She didn't falter. "Never again."
Ah then he understood. "But he wouldn't let that serve———?"
"Not for the price I put on it."
"His yielding on the picture?"
"His yielding on the picture."
Hugh lingered before it all. "Your proposal wasn't 'good enough'?"
"It wasn't good enough."
"I see," he repeated—"I see." But he was in that light again mystified. "Then why are you therefore not free?"
"Because—just after—you came back, and I did see you again!"
Ah, it was all present. "You found you were too sorry for me?"
"I found I was too sorry for you—as he himself found I was."
Hugh had got hold of it now. "And that, you mean, he couldn't stomach?"
"So little that when you had gone (and how you had to go you remember) he at once proposed, rather than that I should deceive you in a way so different from his own———"
"To do all we want of him?"
"To do all I did at least."