Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/322

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286 HAMILTON. recorded in the general register OTving to the oonfusion and distraction of tho?e times;" m. Hon. Anne Hamilton, 2nd dau. of John. 1st Lord Belhaven, and had 2 sons and 4 daus. (1) Sir Robert, s. a.s 2nd Baronet. (2) Thomas, d. s. p. in France. (3) Margaret, m. to Sir John Hamilton, of Beil, son and lieir of Sir Robert Hajuilton, of Pressmenan, and a lord of session, upon whom and their is.=ue Lord Belhaven resigned his title and settled his estate of Biel. (4) Anne, m. to Sir William Craigie, of Gaimie, s. p. (5) Elizabeth, m. to John Livingstone, capt. of dragoons. (6) Marv. SIR ROBERT. 2nd Baronet, lieut.-gen. in the army, col. 108th and 40th regt. and was in the service of the states of Holland, where he m. 1st, Aurelia Catherine Van Hettingen, of Friesland. He m. 2ndl.v, Isabel, dau. of Jolin Hamilton, of Boggs, in Scotland; he d. in 1708, ha-ing had by his 1st wife, with other issue. 2 sons, /I/ Sir John, 3rd Rironet, whose great-grandson. Sir Frederic, s. as 5th Baronet. /2/ WiUiam, an oflBcer of the states general, m. Miss Athinscuby and had 3 sons, (1) John, Ueut.-col. CJen. Holstein's regt. (2) Robert, capt. in Glentra's regt. (3) William, iiiaior in the Dutch guards. SIR FREDERICK. 5th Baronet [son of Capt. John William Hamilton and his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Richard St. George, Esq. of Eilrush, succeeded fon the death of his grand- father Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Hamilton, Bart.)], E.I.C.S.; b. 14 Dec. 1777; d. 14 Aug. 1853, having m. 20 Feb. 1800, EUza Ducarel, dau. of John CoUie, of Calcutta, M.D.; she d. 11 Feb. 1841. having had 5 sons and a dau. [1] Sir Robert North Collie, 6th and present Baronet. [2] Arthiu-, B.A. chaplain E.I.C.s:.; b. 2 Feb. 1806; d. 18.58. [3] Frederic William, capt. 12th lancers and 60th rifles, J.P. Sliddx. and Herts.; b. 31 Jan. 1810; d. 17 Jan. 1866, having m. 30 Mar. 1844, Emily Maria, dau. of late Thomas Carvick, Esq. of Wyke, Yorks. and Highwood HUl, Middx. J.P. and D.L. and had 2 sons and 4 daus. (1) Howden Anson PhiUp, b. 23 Oct. 1816 ; m. 7 Mar. 1876, Caroline AUce, dau. of Thomas Faulconer , Esq. of Hampstead , and has 3 sons, Frederic Howden Faulconer, b. 30 Jan. 1877.— William Anson, b. 21 Mar. 1878.— A son, b. 1 May, 1880. (2) William Edward Seymour, Cape mounted rifles; b. 2 April, 1851. (3) Emily Mary Anne, m. 23 Dec. 1876, to Edwin Stead, Esq. (4) Kathleen EUza Georglna. (5) Constance Eliza Prescott. (6) Agnes Ann. [4] Henry Charles, C.S.I. Bengal C.S.; b. 23 Sept. 1811 ; d. 26 Oct. 1872, having m. 9 Oct. 1837, Frances Isabella, dau. of James Gane, Esq. of Frome; she d. He m. 2ndly— 5 July, 1869, Letitia, dau. of Rear- Admiral Charles Simeon (Bakt.) By his 1st ^^"ife he had with other issue 4 sons and 4 daus. (1) Henrv Charles, capt. Madras army; b. 7 Mar. 1843. (2) Fredenc Alfred William, b. 17 Oct. 1844. (3) John Angus Lushington, capt. 2nd w.l. and 24th regts.: b. 10 May, 1846; d. s. p. 16 Dec. 1879, having m. 17 May, 1873, Myra Emily Wood, dau. of Mr. Beaufoy Alfred Moore, of London. (4) Robert St. George Harding, lieut. 65th regt.; b. 11 Jan. 1852; d. 1878. (5) Frances Isabella, m. 22 Feb. 1859, to Capt. George William Savage, 37th regt. who d. 3 Dec. 1869. (6) Eliza Ducarol Constance, m. 15 Dec. 1859, to Charles Samuel Steward, lieut.-col. Bengal staflF. (7) Ann Mary Mabel. (8) Katherine Elspeth Maude. [5] Charles Dillon, vicar of Loxley, co.Warw. and senior chap- lain on the Bengal establishment; b. Oct. 1818 ; d. s. p. 12 Sept. 1873, having m. 15 May, 1862, Harriet Marj-, dau. of Henry Heyman, capt. late 13th light dragoons. [6] Eliza Anne, d. 10 May, 1859, having m. to Charles Harding E.I.C.S. Hamiltox of Preston — see Addenda. '■ Chaos."' ^TT A M I L T N, Sir -L-L Charles John James, of Iping, Su.ssex (1776, G.B.); C.B. lieut.-col. Scots guards, retd. 1855; s. his father as 3rd Baronet in 1849; b. 3 April, 1810 ; m. 14 Dec. 18.33. Catherine Emily, dau. of William Wynne, Esq. of Dublin; she d. 25 May, 1879; heir presumptive, his cousin Sir Edward Archibald Hamil- ton, Bart, (see next article). Arms — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Gu., three cinquefoils erm. 2nd and 3rd, Ayg. a lymjjhad sails furled sa. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or an oak-tree fructed and penetrated transversely with a frame-saw ppr. the frame or and the blade inscribed with the word " Through." MOTTO — Through. Towx House— 29, Devonshire Place, Portland Place, W. Hineage. SIR JOHN HA3IILT0N, of Marlborough House, near Ports- mouth, capt. n.M. 8. "Hector" (son of John ami gTan<lson of Hon. AVilliam Hamilton, both of Chilston. Kent, brother of James, 6th Earl of Abercom ; see that title in Peerage) ; created a Baroxet after the siege of Quebec, 24 Aug. 1776 ; d. 24 Jan. 1784, having m. 4 Oct. 1763, Cassandra Agnes, dau. of Edward Chamberlain, Esq. of Maugersbury, co. Glouc; she d. 26 Oct. 1826, ha-^-ing had 2 sons, (1) Sir Charles, 2nd Baronet, K.C.B. adm. of the red ; b. 25 May, 1767 ; d. 14 Sept. 184S, having m. by sijecial Ucence 19 April, 1803, Henrietta Martha, onlj-dau. of George Drummond, of Stanmore, Middx. Esq. (V. Strathalla>"); she d. 10 Mar. 1857. leaving an only son. Sir Charles John James, 3rd and present Baronet. (2) Sir Edward, adm. R.x. knighted 1800, created a BAR0>"EX 20 Oct. 1818. (See next article.) HAMILTON, Sir Ed- ward Archibald, (1819, u.K.),capt. Coldstream guards 1865/7, heir presump- tive to the preceding Baro- netcy (1776, G.B.) ; s. his grandfather as 2nd Baronet in 1851 ; b. 26 Jan. 1843 ; m. 28 May, 1867, Mary Elizabeth, only dau. of Joseph Gill, Esq. of Trewem, Salop, and Bur- ley, Yorks. and has 2 sons, (1) Charles Edward Archibald Wat- kin, b. 10 Dec. 1876. (2) Thomas Sydney Perceval, b. 1 April, 1881. ARMS— Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Gu., three cinquefoils erm. 2nd and 3rd, Arg. a Ijrmphad, sails furled sa. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or an oak-tree ppr. fructed and I)enetrated transversely ■with, a frame-saw ppr. the frame or and the blade inscribed with the word " Through," Motto — Sola nobilitas virtus. Residence — Chorltou, near Malpas, Cheshire.