Page:The Outline of History Vol 2.djvu/629

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133. Attalus bequeathed Pergamum to Rome. Tiberius Gracchus killed.
121. Caius Gracchus killed.
118. War with Jugurtha.
106. War with Jugurtha ended.
102. Marius drove back Germans.
100. Triumph of Marius. (Wu-ti conquering the Tarim Valley.)
  91. Social war.
  89. All Italians became Roman citizens.
  86. Death of Marius.
  78. Death of Sulla.
  73. The revolt of the slaves under Spartacus.
  71. Defeat and end of Spartacus.
  66. Pompey led Roman troops to the Caspian and Euphrates. He encountered the Alani.
  64. Mithridates of Pontus died.
  53. Crassus killed at Carrhæ. Mongolian elements with Parthians.
  48. Julius Cæsar defeated Pompey at Pharsalos.
  44. Julius Cæsar assassinated.
  31. Battle of Actium.
  27. Augustus Cæsar princeps (until 14 A.D.).
    4. True date of birth of Jesus of Nazareth.
 A.D. Christian Era began.
    6. Province of Mœsia established.
    9. Province of Pannonia established. Imperial boundary carried to the Danube.
  14. Augustus died. Tiberius emperor.
  30. Jesus of Nazareth crucified.
  37. Caligula succeeded Tiberius.
  41. Claudius (the first emperor of the legions) made emperor by pretorian guard after murder of Caligula.
  54. Nero succeeded Claudius.
  61. Boadicea massacred Roman garrison in Britain.
  68. Suicide of Nero. (Galba, Otho, Vitellus, emperors in succession.)
  69. Vespasian began the so-called Flavian dynasty.