the stupid ambiguous point that these two 'articles' (the greatest of Morettos an 'article'!) haven't been 'by now' proved different: as if I engaged with him that I myself would so prove them!"
Lord John indulged in a pause—but also in a suggestion. "He must allude to your hoping—when you allowed us to place the picture with Mackintosh—that it would show to all London in the most precious light conceivable."
"Well, if it hasn't so shown"—and Lord Theign stared as if mystified—"what in the world's the meaning of this preposterous racket?"
"The racket is largely," his young friend explained, "the vociferation of the people who contradict each other about it."
On which their hostess sought to enliven the gravity of the question. "Some—yes—shouting on the house-tops that's a Mantovano of the Mantovanos, and others shrieking back at them that they're donkeys if not criminals."
"He may take it for whatever he likes," said Lord Theign, heedless of these contributions, "he may father it on Michael Angelo