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The Grand Stairway and Band Stand.
nently, from the shores of the Pacific. But Japan is figliting the preliminary bat- tle of all nations that want an equal chance on the Pacific; for Russia in con- I trol of China and Corea would be in posi- tion to close the door to all commerce not directed in the interest of her own policy.
Russia hitherto has been friendly with us, because the two great countries have not been in touch with each other. She could afford to be friendly with the United States so long as we were no world power, and so long, moreover, as we were on more or less strained terms with Great Britain, Russia's most powerful and dangerous rival during the whole course of the nine
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Lakeview Terrace, A comer of the Agricultural Building- is seen at the extreme left, and next to it the European Exhibits Building. Fir-covered hills in the background.