Page:The Paris Commune - Karl Marx - ed. Lucien Sanial (1902).djvu/63

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and that no less so in the democratic republic than under the monarchy. At the very best it is an inheritance of evil, bound to be transmitted to the proletariat when it has become victorious in its struggle for class supremacy, and the worst features of which it will have to lop off at once, as the Commune did, until a new race, grown up under new, free social conditions, will be in a position to shake off from itself this State rubbish in its entirety.

The German philistine has lately been thrown once again into wholesome paroxisms by the expression "dictatorship of the proletariat." Well, gentle sirs, would you like to know how this dictatorship looks? Then look at the Paris Commune. That was the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Frederick Engels.

London, on the 20th anniversary of the
Commune, March 18, 1871.