Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/157

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did ferue thee, diddest humblie falute him with water. His plea- fure is also, that thou malt drincke of that water in this Cuppe of gold, of which thou madest him partaker."

Artaxerxes hereby exprefled the true Image of a princely minde,

that would not difdaine cherefully to behold the homelie gifte (in

our eftimation rude, and nothing worth) at the handes of his poore

fubiect : and liberally to reward that duetifull zeale, with thinges

of greate price and valour. To the fame Artaxerxes, riding in pro-

grefle through Persia, was prefented by one called Mifes, a very

great Pomegranate in a Sine. The king marueiling at the bignes

therof, demaunded of him out of what garden he had gathered the

fame : he aunswered, out of his owne. Wherat the king greatlye

reioyfinge, recompenced him with princelye rewards, saying:

"By the Sunne (for that was the common oth of the Persian

kinges) this man is able with such trauaile and diligence

in my Judgement to make of a litle citie^ one that

fhal be large and great." Which wordes feeme

to declare, that all thinges by care, suffici-

ente paine and continual labour, may

againfl nature, be made more

excellent and

