Page:The Outline of History Vol 2.djvu/643

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Rome. The Pan-slavic conference at Prague. All Germany united in a parliament at Frankfort. German unity destroyed by the King of Prussia.
1851. The Great Exhibition of London.
1852. Napoleon III Emperor of the French.
1854. Perry (second expedition) landed in Japan. Nicholas I occupied the Danubian provinces of Turkey.
1854-56. Crimean War.
1856. Alexander II of Russia.
1857. The Indian Mutiny.
1858. Robert Owen died.
1859. Franco-Austrian war. Battles of Magenta and Solferino.
1861. Victor Emmanuel First King of Italy. Abraham Lincoln became President U.S.A. The American Civil War began.
1863. British bombarded a Japanese town.
1864. Maximilian became Emperor of Mexico.
1865. Surrender of Appomattox Court House. Japan opened to the world.
1866. Prussia and Italy attacked Austria (and the south German states in alliance with her). Battle of Sadowa.
1867. The Emperor Maximilian shot.
1870. Napoleon III declared war against Prussia.
1871. Paris surrendered (January). The King of Prussia became William I, "German Emperor." The Hohenzollern Peace of Frankfort.
1875. The "Bulgarian atrocities."
1877. Russo-Turkish War. Treaty of San Stefano. Queen Victoria became Empress of India.
1878. The Treaty of Berlin. The Armed Peace of forty-six years began in western Europe.
1881. The Battle of Majuba Hill. The Transvaal free.
1883. Britain occupied Egypt.
1886. Gladstone's first Irish Home Rule Bill.
1888. Frederick II (March), William II (June), German Emperors.
1890. Bismarck dismissed. Heligoland ceded to Germany by Lord Salisbury.