fully laughed, "as I wish you were on mine!" Decidedly none the less, he had to go. "Good-bye—for another look here!"
He reached the doorway of the second room, where, however, his companion, freshly alert at this, stayed him by a gesture. "How much is she really worth?"
"'She'?" Hugh, staring a moment, was miles at sea. "Lady Sandgate?"
"Her great-grandmother."
A responsible answer was prevented—the butler was again with them; he had opened wide the other door and he named to Mr. Bender the personage under his convoy. "Lord John!"
Hugh caught this from the inner threshold, and it gave him his escape. "Oh, ask that friend!" With which he sought the further passage to the staircase and street, while Lord John arrived in charge of Mr. Gotch, who, having remarked to the two occupants of the front drawing-room that her ladyship would come, left them together.