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Shams-uddin 254 Sharaf-uddin Shams-Tiddin Titsi, Kazi, t5~^'= c^^'^ one of the learned men of Khurasan, and an excellent poet, who attended the court of Nizain-ul-Mulk Wazir to Sultan Jalal-uddm Malikshah. He died about the year 473 A. H. Shams-ul-'Umra, Amir Kabir Nawab, i;'°^t o**"^ j"i^t, a nobleman or Amir-ul-'Umra of the court of the Nizam of Haidarabad. He was horn in 1780 A. D., and survived three suocpssive Nizams. The first was Nizam 'AH Khan by whom the nawab was originally appointed " Commander of the household troops," during- the troubled periods of Ti'pii Sultan's reign. On Nizam 'All's death in 1803 A. D., the Nawab lived to see Mir Akbar 'All alias Sikandar Jah, raised to the masnad, and subsequently on the decease of this prince in 1830, saw him succeeded by Nasir-uddaula, the late Nizam, from whom he received the title of " Amir Kabir" in acknowledgment of his services to the state. As a geometrician he stood unrivalled, and the compilation styled after himself " Shams-xil-Handisa" besides other works published by him on the Arts and Sciences, distinguish him as an author. He died on the 10th April, 1863 A. D., when he had just com- pleted the 83rd year of his age, and was the oldest nobleman then living in Haidarabad. He left two sons, both are good men. The elder of the two has in- herited his father's vast estates and his official titles. The younger received most of his father's immense wealth during his lifetime, and many jagirs since his death. Shams-un-N isa Begam, ^—^•'l o"*""' the daughter of Hakim Kamar-uddin Khan of Benares, but her place of residence is at Lakhnau. She is the author of a small Diwan and was living in the year 1272 A. H. Shani, l?^'"> ^ po^t who flourished in the reign of Shah Abbas I, king of Persia, and died in the year 1614 A. D., 1023 A. H. He is sometimes called Maulana Sham' Taklu. Shapur, JJ'v"j a poet' of Teheran who died 1638 A. D., 1048 A. H. His tomb is at a place called Surkhab in Tabreiz. He had the title of Malik- ush-Shoara or king of poets. I A Shaptir or Shahpur I, J^i^-^, (the Sapores of the Greeks) the second king of Persia of the Sasanian dynasty, was the son of Ardisheir Babigan. He began to reign about the year 240 A. D., and carried his arms into the Roman territories, gained many important victories over that nation, whose emperor, Valerian, he made prisoner and flayed him alive. According to Persian historians, Shaptir reigned 31 years, and died about the year 271 A. D. He was succeeded by his son Hurmuz I, the Hormisdes of the Greeks. Shapur II, JJ'v'"*'^ surnamed Zd'l Aktaf, was the son of Hurmuz II, king of Persia, and was born 310 A. D. a few months after the death of his father, on which account the Persian historians say, that his reign was a few months longer than his life. He died 381 A. D., aged 71 years. During his long reign, he raised his country to a state of the greatest prosperity ; having defeated all his enemies, and extended the limits of his empire in every direction. He was succeeded by his son Ardisheir II. Shapur III, Ji^^^^y the son of Shdpur II, and the uterine brother of Ardisheir II, whom he deposed, and mounted the throne of Persia 385 A. D. This prince who is described as virtuous and beneficent, reigned over Persia only five years. He was killed by the fall of his tent, the pole of which struck the monarch as he slept. Sharaf-ibn-Shams-u d d i n, cr** e^-!' author of the " Sharaf-nama" a Persian History of the Dynasties which have governed in Kurdistan. It was translated into English by Professor Charmoy. Sharaf Jahan, Mirza, w't^ «-lr" t^y, an author whose father Kdzi Jahan held a high appointment at the court of Shah Tahmasp Safwi, but being suspected of being a Sunni, he was deprived of it. Sharaf Jahan died in 1561 A. D., 968 A. H. Sharaf Kazwini, <^^l)J^ a poet who was a native of Kazwfn, and is the author of a Persian Diwan. He came to the Dakhin in the reign of 5utb Shah in whose service he died. Sharaf-uddin Ahmad Ahia Maneiri, Shaikh, iSj'iy Or^ ^i-^j a celebrated saint of Behar. He and his eldest brother Shaikh Jalal-uddm were the disciples of Shaikh Najm-uddin Firdausf. Sharaf-uddin was a contemporary of Shaikh Nizam-uddin Aulia. He resided at Behar, and is the author of the works called " Madan-ul-Maani," and " Mukatibat Ahia Maneiri," the latter contains the whole duty of a Sufi in a series of 250 letters addressed to his disciples and friends. He died in the year 1379 A. D., 781 A. H., and his tomb (an exact delineation of which has been given by Mr. Daniel) stands near the junction of the river Son with the Ganges, and is still the resort of devout Muham- madans. He is called Maneiri because he resided in a town called Maneir near Patna. The tomb of his father Shaikh Ahia or Yehia is in the town of Maneir. (Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. XIV, part I, pp. 138-140.) See also Shah Sharaf-uddin. Sharaf-uddin 'Ali Yezdi, Maulana, is^M (^jo.J| i^jM ^iij^^ a learned man and author of several works. He lived at the court of Sultan Ibrahim, the son of Shahrukh Mirza, at whose request he wrote in a beautiftil style, the " Zafar-nama," also called Tarikh Sahib Kirani," a history of the celebrated conqueror Amir Taimur (Tamerlane), whose dominions extended from the borders of China to the shores of the Mediterranean. This work was finished in four years and dedicated to Shahrukh Mirza, 1425 A. D., 828 A. H. It has been translated by P. De la Croix, and the heads of it may be found in Gibbon's sixth volume of the Decline of the Eoman Empire. Sharaf-uddin may be considered as the Panegyrist of Taimur, while the work of Ahmad-ibn- Arabshah is a coarse satire on that donqueror. He is also the author of the " Sharb Burda." Sharaf-uddin who used Sharaf for his poetical name, died about the year 1446 A. D., 850 A. H. Sharaf-uddin Ashrafl Samarkand i, ls'^ j*'* i^JixJl tir-^j a poet of Samarkand who died in the year 1199 A. D., 595 A. H. Sharaf-uddin Hasan Shafai of Isfahan, cs-'^*'*' ^^[S>J. ^^JO.J| o^. He is the author "of the following Masnawis or poems, viz., Namakdan Hakikat," " Mehr-o-Muhabbat," and " Dida Beidar." He died in the year 1628 A. D., 1038 A. H. Sharaf-uddin Husain, Mirza, (^^•^■'1 ^Xf", the son of Khwaja Moin who was of the race of Khwaja