Shall 247 Ehahnawaz Kaula Devi, the wife of the raja, who embraced the Muhammadan faith ; an event which secured to him the countj-y which he had before nearly usurped. It is rela- ted by another author, that when preparations for the marriage were commenced, the devoted princess despair- ing and indignant, surrounded by her train of maidens, advanced into the presence of the usurper, and upbraid- ing him for his ingratitude and treacheiy, stabbed herself before him. Thus perished by her own hand the last Hindu sovereign of Kashmir, and Shah Mi'r, who is considered the first Muhammadan king of that country, ascended the throne under the title of Sultan Shams- uddin, in the year 1341 A. D., 742 A. H. ' He died in 1344 or 1349 A. D., 745 or 760 A. H., and was succeeded by his son Jamsheid. List of the Muhammadan Kings of Kashmir. 1. Sultan Shams-uddi'n Shah Mir. 2. Jamsheid, son of Shah Mir, reigned 14 months, and was expelled by his younger brother 'Ala-uddin 'Alfsheir, and slain. 3. 'Ala-uddin 'Alfsheir, son of Shah Mir, reigned 13 years. 4. Shahab-uddin, son of 'Ala-uddin reigned 19 years and died 1376 A. D. 5. Eutb-uddin, brother of Shahab-uddin, during whose reign the famous Sayyad 'Ali Hamdani arrived in Kashmir. He reigned 15 years. 6. Sikandar, surnamed Butshikan, who destroyed all images and subverted the Hindu religion, was the son of Kutb-uddin, and a contemporary of Amir Taimur. He reigned about 25 years. 7. 'All Shah, the son of Sikandar, reigned nearly 7 years. 8. Zain-ul-'Abidin, brother of 'AH Shah, reigned 52 years, and died about the year 1474 A. D. 9. Haidar Shah, son of Zain-ul-'Abidin, reigned little more than a year, and was killed by a fall from his palace. 10. Sult&n Hasan, son of Haidar Shah, reigned 12 years in excess and drunkenness. 11. Muhammad Shah, a child of seven years of age, son of Hasan Shah. He had several battles with Fatha Khan, and after a reign of 1 1 years was imprisoned by his imcle. 12. Fatha Khan, who took the title of Fatha Shah, reign- ed 10 years. Muhammad Shah re-ascended the throne in 1506 and reigned two months, and then Fatha Shah one year, after which Muhammad Shah ascended the throne the third time, and was deposed after a reign of 19 j'ears. He was once more raised to the throne and died in 1533 after an interrupted reign of 50 years. Ibrahim, the son of Muhammad, reigned 5 years. Mubarik Shah also called Nazuk and IBarbak, son of Ibrahim, ascended the throne and after a reign of 3 months was expelled by the army of the emperor Humayun, who being defeated by Sheir Shah in 1541, had fled his country, and had retreated to Labor, whence he sent an army under the command of Mirza Haidar Doghlat, who invading Kashmir, conquered that province, and reigned there 10 years. Mirza Haidar Doghlat, after a reign of nearly 10 years, was killed in a night-attack in 1551 A. D., 958 A. H. After his death, the leading men divided the country into three principalities among themselves, though for form's sake, Nazuk, the son of Ibrahim, was again seated on the throne, and was again deposed the second time, by his brother. Ibrahim II was placed on the throne by Daulat Chak, and after a short time was deposed and blinded, and his brother Isma'il was raised to the throne in 1556. He reigned nearly two years, and was succeeded by his son Habib who ascended the throne and reigned 3 years, after which he was imprisoned by Ghazi Chak. Gh cAzi Chak declared himself king and assumed the title of Ghazi Shah, and reigned 4 years, when being attacked with a leprosy, abdicated the throne in 1563 A. D. Husain Shah, his brother mounted the throne, reigned 6 years and was compelled to abdicate in favour of his brother 'AH Khan in 1569 A. D. 'All Shah ascended the throne in 1569, and in the year 1572, MuUa Ishkf and Kazi Sadr-uddi'n came as ambassadors from the court of Dehli, the result of which was that Akbar was proclaimed emperor of Kashmir in the public prayers; and 'AH Shah at the request of Akbar, sent his niece the daughter of his brother Husain Shah to be married to the prince Sali'm. _ In the year 1578, 'AH Shah was killed by a fall from his horse after a reign of 9 years and was suc- ceeded by his son. Yusaf Chak who proceeded to the court of Akbar in 1586 and his son. Takub Chak succeeded to the throne in consequence of his father's detention at the court of DehK. In the year 1687 A. D., 995 A. H. Akbar appointed Muham- mad Kasim Khan, Amir-ul-Bahr (Admiral) to march and subdue Kashmir. Takiib was defeated and at last seized and sent to Dehli in 1588, where Akbar enrolled Yusaf Shah and his son Yakub among the nobles of his government. Each of them received estates in the province of Behar, and from that period the kingdom of Kashmir has been a province of Dehlf. Shah Muhammad, Khalifa, Ci-^s^ sJiA^^ author of the book called " Inshae Jama-ul-Kawam'n," commonly called " Inshae Khalifa," containing iforms of letters. Shah Murad, vide Murad Mirza. Shahnawaz Khan, ly^^^J'y son of 'Abdul Eahim Khan KhanKhanan. His daughter was married to prince Shah Jahan. He died in the year 1028 A. H. Shahnawaa Khan, lyf^ jlj-^Al^, a nobleman of the reign of the emperor Shah Jahan, was the son of 'Asaf Khan wazir, and father-in-law of the emperor 'Alamgir, and of his brother prince Murad Bakhsh. But the author of the Masir-ul-Umra says that he was the son of Mirza Eustam Kandaharf. He was appointed governor of Gujrat in the room of the prince Murad Bakhsh who was imprisoned by order of his brother 'Alamgir in July, 1668 A. D. When Dara Shikoh through various adven- tures, after his flight from Multan, came to Ahmadabad Gujrat, Shahnawaz Khan his maternal uncle was then in that city, and his daughter the %vife of Murad Bakhsh was in his palace. Her bitter supplications against 'Alamgir, the impending murderer of her husband, pre- vailed on him to join the cause of Dara, for whom he levied an army, and marched with him towards Ajmeir where on their arrival, a bloody battle ensued between the armies of Dara and 'Alamgir, on Sunday the 13th of March, 1659 A. D., Jumada JI, 1069 A. H. which ended in the defeat and flight of Dara and death of Shah- nawaz Khan who fell by the lance of Dileir Khan. He was buried by the orders of 'Alamgir in the mausoleum of Khwaja Moi'n-uddfn Chishti at Ajmeir. Shahnawaz Khan, ty'^ J^^^y a nobleman of Shah 'Alam's coui-t, author of the book called Miraat-e-Aftab- numai a work on the history of Modern Dehlf. Shahnawaz Khan, jl^^*'-^ ^-fj*^' cr*^, entitled Samsam-uddaula. The original name of this nobleman was 'Abdul Eazzak ; he was descended from the family of Sadat of Khawaf in Khurasan, but his great-grand-
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