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Baha 65 Bahu Sliawwil, 1030 A. H., and was 'buried, agreeably to hia request, at Mashhad. Imad-uddaula Abii Talib, the prime minister of Shah 'Ahhas, found the chronogram of the year of his death in the words " Shaikh Baha-uddin Wac." Besides the above-mentioned Masnawi and many Arabic ■works, he has left a Diwan and a Kashkol, or Adversaria. Baha-uddin Muhammad, <-^i^^ ^i-^, Jalal or Jalil (Shaikh) of 'Amil. This person is men- tioned by H. M. Elliot, Esq., in his "Historians of India," and appears to be the same with the preceding. He was a Persian mathematician, says he, and lived in the reign of Shah 'Abbas the Great. He was celebrated among his countrymen for a supposed peculiar power which he possessed over the magi and writers of talismans, and was one of the most pious devotees of his time. His works on various subjects are much read in Persia, par- ticularly one entitled "Kashkol," or the Beggar's Wallet, being an universal misceUany of literature. The " Ja'ma' ul-Abbasf," a concise and comprehensive treatise on Shia law in twenty books, is generally considered as the work of Baha-uddin Muhammad 'Amilf, but that lawyer only lived to complete the first five books, dedicating Ids work to Shah 'Abbas. The remaining fifteen books were subse- quently added by Nizam Ibn-Husain-al-SawaL Baha-uddin Nakshband (Khwaja), e:!'^-" ^^t^'^, a famous learned Musalman who died on Mon- day the 1st of Slarch 1389 A. D., 2ud Kabf I, 791 A. H., and was buried at Bukhara. Baha-uddin Wakshband (Shaikh,) -^^^^i ui^^^ 't^ t^^.-^} a celebrated saint and the founder of an Order of Sufis, distinguished by the title of Nakshbandi. He is the author of the " Haiat Nama," an esteemed moral poem. He died at Harafa in Persia 14-53 A. D., 857 A. H. He appears also to be the author of a work on Sufiism called " Dalfl-ul-'Ashikin." Baha-uddin Sam, iDi^^^ ^, son of Ghayas-uddin Mahmud, king of Ghor and Ghazni. He succeeded his father in 1210 A. D., 607 A. H., at the age of fourteen years, but was after three months defeated by Ala-uddin Atsiz, son of Jahaii S6z, who reigned four years in Ghor and Ghazni, and fell in battle against Taj-uddin Elduz in 1214 A. D. Baha-uddin Sam was, after his defeat, taken captive by the governor of Hirat, and sent to Khwarizm Shah, who at the time of the invasion of Chingiz Khan, threw him along with his brother into a river where both were drowned. Baha-uddin Shirazi, is)ji^ '■ii, a celebrated Kazi of Shiraz, who died in the year 1380 A. D., 782 A. H. Baha-uddin Wald (Maulana), "^h i:^*^' ^ ^h^, a native of Balkh and the father of the celebrated Jalal- Tiddia Maulawi Rumf. He flourished and enjoyed distin- guished honors in the time of Sultan Muhammad, surnamed Kutb-uddin of Khwarizm. He was an enthusiastic fol- lower of the doctrine of the Sufis, and became so cele- brated as a preacher and expounder, that people flocked from all parts of Persia to hoar him discourse. In the latter part of his life, he left his native country and went and dwelt at Konia (Iconium) in Asiatic Turkey, where he died about the year 1230 or 1233 A. D., 628 or 631 A. H., and his son succeeded him as the head of the sect. Baha-uddin Zikaria (Shaikh), kj^j ui"^^^ M a Muhammadan saint of Multan, was the son of Kutb-uddin Muhammad, the son of Kamal-uddin Kureshi. He was bom at Kotkaror in Multan in 1170 A. D., 665 A. H. After his studies he journeyed to Baghdad and became a disciple of Shaikh Shahab-uddin Suharwardi. He after- wards returned to Multan where he became intimate wth Farfd-uddin Shakarganj. He died at Multan on the 7th November, 1266 A. D., 7th Safar, 665 A. H., aged 100 lunar years, and is still considered one of the most revered saints of India. He left enormous wealth to his heii's. His son Shaikh Sadi--uddfn died at Multan in 1309 A. D., 709 A. H. Baha-uddin, iDi'^^ ^t?, (Badi'-uddm or Bogo-neddin) a Muhammadan saint whose tomb is in the neighbourhood of Bukhara, called Mazari Bogo-neddi'n. During the inva- sion of the Russians at that place, it is said, that a book, written in verso in the Persian language, was found in the tomb of this saint. It is said in this book that in the 82nd year of the Hijrah (1865 A. D.,) the Chtistians will rush upon Tashkand like a river. In the 84th year (1867 A. D.,) they will occupy Samarkand, and sweep it away like a prickly thorn. In the 88th year (1871 A. D.,) the Christians will take Bokhara, and convert it into a level like the steppe. In the year 90th but one (1872) the Khwarizmians will run out of their own accord to meet them like children. Bahishti, ls-*^^, poetical name of Sheikh Eamzan, the son of ' 'Abdul Muhsin, an author who died 1571 A. D., 979 A. H. Bahjat, '^^^^ or Behjat, author of a Dfwan which contains chiefly Ghazals, and at the end a very silly Kaseada in. praise of the Europeans. He was living in Lakhnau in 1797 A. D., 1212 A. H. Bahlol, '^J^) who lived during the reign of the khalif Harun-al-Rashid, was one of those people who pass amongst the Musalmans either for saints or madmen. Although surnamed Al-SIajnun, or the Fool, he was pos- sessed of a great deal of wit. Bahloli, Jj^^; a poet whose Diwan was found in the Library of Ti'pu Sultan. Bahlol Lodi (Sultan), c^-^y J^t- ^v^^, a king of Dehli of the tribe of Afghans called Lodi. His father Malik Kala was the son of Ibrahim Khan or Malik Bah- ram governor of Multan. In the j'ear 1450 A. D., 854 A. H., Bahlol, during the absence at Badaon of Sultan Ala-uddin, son of Muhammad Shah, took possession of Dehli. He, however, gave place to the name of the Sul- tan for some time in the khutba ; but when that prince jjromised to cede to him the empire, upon condition that he would permit him to live quietly in the possession of Badaon, Sultan Bahlol immediately threw the name of 'Ala-uddin out of the khutba and caused himself to be crowned on the 18th of January, 1452 A. D., 25th Zil-hijja, 855 A. H. Bahlol reigned 38 lunar years, seven months and seven days, and died on the 1st of July, 1489 A. D., 2nd Sha'ban, 894 A. H. He is buried at Dchlf near the tomb of Nasir-uddin Mahmud, surnamed Chiragh Dehli, a Musalman saint, and was succeeded by his son Nizam Khan, who assumed the title of Sikandar Shah. The foUoxoing is a list of the kings of Dehli of the tribe of Lodi Afghans. Bahlol Lodi. Sikandar Shah, son of Bahlol. Ibrahim Husain, son of Sikandar who was the last of this race, and was defeated by Babar Shah. Bahman, l:r»to ancient king of Persia, better kno-(vn in history by his title of Ardisher Darazdast, which see. Bahman Yar Khan, tir+f", son of Shaista Khan and grandson of Asaf Khan, a nobleman of the court of the emperor 'Alamgir. Bahu Begam, f*^^ ^V-; the mother of Nawab Asf-uddaula of Lakhnau. She died on the 28th December 1815. 17