He had recovered his hat and reached the other door, whence he gesticulated farewell to the elder lady. "Please pardon me"—and he disappeared.
Lady Sandgate hereupon stood for a little silently confronted with the girl. "Have you freedom of mind for the fact that your father's suddenly at hand?"
"He has come back?"—Lady Grace was sharply struck.
"He arrives this afternoon and appears to go straight to Kitty—according to a wire that I find downstairs on coming back late from my luncheon. He has returned with a rush—as," said his correspondent in the elation of triumph, "I was sure he would!"
Her young friend was more at sea. "Brought back, you mean, by the outcry—even though he so hates it?"
But she was more and more all lucidity—save in so far as she was now almost all authority. "Ah, hating still more to seem afraid, he has come back to face the music!"
Lady Grace, turning away as in vague despair for the manner in which the music might affect him, yet wheeled about again, after