Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 1.djvu/31

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  • Hamilton, Hon. Henrietta Anno, sister 6th Baron Balfour
  • Hamilton, Hon Margaret F. F. dan. 15th Viset. Dillcn
  • Hamilton,Hon. Sarah, dau. 2nd Baron Castlemaine
  • Hamilton, Lady Emily E. dau. 8th Earl Leven (and Meville)
  • Hamilton, Lady Louisa F. sister 4th Earl Leitrim
  • Hamilton, Lady Alexandra P. dau. Marq Hamilton (D. Abercorn)
  • Baillie-Hamilton, Hons, Robert, Henry, Arthur C., and Lady Frances, children 10th Earl Haddington
  • Hammond—Hammond
  • Hobart-Hampden—Buckinghamshire

Hampton, Lady Laura E. dau. 2nd Marq. Normanby Bateman-Hanbury—Bateman Handock—Castlemaine Hankey, Lady Emily A. G, dau. 1st Earl Glcngall (ext.) Harbord—Sufffield HARBOROUGH, Countess Baron Sherad Vernon-Harcourt—Vernon Vernon-Harcourt, Hon. Rachel M. dau. 1st Baron Aberdare Vernon-Harcourt, Lady Susan H. dau. 2nd Earl Sheffield Hardcastle, Hon. Mary S. sister Lord Strathortrn Harding, Lady Emily, sister 7th Earl Denbigh Hahdinge—Hardinge Gathorne-Hardy—Cranbrook Hare-Listowel Harley Hon. Patience A., dau 6th Baron Rodney King-Harman—Kingston {{Smaller|Harper, Lady Elizabeth E. sister 4th Earl Leitrim Harris—Harris, Malmesbury Harris, Hon. Arthur B. son 2nd Baron Harris Harris, Hon. Sir Edward A. J. son 2nd Earl Malmesbury Harrington, Marq.—D. Devonshire Harvey, Lady Elizabeth Lee. dau. 12th Earl Buchan Haskoll, Lady Anne C. sister 12th Earl Kellie (sec Mar) HASTINGS, M. Loudon Hastings—Huntingdon Hastings, Baron E. Huntingdon Abney-Hastings—Donnington, Loudon Finch-Hatton—Winchilsea De Havilland, Hon. Margret L. sister 8th Visct. Molesworth Hawke—Hawke {{Smaller|Hawkey, Hon. Christabella R. dau. 2nd Baron Ventry Haworth, Lady Mary E., sister 12th Earl Rothes Hay—Eroll Kinnoull, Tweeddale Hay, Hons. Arthur, Francis, Ladies Cecilia L. and Florence A. M. children 18th Earl Erroll Hons. Victor A. and Gerald M A J. sons of Lord Kilmarnock (E. Erroll) Lady Sophia, dau. 16th Earl Erroll {{Smaller|Hons. Francis G,, Archibald F. G , Alistalr G., Claude G., Ladies Constance B. L., Muriel H. C.,, children 11th Earl Kinnoul {{Smaller|Hons, Arthur D., Charles R., sons 10th Earl Kinnoull Lords John, Charles Edward, Frederick, and Lady Julia, children 8th Marquis Tweeddale Rev. Lord Thomas, son 7th Marquis Tweeddale Hazlehunst, Hon. Blanche, dau. 15th Vict. Hereford Hoard Lady Charlotte, E. H. A. dau. 3rd Earl Winterton Heathcote—Aveland Heathcote, Lady Era, dan. 6th Earl Breadalbane Helmsley, Viscountess—E. Feversham Helyar, Hon. Ursula G., dau. 3rd Visct. Sidmouth Heneage Lady Eleanor C., dau. 2nd Earl Ltstowel Henley—Henley IlENNlKER—nKNNIKKR Henry. Hon. Louisa H. dan. 17th Baron Somerville Herbert—Carnarvon, Pembroke. Fowls Herbert, Ladies Winifred A. H C„ Margaret O. E. &, Victoria A. M. (X daus. 4th Earl < vnarron lion. Alan P. 1L M.. Anbcron K. W. and Lady Gwen¬ dolen O. children 3rd Karl I 'amanron Hons. Sidney and Michael Henry, brother* 13th Ear] Pembroke Hona. George, Robert C., William H., and Lady Harriet J. children 2nd Earl Powia Hon. Albertina A. M dau. l->t Boron Londinborongli Hon. Augusta C. E. dau. 1st Baron Llonover (ext.) Hon. Emily Julia (X dau. 2nd Baror Keane Kcnnt-y-Herbert Lady Jane F. A. dau. 3rd Earl Bantry IlEUtOT—LAriiERDALB U ERVEY—BRI VfOL Hervey, Lady Selina Catherine, dau. 3rd Earl Clauwilliam Hewitt- -Lifford Higgins, Hon. August*, dau. 1st Baron Chelmsford Lady Hi*da Jane S. dau. 10th Earl WinchfUea Cigginson, Hon. Florence V. F. dau. 1st Baron Castletown Lady Frances B. dau. 1st Earl Kilmorey Hill—Berwick, Down-shirk, Hill Hill, Lord Arthur W. son 4th Marquis Downshire Lady Louisa, widow of Lord George A «on 2nd Marquis Downshire Hon. (Lady) Anna M. dan. 1st Lord Teignmouth Clegg-IIfl], Hons. Rowland R., Francis Wn Charles R., Arthur R, Gerald 8L, sons 3rd Ylsct. Hill Hon. Geoffrey It son 2nd Ylsct Hill Nucl-HIll, Hon. Mrs widow Thomas H. son 4th Boron Berwick Hon. Mrs widow Charles A. son 4th Baron Berwick Hon. Emily, dan. 4th Baron Berwick II ill-Trevor—Treyor Umchinbrook. Viact, E. Sandwich lllode, Lady Jar/i S. B. dan. 2nd Earl Kllmoroy Hinton, Viact—E. Perniott Hobart, Lord- E, Buckinghamshire Hobart—Bucking iiamshire. Hobart, Hon. Jolla, dan. 1st Baron Kr*tercn Hodgson, Lady Huron J. dan. 6th Eari Cork Holden, Hon. Ellin E. dau. 1st Baron Annaly HOLLAND, BARONESS—E. COVENTRY Holland, Hon. Anne, dan. 1st Baron Denman Hon. Charlotte D. dan. 1st Baron Gifford Kerr-IIolle, Hon. Mark G. son 16th Baron Clinton Egerton-Holmae, lion, Matilda A. M. dan. 6th VUot. Valentin Holmosdole, Viact.—B. Amherst Holroyd—Sueffi eld Homk—Home Hood—Biudport-Hood Hood, Hona Arthur W. A. N„ Hontio N. 8*, Will lam N., Alexander N., Alfred N., Victor A. N., and Bo a P. children Ylsct Bn (port Hona Gr os Timor A. A., Horace L. A^ Nerille A, Mabel E., Drvothy Y. children 4th YUct Hood Hona Albert, Alexander F., Alfred, sons 3rd YUct Hood Hooper, Lady Alice M dan. 4th Earl CasUestuart Hope- Hopetoux Hope, Hon. CAroum O. dan. 2nd Baron Montagu (ext) (see D. Baccieocb) Hoa. Gertrude, sister 16th Baron Elphinstone Hopwood, Hon. Oedlla, dau. Sth VUct Torrington Lady EUinor Mary, dao. 13th Earl Derby Hors—Ruth yen Wrbbc-IIanock, Hon. Isabella, dau. 6th Ylsct. Bollngbroko HOTBAM—HOTU AM Howard, Baron—E. Effingham Howard—Carlisle, Effingham, Howard op Glossop. Norfolk, Suffolk. Wicklow 1 Ilzalau-Howard, Iloua Frands E. Alio M. E, Constance M. G. and Winifred M. children 1st Lord Howard of GIomop Ladiea Minna C., Mary A., Etheldreda, Philippa, and Margaret, dans. 17th Duke Norfolk Howard, lions. Frederick (X, Kenneth, and Lodio* Maria and Alice, children 2nd Earl Effingham Hon. Charles and Lady Charlotte, children 1st Earl Effingham Ladle* Mary U. 6., Eleanor M, Agnes J.,dau& 18th Esil Suffolk Hon. Cedi M. and Lady Victoria M. L., son and dau. 17th Earl Suffolk Hon. .lames K. and Lady France* M, son and dan. 16th Earl Suffolk Hon. Cecil It, Ladle* Caroline L, Louisa F., Allot1 M., and Emily Sarah, brother and sisters Sth Earl Wicklow Lady Audrey T., widow Hon. Orcville T. Ho war I (E. Suffolk) Lady Sarah, widow Frauds, sou 3rd Earl Wicklow Hon. Mrs widow Httnry E. J. -on Sth Earl Carlisle Hon. Rc ollnd F. dau. 2nd Baron Stanley of Aldcrlcy Lady Mabel H. dau. 8th Earl Antrim L idy Rachel A. G. dau. 2nd Earl Cawdor Lady Emily Alfredo, lau. 3rd Earl Charlcriile Lady Fanny, sister 7th Duke of Devonshire b 2