other things to which the objection wouldn't apply."
"You see how it applies—in the case of the Moretto—for him. A mere Moretto," said Lord Theign, "is too cheap—for a Yankee 'on the spend.'"
"Then the Mantovano wouldn't be."
"It remains to be proved that it is a Mantovano."
"Well," said Lord John, "go into it."
"Hanged if I won't!" his friend broke out after a moment. "It would suit me. I mean"—the explanation came after a brief intensity of thought—"the possible size of his cheque would."
"Oh," said Lord John gaily, "I guess there's no limit to the possible size of his cheque!"
"Yes, it would suit me, it would suit me!" the elder man, standing there, audibly mused. But his air changed and a lighter question came up to him as he saw his daughter reappear at the door from the terrace. "Well, the infant horde?" he immediately put to her.
Lady Grace came in, dutifully accounting for them. "They've marched off—in a huge procession."