Page:The Oxford book of Italian verse.djvu/551

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all modelled on Latin drama. [La Cassaria, Venezia, 1587; Gli Suppositi, Venezia, 1587; Orlando Furioso: Rime e Satire, Firenze, 1821. Lettere, A. Cappelli, Bologna, 1866; Commedie, ed. Tortoli, Firenze, 1856; Opere minori, Polidori, Firenze, 1857.]

153. Filiberta di Savoia, aunt of François Ier; Giuliano, third son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, brother of Leo X, died 1516, buried in the Sagrestia Nuova of San Lorenzo.

Buonarroti (page 222). Born at Caprese in the Casentino. Pupil of Domenico Ghirlandaio. Went to Rome to work for Julius II in 1503. Governor-general of the Florence fortifications, 1529. David, 1501-3; Medici Chapel, 1521-7; Sixtine Chapel finished, 1541. Architect of St. Peter's, 1547. Died in Rome; buried in Santa Croce, Florence. Wrote sonnets, madrigals, and stanze, many of them addressed to Vittoria Colonna and Tommaso de' Cavalieri, and many letters. [Rime e Lettere with Life by Condivi, Firenze, 1908.]

163. Caro m'è 'l sonno... Written in reply to an epigram of Giovambattista Strozzi on the figure of Night in the Sagrestia Nuova of San Lorenzo. Strozzi's epigram was as follows:—

La Notte che tu vedi in sì dolci atti
Dormir fu da un Angelo scolpita
In questo sasso, e perchè dorme ha vita:
Destala, se nol credi, e parleratti.

Castiglione (page 226). Born at Casatico near Mantua. Studied at Milan. Friend of Francesco Gonzaga, and went with him to Naples when he supported the cause of Louis XII; then with Guidobaldo di Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, whose court he describes in the Cortegiano. Came to London in 1506 to receive the Garter for Guidobaldo from Henry VII. Represented Urbino at the Sacred College when Leo X was Pope; went to Mantua, and in