Pakhri 85 Fakhr the annual value of 14 lakhs of rupees. He chose the city of Eampiir as the place of his residence, and after an uninterrupted and prosperous administration of 20 years, he died in September, 1794 A. D., Safar 1209 A. H., arid was succeeded by his eldest son Muhammad 'AH Khan. This prince, in the course of a few days, in 1794 was im- prisoned and assassinated by his younger brother Ghulam Muhammad, who forcibly took possession of the govern- ment. The English, having espoused the cause of Ahmad All, the infant son of the murdered prince, defeated and took Ghulam Muhammad prisoner at Bithoura. He was conveyed to Calcutta, where, under pretence of going on a pilgrimage to Mecca, he embarked on board a ship, probably landed at one of the ports in Tfpu Sultan's dominions, and thence made his way to the court of Kabul in 1797 A. D., 1212 A. H., where, united with the agents of Tfpu in clamours against the English, he urged Zaman Shah, the son of Taimur Shah, to invade Hindustan, promising that, on his approach to Dehli, he should be joined by the whole tribe of Kohelas. The Nawab Ahmad Ali Khan died about the year 1839 A. D., 1255 A. H. After the death of Ahmad AH Khan, Muhammad Said Khan ascended the Masnad in 1840; after him Muham- mad Yusuf AH Khan succeeded in 1855, who was Hving in 1872. Fakhri, <sy^ j son of Moulana Sultan Muhammad Amiri of HLrat. He is the author of the " Jawahir-ul-'Ajaeb," Gems of Curiosities, being a biography of poetesses. He informs us that with the intention to perform the pilgrim- age to Mecca, he came during the reign of Shah Tahmasp Husaini to Sindh, the ruler of that country was then Tsa Turkhan (who died about the year 1666 A. D., 974 A. H.). Ilahi the poet calls the above-mentioned work " Tazkirat-ul-Nisa." He is also the author of the " Tahfat- ul-Habib," a collection of Ghazals from the best authors. !Pakhri, CS>^j ^ poet ^^'^ wrote a Diwan of 10,000 verses in which he imitated most of the ancient masters, but as he had not much education, he was not acknow- ledged by other poets. He dug a grave for himself outside the Isfahan Gate and made himself a tomb-stone, and visited his grave every Friday. He was living in 1585 A. D., 993 A. H. Fakir (Mir Shams-uddin), ^ahj tyJi^^t of Dehli, who had also the poetical name of Maftun. From Dehli he went to Lakhnau in 1765 A. D., 1179 A. H., and is said to have been drowned about the year 1767. He is the author of a Diwan and also of a Mas- nawi called " Taswir Muhabbat," containing the story of Eam Ch'ind, the son of a betol-vender, composed in 1743 A. D., 1166 A. H., and of several other poems. Fakir, poetical name of Mir Nawazish 'AH of Bil- garam. He died in the year 1754 A. D., 1167 A. H. Fakhr-uddin, 'c^i'^^^j^ , one of the princes of the Druses, who, early in the 17th centurj'-, conceived the idea of rendering himself independent of the Porte. He was betrayed, carried a prisoner to Constantinople, where he was strangled by order of Sultan Mui-ad IV. in 1631 A. D., 1041 A. H. FaktLr-uddin Abu Muhammad-bin- Ali az-Zailai, U^^-j C5^* ^^■'^^^ -r^*; author of a Com- mentary on the Kanz-ul-Dakaek, entitled " Ta'ba'm-ul- Hakaek" which is in great repute in India, on account of its upholding the doctrines of the Hanafi sect against those of the followers of Shafa'i. He died in 1342 A. D., 743 A. H. 22 Fakhr-uddin Bahman, (Malik), ^iH'^' j^' ^Lo^ third Sultan of the dynasty of Kart or Kard, was the son of Malik Shams-uddfn Kart II, whom he suc- ceeded to the throne of Hirat, Balkh and Ghazni in Sep- tember, 1305 A. D., 705 A. H. He was contemporary with Sultan Aljaitu, surnamed Muhammad Khuda Banda, king of Persia, who sent an army against him which he defeated. He died about the beginning of the year 1307 A. D., 706 A. H., and was succeeded by his brother Malik Ghayas-uddin Kart I, who died in 1329 A. D. Fakhr-uddin Iraki (Shaikh), iJb^ was the son of Shaikh Shahab-uddin's daughter, and disciple of Shaikh Baha-uddin Zikaria of Multan, whose daughter he married. He died on the 23rd November, 1289 A. D., 8th ZH-ka'da 688 A. H., and lies bui-ied at Damascus. He was a native of Irak, and assumed the poetical name of Iraki in his poetry. ' Doulat Shah says that 'Iraki died during the reign of Muhammad Ivhuda Banda in the year 1307 A. D., 709 A. H. Vide Iraki. Fakhr-uddin Ismat-ullah Bukhari, i^j^- '■^^ i^^^hj^. He died in 1426 A. D., 829 A. H., vide Asmat. Fakhr-uddin Junan (Malik), ^J^j=i- ^.■^b^ i-^", eldest son of Sultan Ghayas-uddin Tughlak Shah I. On the accession of his father to the throne of Dehli. he was declared heir-apparent, with the title of Ulagh Khan, and all the royal ensigns conferred upon him. The names of his other brothers were Bahium Khan, Zafar Khan, Mah- mud Khan and Nasrat Khan. After the death of his father in 1325 A. D., 725 A. H., he succeeded him with the title of Muhammad Shah Tughlak I. Fakhr-uddin Kha'lidi (Maidana), ^s'^^^ (^'^•'ir^' ^"^y, who was commonly called " Bihishti," is the au- thor of a work called " Sharah-Faraez." He was the master of Moulana Mo'in-uddin Jawlnf. Fakhr-uddin Mahmud Amir, >>^*^c.'i^-'Lr^^ ^i'"', son of Amir Yemin-uddin Muhammad Mustufi. He is generally known by his Takhallus or poetical name, Ibn Yemin, i. e., the son of Yemin-uddin. According to Dr. Sprenger's Catalogue, he died in 1344 A. D., 745 A. H., and left panegyrics on the Sarabdal princes and some ghazals, but it is particularly his Kita's which are celebrated. Vide Amir Mahmud. Fakhr-uddin Malik, tiri'^^l j^' '^'o, vide Malik Fakhr-uddin, king of Bengal. Fakhr-uddin Mirza, e.'rl'^-'l by, the eldest son of Bahadur Shah II, ex-king of Dehli. He died before the rebellion, on 10th July, 1856. Fakhr-uddin (Moulana), ui'^'[y' ^^y, son of Nizam-ul-Hak, was _ styled Saiyad-ush-Shua'ra, or chief of the poets. He is the author of several works, among- which are the foUowing "Nizam-ul-'Akaed," "Eisala Mar- jia" and " Fakhi--ul-Hasn." He died in the year 1785 A. D., 1199 A. H., aged 73 years, and Hes buried close to the gate of the Dargah of Kutb-uddin Baklityar Kaki in old Dehli. His tomb is of white marble and has an inscrip- tion mentioning his name and the year of his demise. His grandson Ghulam Nasir-uddfn, surnamed Kali Sahib, was a very pious and learned Musalman ; he too was a good poet and died in the year 1852 A. D., 1268 A. H.
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