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DUFF-GORDON 263 (1) Da'id Alexander, of Culvennan, J.p. formerly in the rifle brigade; b. 29 Feb. 1828; m. 1 Jan. 1855, Jane Lawrie only dau. of Allan Bell, Esq. of Hillowton, Kirkcudbright, and has 4 sons and 2 dans. /I/ WilUam Ainslie, b. 26 Nov. 1855.-/2/ Alan David, b. 6 Sept. 1857.-/3/ Lochinva Alexander Charles, b. 26 May, 1864.-/4/ Claud Augustus Hutherford, h. 12 Aug. 1867. /5/ Grace Marion, m. 25 June. 1879, to Frederic Alexander, elder son of late Alexander Walker, of Gravesend, Kent. /6/ Beatrice Isobel Hilda. (2) John Hyslop, b. 6 Nov. 1829; d. 19 Oct. 1869, having m. 1 Feb. 1859, Margaret, 2nd dau. of W Napier, Esq. of ; she d. 187 , leaving a son and a dau. William Fabian, b. 27 Oct. 1862.— Mary Winifred. (3) Agnes Marion, m. 31 May, 1860, to Benjamin Hardwicke. Esq. and has a son and 5 daus. Walter Hardwicke, b. 12 Aug. 1866.— Agnes Marion.— Florence. — Ethel. — Mabel.— Gertrude. SIB THOMAS, 3rd Baronet; b.26 Oct. 1685; d. 23 Mar.1769, having m. 1st— 20 Jan. 1710, Anne, eldest dau. of Wil- liam Boick, Esq.; shed. 8 April, 1751. He m. 2ndly, Miss Gib- son, of Whitehaven. By his 1st marriage he had 5 sons, (1) Thomas, of Earlston; b. 1713; d. v. p. 1767, having m, 1737, Catharine, only dau. of Daniel Campbell, of Shawfield. and had a dau. (2) Archibald, R.N. ; d. unm. v.p. 11 June, 1745, aged 30, a prisoner at Brest. (3) Sir John, 4th Baronet, capt. 70th regt. ; b. 20 Dec. 1720; d. s. p. 17 Oct. 1795, having m. 18 April, 1775, Anne, dau. of Thomas Mylne, Esq. of Powder Hall ; she d. s. p. 4 Nov. 1822. (4) Francis, 68th regt.; d. 1763, aged 35. (5) James, of Jamaica; d. 1794, having m. 1779, Christiana, dau. of James Scarlett, Esq. (B. ABlXGER),andhad wth a dau. 3 sons, [1] Sir John, s. as 5th Baronet. [2] Francis "27 July, 1823, died in Spanishtown, Francis Gordon, Esq. of Keumure, Jamaica, only brother to Sir John Gordon, of Earlston, Bart." — (Gents. Mag.) [3] William, m. Anne CaiT, dau. of Mowat, Esq.; she d. 19 Feb. 1849, having had a son and dau. /I/ John, of Jamaica, bar.-at-lav, official assignee at Cal- cutta ; b. 18 Mar. 1810; d. 21 Feb. 1849, having m. Caroline, dau. of Charles Augustus Tulk, Esq. (ii.P. Poole 1836/7), and had 2 sons and 4 dau.s. (1) Charles Edward, said to be heir presumptive to the Baronetcy; b. 14 April, 1835; m. Isabella C Campbell, and has 2 sons and 2 daus. (2) John Hart, b, 22 Jan. 1842; m. 5 Sept. 1878, Alice Letitia, 3rd dau. of George Miller, M.D. of Chippenham. (3) Caroline Louisa, m. 7 May, 1857, to Charles, youngest son of late Thomas Harrison, Esq. of Streatham Park, Sxurey (bar.-at-law, P.R.s.) (4) Annie Picciola. (5) Sophia Susanna. (6) Eleanor Augusta. /2/ Ann Eliza, m. 1840, to Martyn John Eoberts, of Pendarren House, Brecon, J.P. d.l. and has with other issue a son William Scarlett de Lisle ROBERTS, b. 1849. Sm JOHN, 5th Baronet, b. 4 Oct. 1780; d. 8 Jan. 1843, having m. 1st — 10 April, 1809, Juliana, dau. of Jervis Gal- limore, of Greenfield; she d. s. p. 13 Feb. 1824. He m. 2ndly — 22 April,1825. Mary, eldest dau. of WilUam Ii-ving, of Gribton, CO. Dunifi-ies ; she d. 8 Mar. 1869, having had •nith other issue a son and 4 daus. (1) Sir William, 6th and present Baronet. (2) Jane. (3) Mary Christian, m. 3 May, 1854, to John Shand, M.D. ; beut.-col. 1st administrative brigade Ayrsh. art. vols, and has had 3 sons and 2 daus. John D Adolphus SH.^XD, b. 4 June, 1858.— William, b. 12 Sept. 1861.— Alm-ed Charles James, b. 2 Aug. 1865.— EUzabeth Cust Gordon, d. 31 Oct. 1880.— Mary Irving. (4) Julia, m. 11 July, 1872, to Herbert James, Esq. (5) John Anne, m. 7 Aug. 1861, to Stevenson, son of John Forbes, Esq. of Aberdeen, s. p. DUFF-GORDON, Sir Maurice (1813, r.K.); s. his father as 4th Baronet in 1872 ; b. Feb. 1849 ; m. 24 June, 1872, Fanny, dau. of Henry Waterton, Esq. and widow of Seymour Ball Hughes, Esq. and has a dau, (1) Caroline Lucy. Note.— Heir presumptive, Cosmo Edmund Duff-Gordon. Arjis — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Az. thi-ee boars' heads erased within a double tressiu-e composed of flem-s-de-lis and roses alternately or, GORDOX. 2nd and 3rd. Vert, a fesse dancettee erm. between a buck's head cabossed and two escallops or, a mullet gu. for difference, DUFF. Crests — 1st, Two naked arms holding a bow and ready to let fly an arrow all ppr. GORDOX. 2nd, A demi-lion gu. holding a sword erect ppr. on the breast a mullet gu. for difference. Duff. Motto — Deo juvante. Towx House— 31, Chester Square, s.w. THE Baroxetct. SIR JAMES DUFF, British consul at the port of Cadiz ; created a Baroxet 12 Nov. 1813, with remainder to his nephew, William Gordon, Esq. and d. unm. 20 Nov. 1815. Einrage. SIR WILLIAM DLTF-GORDON, 2nd Baronet C2nd son of Alexander, Lord Rockville, a lord of session, and grandson of William, 2nd Earl of Aberdeen) ; ji.p. city of Worcester 1812; assumed the additional surname and arms of Duff bv R.L. 9 Oct. 1813 ; b. 8 April, 1772 ; d. 8 Mar. 1823, having m. "lO Feb. 1810, Caroline, dau. of Sir George Comewall, Bart, of Moccas Coiui;, CO. Hereford ; she d. 23 April, 1875, having had 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) Sir Alexander Cornevyrall, s. as 3rd Baronet. (2) Cosmo Lewis, b. 23 Feb. 1812 ; d. 14 Aug. 1876, having m. 3 Nov. 1859. Anna Maria, younger dau. of Sir Edward Antrobus, Bart, and has 3 sons and 2 daus. Cosmo Edmimd, heir presumptive to the Baronetcy; b. 22 Julv, 1862.— Henry William, b. 12 Jan. 1866.— John Cornewali, b. 17 Aug. 18(59.— Flora.— Evelyn. (3) Georgiana Catherine. (4) AUcia Frances. SLR ALEXANDER CORNEWALL, 3rd Baronet, assistant gentleman usher to the Queen ; a commissioner of inland revenue ; b. 3 Feb. 1811 ; d. 27 Oct. 1872, having m. 16 May, 1840, Lucy, only chUd of John Austin, Esq.; she d. 13 July, 1869, having had a son and 2 daus. (1) Sir Maurice, 4th and present Bai-onet. (2) Janet Ann, m. 5 Dec. 1860, to Henry James Ross, Esq. and has an only child, Alexander Gordon Ross, b. 9 Sept. 1862. (3) Urania, d. 22 Sept. 1877, aged 19. Smith-Goedon — see Smith.