 942 A. H., and Khun- damir, the historian, found the year of his death in the words " Shahab-ul-Sakib" or Shahab the Sublime. Shahab-uddin Muhammad G h o r i, iS)y^ sj.^-^^ sumamed Moizz-uddin Muhammad Sam. He was appointed governor of Ghazni in 1174 A. D 570 A. H. by his elder brother Ghavas-uddin Muhammad Sultan of Ghor and Ghazni. He defeated and tooli prisoner Khusro Malik, the last prince of the race of the Ghaznavides 1186 A. D., 582 A. H., and subdued Khurasan and great part of India. He fought two battles with Pithoura the Kaja of Ajmeir, who was made prisoner and put to death along with Khande Eae, kin'» of Dehli in 1192 A. D., 588 A. H. His brother Ghavas-uddin died m 1203 A. D., 599 A. H., when he succeeded to the throne and reigned over Ghor, Ghazni and India three years. He was murdered by the Gihkars on his way to Ghazni on the 14th March, 1206 A. D., 2nd Shabdn, 602 A. H. after he had reigned 32 years from the commencement of his government over Ghazni, and 3 from his accession to the throne. His remains were taken to Ghazni and bui-ied there in a new vault which had been built for his daughter. He was succeeded by his nephew Ghayas- uddin Mahmud the son of Ghayas-uddin Muhammad. Shahab-uddin 'Umar, ^ J^, son of Sultan 'Ala-uddin Sikandar Sam', king of Dehli, vide Kafur and 'Ala-uddin. Shahab-uddin Suharwardi, cs'-^Jj^t^ ^i'^^ generally called Shaikh Maktiil, and Katil-uUah, because he was put to death by the famous general Salah- uddia (Saladin) of Aleppo, for ha-ing more philosophy than religion. According to the work called Haft Aklini he was starved or put to death at Aleppo in 1189 A D ' 685 A. H., aged 36 or 38 years. He is the author of the Commentaries called "Sharah Hayakal" and " Sharah Ayzah." In the 4th Vol. of Haji 'Khalfa p. 236, he IS said to he the author of another work called' "AklSui-kh." Shahab-uddin Suharwardi, Shaikh, t5'>i?/r» ^^iA ^-i, the son of Abu Najib ; was bom at Suharward in January, 1145 A. D., Eajab, 5.'?9 A H He was a pious Shaikh, most assiduous in his spiritual exercises and the practise of devotion. He is the author of several works, among which is one called " Awarif- ul-Maarif" also called " Awarif-ul-Uakaek." He died on the 26th September, 1234 A. D., ist Muharram, 63>
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