A White Steamer for $2,000!
Not since 1904 have we macle a car priced at so low a figure as $2,000. The White — "the car in a class by itself — has thus been brought within the range of a larger number of purchasers than has been the case in recent years.
The new $2,000 White car, known as our Model "O," has none of the at- tributes of the "cheap machine." It is simply a "smaller edition" of our $4,000 car. The new Model "O" is rated at 20 steam horse-pow^er, which means that it can do the work of gasoline cars rated at much higher figures. The wheel- base is 104 inches; the tires, both front and rear, are 32x3/^ inches. The car is regularly fitted w^ith a straight-line five-passenger body. The frame is of heat-treated pressed steel. The front aixle is a one-piece forging of I-beam cross section.
The nature of the steam engine is such that the engine of small power has all the desirable attributes of the engine of high pow^er. In other w^ords, as the weights of our small car and of our large car are proportionate to the power of their respective engines, the small car can do anything that our large car can do.
To summarize the features of our new Model "O" car — it is noiseless, odor- less, smokeless and absolutely free from vibration. All speeds from zero to maximum are obtained by throttle control alone. The speeds of the car respond instantly to the throttle; the engine can never be stalled. The directions for driving are summed up in the phrase, "Just open the throttle and steer." It starts from the seat — " no cranking." It is the ideal moderate priced machine. It is the best for the man w^ho wishes to drive and take care of his ow^n car. It is the result of our nine years of experience in building the White Steam Car — the only machine which finds a ready market in every portion of the globe.
Write for Circvilar Giving Full Details of This Car
New York City: Broadway at 62d St. Philadelphia: 629-33 North Broad St.
Chicago: 240 Michigan Av. Boston 32 O Newbury St-
San Francisco: 1460 Market St. at Van Ness Av. Cleveland : 407 Rockwell Av. Pittsburg : 1 38- 1 48 Beatty St. Atlanta : 1 20- 1 22 Marietta St.
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