Page:The Parable of Creation.djvu/133

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The Image of God.

satisfaction of seeing the good work go on, the heavenly cause succeed, in the sphere of one's own activities and in all the world around.

So far as we can understand the mind of God, his infinite blessedness must arise from his infinite activities. No pent of fires of self-satisfied glory burn within his soul. All He is goes forth. He creates worlds; his ceaseless going forth of life sustains them. Creation never stops. In a single world once made, it is seed-time and harvest forever, an endless succession of efforts on the part of the Divine energies for the benefit of man. He creates man; and again it is a ceaseless working on the spiritual plane of his being for his constant elevation. He not only forms the world of nature and man as a physical being, but He forms the world of souls and man as a spiritual being. The heavens are studded with stars. Each star is a sun like that which rules our own small planetary system. Around each revolves a circle of planets peopled with human beings, or some, perhaps, preparing for that end. The more powerful they make our telescopes the more of these planetary systems come forth to view. No man and no number of men, improve your telescopes as you may, will ever count the myriads of worlds in this grand universe, which are made to rear a human progeny for heaven. And as age succeeds age a ceaseless procession of human souls is