Walidad 281 Wazir Walidad Khan and Ahmad 'Ali Khan, it)'-^ 'il'^Jj rebel leaders in Bulandshalir (N. W. P.) during the troubles of 1857. Wali Ealandar, J"^^ ls^'^j a poet who lived in the time of Baisanghar Mirza. Wali Muhammad Khan Uzbak, "-^^-i' J-=^ '^■^ king of Tiiran, was the son of Jam Beg Ehan by 'Abdullah Khan TJzbak's daughter. He was raised to the throne of Tiiran after the death of his brother Baki Beg Kian, and ■visited Shah Abbas king of Persia in 1611 A. D., 1020 A. H. He reigned 6 years and was killed in battle about the year 1612 A. D. Wali Muhammad, Hazrat, tsV-^ l5^j ^j-^=^, of Narnoul a Musalman saint who died on the 13th of November, 1647 A. D,, 25th Shawwal, 1057 A. H. Wali, Maulana, cs'^'i^ "^-^ a famous poet of Dasht Bayaz in Khurasan, who was a contemporary of Maulana Zamirf, and was put to death by order of Taimiir Sultan Uzbak, who had taken possession of Khu- rasan in the reign of Sultan Muhammad Khuda Banda, king of Persia who reigned from 1577 to 1588 A. D., 985 to 995 A. H. He is the author of a Persian Diwan. Vide Wali of Dasht Bayaz. Wali Kam, fb ^Jij a Hindu, who was usually called Banwali Das, is the author of a Masnawi. Wali-uUah, Maulwi Shah, ks^^i> ^t ijj iS^^'^} of Dehlf, author of the commentary on the Kur&n in Persian, entitled " Fath-ul-Eahman." Wali-uHah Husaini, Maulwi Muhammad, a^t^Jj ^■^s: (^^^^M^ author of a commentary on the Kuran, called " Nazm-ul-Jawahir," which he wrote in 182rA. D., 1236 A. H. Walid, C:^- '^^3^ the son of 'TJtba, was made governor of Medina by Mu'awia I, but was removed from the government of that city by Yezid I in favour of Amru the son of Said who was then governor of Mecca. Walid I, t^Jl"*^ t:r: ^^i, seventh Khalif of the house of Umayya. He succeeded his father ' Abdulmalik in Syria 705 A. D., 96 A. H., and died after a reign of 9 years and some months about the year 714 A. D. Spain was conquered in his time by his generals. He was succeeded by his brother Sulaiman. Walid II, 'Hji '^Si son of Yezid II, succeeded his uncle Hashim in Sj^ria as eleventh Khalff of the race of Umayya in 743 A. D., 126 A. H. He reigned little more than a year and was slain ia 744, when his son Yezid III, succeeded him. Wali-uddin 'Abu 'Atod-ullah Muhammad bin- 'Abdullah-al-Katib, Shaikh, i^aJl^ij ^-"j author of the " Mishkat-ul-Masabih" a new and augmented edition of the Masabih of Al- Baghwi, which he completed in 1336 A. D., 737 A. H. It is a concise collection of traditions, principally taken from the Six Books or Sahihs and arranged in chapters according to subjects. This collection was translated by (Japtain Matthews in 1809. Wamik, C^*l>> the celebrated lover of Azra. The poet Farkhari has written a poem on their love adventures. 71 Waraka, ^^J3, a lover, the name of whose mistress was Gulshah. Waraka bin-Naufat, J*^^ a cousin of Khu- dj'ja the wife of Muhammad. In the days of ignorance he learned the Chiistian religion, translated the gospel into Arabic, gave himself up to devotion, and opposed the worship of idols. He became a convert to Muham- madanism about the year 611 A. D., lived to a great age, and towards the end of his life became blind. Warusta, iS)y^'^^ **r;l>j a poet of Labor, who is the author of a work called " Jang Eangarang," being a collection of verses of all the poets who have written on different matters. He was livin"; in 1766 A. D., 1180 A. H. Wasfi, cs^'^J, vide Abdullah Tirmizf. Wasik or Wathik Billah, V'^ a Khalifa of Baghdad. Tide Al- Wasik Billah. Wasik, Mulla, t>^!j name of a poet, Wasih, (^'b^'^, 'Ala-ud-din (Sayyad). Wasil Khan of Kashmir, isyf^^^^=^ (-Utj, author of the " Maharaj-nama, in the Preface of which he praises Nawab 'Asaf-uddaula, Maharaja Nirmal Das and Lala Hulas Eae. Wasili, i^'^'j, poetical appellation of Mir Imam Wardi Beg, who is the author of a Diwan, and was living at Lakhnau in 1780 A. D., 1194 A. H. Wasli, iJ-^i, the poetical title of 'Aka Tahir the father of Sadik Khan. Wasti, cs^-"Lj, poetical name of Mfr 'Abdul Jalfl Bilgrami, which see. Watwat, •'=l>^j, the nickname of the poet Eashidi, which see. It is also the surname of Muhammad bin-Ibrahim, the son of Ahia the son of 'Ali-al-Katibi, an Arabian author. Wazah, '^h, the poetical title of Mirza Mubarik styled Iradat Khan the grandson of Nawab 'Azim Khan of the time of Jahangir. He took instructions in the art of poetry from Mir Muhammad Easikh and became an ex- cellent poet ; but in the latter part of his life, he led a retired life, became a Kalandar and died in 1716 A. D., 1128 A. H. Vide Iradat Khan. Wazah, ^^'jj poetical name of 'Aka 'Ali Asghar who was originally a manufacturer of gold thread. He was living in 1720 A. D., 1132 A. H., and is the author of a Diwan. Wazir, ^Ju, the poetical title of Khwaja Wazir son of Khwaja Fakir of Lakhnau. He died in 1854 A. D., 1270 A. H., and is the author of a Diwan in Urdu. Wazir, t5j'->> poetical name of Shaikh Wazir, author of two Diwans, Persian and Urdu. Wazir 'Ali Khan, i^J^hi for a short time Nawab of Lakhnau, was the adopted son of Nawab 'Asaf-uddaula on whose death in September, 1797 A. D., he was raised to the masnad of Audh at Lakhnau, but after a short
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