Page:The Outline of History Vol 2.djvu/646

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ä as in far (fär), father (fä′ thũr), mikado (mi kä′ dō).
ǎ "" fat (făt), ample (ǎmpl), abstinence (ăb′ stin ens).
ā "" fate (fät), wait (wāt), deign (dān), jade (jād).
aw "" fall (fawl), appal (a pawl′), broad (brawd).
â "" fair (fâr), bear (bâr), where (hwâr).
e "" bell (bel), bury (ber′ i).
ē "" beef (bēf), thief (thēf), idea (ī dē′ ă), beer (bēr) casino (kă sē′ nō).
i "" bit (bit), lily (lil′ i), nymph (nimf), build (bild).
ī "" bite (bīt), analyze (ăn′ ă līz), light (līt).
o "" not (not), watch (woch), cough (kof), sorry (sor′ i).
ō "" no (nō), blow (blō), brooch (brōch).
ŏ "" north (nǒrth), absorb (ăb sǒrb′).
oo "" food (food), do (doo), prove (proov), blue (bloo), strew (stroo).
u "" bull (bul), good (gud), would (wud).
ǔ "" sun (sǔn), love (lǔv), enough (ē nǔf′).
ū "" muse (mūz), stew (stū), cure (kūr).
ũ "" her (hũr), search (sũrch), word (wũrd), bird (bũrd).
ou "" bout (bout), bough (bou), crowd (kroud).
oi "" join (join), joy (joi), buoy (boi)

A short mark placed over italic a, e, o, or u (ă, ě, ŏ, ŭ), signifies that the vowel has an obscure, indeterminate, or slurred sound, as in:—

advice (ǎd vīs′), current (kŭr′ ĕnt), notion (nō′ shŭn),
breakable (brā′ kǎ bl), sailor (sä′ lŏr), pleasure (plezh′ ŭr).


"s" is used only for the sibilant "s" (as in "toast," tōst, "place," plās); the sonant "s" (as in "toes," "plays") is printed "z" (tōz, pläz).

"c" (except in the combinations "ch" and "ch"), "q" and "x" are not used.

b, d, f, h (but see the combinations below), k, l, m, n (see n below), p, r, t, v, z, and w and y when used as consonants have their usual values.

ch as in church (chũrch), batch (băch), capriccio (kä prē′ chō).
ch "" loch (loch), coronach (kor′ o näch), clachan (klăch′ än).
g "" get (get), finger (fing′ gũr).
j "" join (join), judge (jŭj), germ (jũrm), ginger (jin′ jĕr).

gh (in List of Proper Names only) as in Ludwig (lut′ vigh).

hl ("""") "" Llandeilo (hlăn dī′ lō).

hw as in white (hwīt), nowhere (nō′ hwâr).

n "" cabochon (kä bō shon′), congé (kon′ zhä).

sh "" shawl (shawl), mention (men′ shŭn).

zh "" measure (mezh′ ŭr), vision (vizh′ ŏn).

th "" thin (thin), breath (breth).

th "" thine (thīn), breathe (brēth).

The accent (′) follows the syllable to be stressed.