Page:The Outline of History Vol 2.djvu/634

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  802. Egbert, formerly an English refugee at the court of Charlemagne, established himself as King of Wessex.
  810. Krum of Bulgaria defeated and killed the Emperor Nicephorus.
  814. Charlemagne died, Louis the Pious succeeds him.
  828. Egbert became first King of England.
  843. Louis the Pious died, and the Carlovingian Empire went to pieces. Until 962 there was no regular succession of Holy Roman Emperors, though the title appeared intermittently.
  850. About this time Rurik (a Northman) became ruler of Novgorod and Kieff.
  852. Boris first Christian King of Bulgaria (to 884).
  865. The fleet of the Russians (Northmen) threatened Constantinople.
  886. The Treaty of Alfred of England and Guthrum the Dane, establishing the Danes in the Danelaw.
  904. Russian (Northmen) fleet off Constantinople.
  912. Rolf the Ganger established himself in Normandy.
  919. Henry the Fowler elected King of Germany.
  928. Marozia imprisoned Pope John X.
  931. John XI Pope (to 936).
  936. Otto I became King of Germany in succession to his father, Henry the Fowler.
  941. Russian fleet again threatened Constantinople.
  955. John XII Pope.
  960. Northern Sung Dynasty began in China.
  962. Otto I, King of Germany, crowned Emperor (first Saxon Emperor) by John XII.
  963. Otto deposed John XII.
  969. Separate Fatimite Caliphate set up in Egypt.
  973. Otto II.
  983. Otto III.
  987. Hugh Capet became King of France. End of the Carlovingian line of French kings.
1013. Canute became King of England, Denmark, and Norway.
1037. Avicenna of Bokhara, the Prince of Physicians, died.
1043. Russian fleet threatened Constantinople.