Page:The Oxford book of Italian verse.djvu/558

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Guidi (page 318). Born at Pavia. Went to Rome and became a protégé of Cristina. An Arcadian. Wrote tragedies. [Rime, Parma, 1681.]

Pastorini (page 322). Born at Genoa. A Jesuit and a student of Dante. [Poesie, Palermo, 1756.]

Zappi (page 323). Born at Imola. One of the founders of the Arcadia. [Rime, Venezia, 1723.]

Manfredi (page 323). Born at Bologna. Great scientist. A member of many learned Academies. Died at Bologna.

Ghedini (page 327). Born at Bologna. Another scientist.

Rolli (page 328). Born in Rome. Came to London and taught Royal Family Italian. Translated Paradise Lost. Wrote many verses for music.

Frugoni (page 329). Born at Genoa. A monk, but was absolved from his vows by Clement XII. An Arcadian; lived at Parma and held various appointments in its court. Wrote a vast quantity of verse. [Opere, 15 vols., Lucca, 1780; vide Carducci, Poeti erotici del Secolo XVIII, Firenze, 1878.]

Metastasio (page 334). Born in Rome. His real name was Trapassi; the abate Gravina, who adopted him, altered it. Studied philosophy in Calabria and law in Rome. Arcadian, 1718. Had many patrons; went to the court of Vienna as poeta Cesareo to replace Apostolo Zeno. His Didone Abbandonata was performed triumphantly at Rome in 1723; La Romanina, the famous singer who had taken him under her protection, persuaded him to write it. She died in 1734, when he had forgotten her in his devotion to the Countess of Althan, whom he is said to have married secretly. His fame was immense, but he produced little after Attilio Regolo (1750), the climax of his triumphs. Died at Vienna. Chief works: