Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/276

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240 FOULIS—FOWKE. (2) Charles, clerk of the peace Norfolk, j.p. Southwold, Suffolk; b. 12 Nov. 1828; in. 18 May, 1858, Charlotte, 3ril dau. of Captain Thomas George Wills, r.n. (3) Francis Gostling, b. 3 July, 1830; m. 1st— 16 Aug. 1853, Lucy, dau. of William Gwj-n, Esq. of Norwich; she d. 1864, having had 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) Herbert Francis, b. 1860. (2) Charles Blackwell, b. 1861. (3) Lucy Maude. (4) Alice Mary. F. G. Foster m. 2ndly— 5 Sept. 1865, Bertha, younger dau. of Timothy Steward, Esq. of Norwicli, and has a son and 2 daus. (5) Reginald Steward, b. 8 Jan. 1867. (6) Winifred Bertha. (7) Eveline Margaret. (4) Julia, m. 11 April, 1867, to Herbert William Day, Esq. of Swaffham, Norfolk, county treasurer, s. p. FOULIS, Sir James LiSTON, of Woodhall, Millburn Tower, Edinburgh (1634, N.S.), late 16th regt. capt. Edinburgh co. militia 1870,6 ; s. his father as 9th Baronet in 1858 ; b. 3 July, 1847 ; m. 8 Dec. 1868, Sarah Helen, eldest dau. of Sir Charles Metcalfe Ochterlony, Bart, and has 4 sons and a dau. (1) William, b. 27 Oct. 1869. (2) Reginald John, b. 10 Jan. 1871. (3) Charles James, b. 4 Jan. 1873. (4) Archibald Primrose, b. 28 Aug. 1874. (5') Ethel Charlotte, b. 22 July, 1878. Arms— Arg. three laurel-leaves slipped ppr. Crest— A dexter hand couped in fesse holding a sword in pale enfiled with a wreath of laurel all ppr. MOTTOES—" Mente manuque pr»sto," COLINTON ; " Non jure deficit," Woodhall ; " Thure et jure," Ravelston. Seats— Woodhall and Millbiurn Tower, Edinbm-gh. The Baroxetcy. SIR ALEXANDER FOULIS, of Colinton, son of Sir James named below, was created a BARONET OF NOVA ScOTiA 7 June, 16.S4 (to his heirs male whomsoever, patent not regis- tered, see note) ; m. Elizalseth, dau. of Robert Hepburn, of Ford, great-grand-dau. of the Earl of Bothwell. His male line ceased on the death of his great-great-great-grandson, &r James FouUs, 6th Baronet. Uincagc. (3) Sir David, accompanied James I. to England, knighted in the Tower of London 13 May, 1603, M.A. Oxon. 1605, created B.VROKET OK EnglaN'U 6 Feb, 1619 20, purchased the manor of Ingleby, Yorks. from Ral])h, Lord Eure, 1609, On the death of his descendant the Rev. Sir Henry Foulis, of Inglel)y ifanor, Yorks. 8th Baronet, 7 Oct. 1876, this title bjcanic extinct. SIR JOHN FOULIS, of Ravelstone. created a BARONET OP Nova Scotia 15 Oct. 1661, with remainder to the heirs male of his body ; m. 5 Se])t. 1661, Margaret, dau. of Sir Archi- bald Primrose, and half-sister of Archibald, 1st Earl of Rose- bery, and had with other issue 2 sons, (1) Archibald Primrose, alias Foulis, of Dunipaoe, &c.; d. s. p. before 1685. (2) George, assumed the name and arms of Primrose, according to the terms in tail on succeeding to Dunipace, co. Stirling, served heir male of his brother 15 April, 1685; b. 10 May, 1667 ; m. 3 April, 1691, Janet only dau. of Sir William Cunningham, of Caprington, Bart. ; she d. 29 Dec. 1758, aged 92, having had a son, SIR Archibald Primrose, 2nd Baronet, joined in the rebellion of 1745, was convicted of high treason, and executed at Carlisle 15 Nov. 1746, his title and estates were forfeited to the Crown ; m. 1st, Lady Mary Fleming, eldest dau. of John, 6th Earl of Wigton, and 2ndly— 19 Nov. 1724, Lady Mary Primrose, 4th dau. of Archibald 1st Earl of Rosebery ; she d. 17 Dec. 1746, having had 11 children, of whom 7 daus. survived, and an only son Archibald, who d. unm. 28 Jan. 1747. (5) "William, father of John, whose only son William, of Woodhall, was father of " SIR JAMES FOULIS, of Woodhall, 7th Baronet (on the death of his kinsman Sir James Foulis, 6th Bart, of Colin- ton, as before stated) ; b. 9 Sept. 1770; d. April, 1842, having m. 1810, Agnes, eldest dau. of John Grieve, Esq. of Edinbiu-gh ; she d. , 1870, having had 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) Sir ■William, s. as 8th Baronet. (2) John, M.D. of Sydney, N.S.W.; d. 1872, having m. 1st — in 1842. Mary Buchanan, dau. of Mrs. William Blair, of Greenwicli, Kent. He m. 2ndiy — 1844, Jane Selina, dau. of Isaac Nathan, composer of the Hebrew melodies ; she d. 1872, having bad 2 sons and a dau. [1] James, of Glasgow, M.D. b. 18 Feb. 1846 ; d. Oct. 1881, having m. 19 Sept. 1877, Henrietta Baii-d, 3rd dau. of Wil- liam N. Fraser, of Tornavine, Aberdeenshire. [2] William, b. 4 Oct. 1848; m. May, only dau. of John Bell, C.E. of Sydney, N.S.W. [3] Florence. (3) Thomasina Agnes, d. 6 Mar. 1870, having m. 2 July, 1844, to Col. William Low, E.I.M.s. of Cairnie Lodge, co. Fife ; he d. Nov. 1873, leaving a son and dau. [1] Robert Low, capt. late 46th regt. b. 10 May, 1845; m. 17 June, 1873, Leah Rhoda, dau. of William Werkes, of Southsea. [2] Agnes Foulis, m. 3 April, 1877, to James F. N. Wise, PH.D. late Bengal staff. (4) Jane, d. 12 Sept. 1858, having m. 2 Jul}', 1844, as 2nd wife, to William Logan White, of KeUerstain, Midlothian, advocate (Maitland) ; bed. 18 Sept. 1877, having had a son and 2 daus. (1) James Maitland Logan White, b. 19 Mar. 1848. (2) Agnes Rosa. (3) Charlotte Jane, m. 23 July, 1874, to Fretlerick John Grieve, lieut. R.N. SIR WILLIAM, 8th Baronet, assumed the additional sur- name of Liston ; b. 27 July, 1812 ; d. 22 Feb. 1858, having m. 1st— 20 June, 1843, Henrietta Ramage Liston, of Jlilburn Town, CO. Edinburgh, elder dau. of Capt. Ramage Liston, r.n. and heiress of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Liston, G.C.B. H.M. ambassa- dor to Sublime Porte ; she d. 1850. He m. 2ndly— 7 April, 1852, Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Robert Cadell, of Rathe. By his 1st wife he had 2 sons and a dau. (1) Sir James Liston Foulis, 9th and present Baronet. (2) Robert, 97th regt. ; b. 1 July, 1849 ; d. unm. 21 Mar. 1874. (3) Janet Agnes Harriet, m. 29 Nov. 1865, to Irvine Low, lieut. H.M. Bengal cavalry, youngest son of late Gen. Sir John Low, of Clatto, K.C.B. G.CS.I. TAMES FOULIS, of Colinton (son of Henry Foulis, by Miirgaret Haldane, of Gleneagles, and grandson of Sir James P'oulis, King's advocate 1528, clerk register 1531, by James v. a lord of session, aa Loril Colinton, 1532, commis- sion renewed l)y Queen Makv 1542, purchased the lands and barony of Colinton), m. Agnes Heriot, lieiress of Lumphoy, and had with other issue 3 sons, (1) Sir James, ol Colinton, knighted by JAMES VI.; m. Mary, dau. of Sir John Lauder, of Hatton, and had a son. SIR Ale.xander, created a BARONET as above stated ; but ft mote. (2) George, of Ravelst'me. m. Janet Bannatync, and had a son George, of Ravelston, sat in Scots parliaments for Edinburgh 1604, 1605, 1607, 1C08, 1612, 1617, 1621; m. Jean, dau. of Sir John Sinclair, and had a son. Sir John, of Ravelston, created a BARONET 1661. (Note.)— Sir James Foulis, of Colinton, patent sealed 22 July, 1634 ; see list of Nova Scotia Baronets. FOWKE, Sir Frederick Thomas, of Lowesby, CO. Leicester (1814, U.K.), J.P. and D.L. chaimiaii of quarter sessions, co. Leicester, hon. col. Leicestersh. militia 1881, licut.-col. 1869 81, constable Leicester Castle ; s. his father as 2nd Baronet in 1856 ; b. 29 June, 1816;»m. 10 May, 1849, Sarah Mary, elder dau. and coheir of late Henry Leigh Spencer, Esq. of Banstead Park, Surrey, and has had with other issue 3 sons and 2 daus.