Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/552

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51G RUGGE-PRICE. Eichard Eicharilson, of Derby; she d. iu 1780, lea^-ing with ' other issue a son, Sir Charles, created a Baroxet. /2/ William (6tLi son), of Charlton House, Wantage, citizen and ironmonger of London, master of that company 1772; bp. 21 Dec. 1720; bur. 14 Jan. 1792, ha-ing m. Mary, ilau. of Henry Collins, of Richmond, Surrey; she d. Aug. 1789, aged CO. His grandson, William, of Famborough, rector of Coin St. Dennis; b. 1 Feb. 1784; d. 14 April, 1860, having m. 1st— 21 Nov. 1810, Mary. dau. of James Davis, of Uppins, Bucks; she d. 27 Feb. 1828, having had 2 sons and 4 da us. [1] William Henry, M.A. Pembroke ColL Oxon. 1838, late leUow and bursar,' rector of Coin St. Dennis, Glouc. sinct- 1874, of Somerton, Oxon. 1861 74 ; b. 23 Jan. 1813; m. 29 Mar. 1859, Lucy, dao. of Daniel Taunton, Esq. of Walton House. Oxon. s. p. [2] Bartholomew. II.A. F.R.S. F.R.A.S. fellow of Pembroke CoU. 1844, hon. fellow Queen's Coll. 1870, Setlleian professor of natural philosophy 1853, member of the hebdomadal council, Oxford, member of governing body and feUow of Winchester ColL ; b. 14 Mav, 1818 ; m. 20 Aug. 1857, Amy EUza, dau. of William Cole Cole, Esq. of Highfield, Exmouth, and has 2 sons and 5 daus. WiUiam Arthur, b. 20 Feb. I860.— Bartholomew George, b. 7 May, 1870. — Amy Maud. — Mary EUza Mabel. — Alice Mar- garet. — Rose Emelyn. — Elenor Eokeby. [3] Anne, d. s. p. 6 5lay, 1875, having m. to John Benjamin, only son of Benjamin Andrews, of Sto^-ting, Kent. [4] Mary, m. 26 June, 1845, to Rev. Thomas William Good- lake, rector of Swindon, Glouc; he d. 14 Oct. 1875, having had ^vith other issue 2 sons and 3 daus. (1) Thomas Sumian GOODLAKE, b. 20 June, 1847. (2) William Henry Gerrard, Ueut. H.M.s. "Shannon"; b. 25 Oct. 1848; d. 27 June, 1878, having m. 16 May, 1876, Catherine Maud, only dau. of Samuel Julian, Esq. of co. Kerry. (3) Mary Elizabeth. (4) Henrietta Gertrude. (5) Grace Emily, m. 6 June, 1871, to Charles Crocker, of Wargrave, Berks, and has a son, Charles Edward Goodlake CROKER, b. 13 Feb. 1874. [5] Harriet, unm. [6] Charlotte, unm. Rev. William Price m. 2ndly— 15 July, 1829, Harriet, dau. of James Davis, of Uppins; she d. July, 1865, having had with other issue 2 sons and a dau. [7] George, b. 6 Jan. 1834; unm. [8] James, b. 3 June, 1836 ; d. s. p. ; his wife d. 27 July, 1869. [9] Adelaide, d. s. p. having m. 3 Nov. 1869, to Bernard John McNulty, C.E. SIR C HA RLES PRICE, of Spring Grove, Richmond, Surrey, alderman of FarringdoH ward without 1803, master ot ironmongeis' company 1798, M.P. city of London 18u2, 1806. 1807, and 1812, and lord mayor, col. 4th city vols, created a Baroxet 2 Feb. 1804; b. 25 Jan. 1747 8; d. 19 July, 1818. having m. 16 Dec. 1773, Mary, dau. and eventual coheir of WiUiam Rugge, of London ; she d. 22 Feb. 1838, having had with 4 daus. 4 sons, /I/ Sir Charles, s. as 2nd Baronet. /2/ Ralph, of Svdenham. Kent, master of ironmongers' com- pany 1834 and 1837; b. 8 Feb. 1780; d. 3 April, 1860, having m. 3 Sept. 1805, his cousin Charlotte Savory, 2nd dan. of Lieut .- Col. Thomas Carteret Hardy; she d. 2 April, 1850, having had 3 sons and 3 daus. [1] Ralph Charles, of Carshalton, Surrey; b. 25 Jnlv, 1806: d. 1 Mar. 1868, having m. 1 Oct. 1835, his cousin EUza Al- binia, 5th dau. of Sir Charles Price, Bart, and had with other issue 5 sons and 3 daus. (1) Edmund, rector and patron of Famborough; b. 11 Aug. 1836; d. s. p. 15 Sept. 1872, having m. 17 Oct. 1867. Prances Augusta, 4th dau. of late Edward Cockburn Kindersley, of London. (2) Ralph George, b. 18 June, 1838; m. 13 Nov. 1867. An- ' aette, dau. of Rev. Simon Bumey Warner, rector of Clyst St. Mary, Devon, and has 2 daus. i Edith Mabel.— Annette Maud. (3) Alfred Adams, capt. 67th regt.; b. 9 Jan. 1840; m. 17 Jan. 1867, Eliza Lockett, dau. of John Taylor, Esq. of London, late Indian C.S. and has 3 sons and 2"daus. Ernest Charles, b. 19 Oct. 1867.— Kenneth Alexander, b. 2 Jan. 1869.— Ralph Charles, b. 6 Dec. 1873.— Geraldine MabeL — Kathleen Mary. (4) Alexander Smirke, b. 30 Oct. 1841. (5) Herbert StiU, b. 1 Dec. 184.5. (6) Marian Frances, m. 13 May, 1874, to James Frederick Cr'dt«keU, Esq. of Vithery. Malabar, India. (■( ) Eva. (8) Ethel Florence. [2j Robert, capt. 67th Bengal X.I. interpreter and quarter- master 18th X.I.; b. 13 July. 1813; kiUed in action 4 Feb. 1853, having m. 1st— 25 Aug. 1838, EUen Anne, dau. of Robinson, of ; she d. s. p. 24 >'ov. following. He m. 2ndly— 29 Feb. 1840, Sophia Catherine, yoiuigest dau. of Lieut.-Col. Rotjert LesUe Anstruther (BART.); she d. 8 Oct. 184.'.. He m. 3rdl}-— 16 May, 1850, his cousin Harriet, 2nd dau. of Sir Charles Price, Bart. ; she d. s. p. 11 May, 1880. By his 2nd ^vife he left an only surviving son, Ralph Axstrcther Price, major 9th Bengal x.i.; b. 11 Aug. 1842; m. 2 July, 1867, Fanny Hughes, dau. of James Lamb, of Calcutta, and has a son and dau. Robert James Stafford, b. 18 Feb. 1870.— Mary Sophia. [3] FrancU Lysons, of Surbiton HUl, Surrey ; b. 27 Dec. 1819 ; m. 28 Dec. 1&.54, Louisa Georgiana, 2nd dau. of late Charles Burlton, 41st regt.; she d. 1 Mar. 1865, leaving a duu. — Louisii Charlotte Marv. [4] Charlotte Mary. [5] Sarah Anne. m. 19 ilar. 1829, to Simon Adams Beck, of AUesley Park. Warwick. [6] La)ira Frances, m. 27 Aug. 1840, to Robert Still, of Lin- cohi's Inn, who d. 1863. /3/ Richard, of South Lambeth; b. 1 June, 1780; d. 15 Sept. 1852, having m. 12 Oct. 1805, EUzabeth, dau. of Henry He.vman, Esq. of London, consul-gen. for the Hanse Towns; she d. 5 Miir. 1847, having had with other issue 2 sons and 6 daus. [1] Augustus, lieut.-col. 4th Bombay rifles; b. 14 June, 1813; d. 17 May. 1870, having m. 27 AprU, 1852, Elizabeth Emma, dau. of late Major-Gen. Hodgson, Bombay art. and has 2 sous and 2 daus. Petley Lloyd Augustus, b. 25 April, 1856. — Hermann Chicheley Augustvis, b. 14 Jime, 1858. — Florence Ethel Augusta. — Ada EUzabeth Augusta. [2] George Uvedale. major-gen. Bombav staff (sup. list 1881), late 19th X.I.; b. 3 April, 1821; m. Ist^SO July, 1851, EUza- beth Palmer, dau. of James Price, Q.M. 24th regt. and widow of Arthur Edward Frere, Esq. Ueut. 24th regt. (Bart.) ; she d. 15 July, 1857. having had 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) George Uvedale, b. (2) Edward Augustus Uvedale, b. ; m. 27 Oct. 1881, I EUzabeth Henrietta, 2ud dau. of Henry J. P. Dumas, Esq. (3) Catherine RosaUnd,m. 19 Oct. 1872, to Thomas Henry, I 2nd son of late Thomas Durie Moore, of LiverpooL (4) Emma EUzabeth. CoL Price m. 2ndly— 22 Jan. 1859, Harriette Anne Wil- heUnina, dau. of late Rev. Charles Robert Gayer, of Dingle, CO. Kerry, and has 2 sons and a dau. (5) Charles Heiirv Uvedale, Ueut. Welsh regt.; b. 16 June, 1862.— (6) CyrilUvedale,b.l3May,1868.— (7) Mary Sophia. [3] Mary, m. 21 July, 1836, to her cousin Sir Arthur James I Rugge-Price, Bart. ' [4] Eosina Mary, m. 8 Jan. 1868, to her cousin Sir Frederick Pott-Price, Bart, who d. s. p. 15 Nov. 1873. [5] Charlotte Augusta. [6] Frances Henrietta, d. 6 Jan. 1864, having m. 1856, to Patrick Stewart, bar.-at-law L.I. [7] Anna Maria. [8] Catherine Harriet, m. 24 Jan. 1850, to Henrj- Rowley Donaldson Marrett, surgeon Madras army (son of Gen. Marrett ,E.I.C.S.) : he d. 9 Feb. 1867, having bad 3 sous and a dau. I Henry Eichard Marrett. b. 19 Nov. 1851.— Charles Beau- champ, b. 12 July, 1853.— Edward Uvedale, b. 6 Jan. 1859. — Catherine Mary Matilda. /4/ Thomas, of Clementhorpe, CO. York, of the 4th dragoons; b. 4 Aug. 1783: d. 29 Jan. 1856! having m. 22 May, 1814, EUza, 2nd dau. and coheir of HaU Plumer, Esq. of .Stockton Hall, Yorks. (and niece of Sir Thomas Plumer, master of the roUs); she d. 10 Mar. 1857, having had 5 sons and 2 daus. [1] Thomas Charles, M.A. Merton Coll. Oxon. 1842, post- master 1836, vicar of St. Augu-stine's, Bristol, since 1851, rector of Holtbv, Yorks, 1845 51, domestic chaplain to late Lord Howden (ext,); b. 4 Aug, ISlfi; m, 8 April, 1847, Ellen, dau, of John Taylor, of Liverpool, and has 4 sons and 4 daus. Charles C:liichelev, b. 1 Oct, 1854,— Ealph Montague Eoke- bv, b. 3 May, 186"0.— Thomas Plumer, b. 15 Mav, 1861.— Hall Towrye, b. 27 April, 1864.— Alice Ellen. -^Blanche Isabel. — EUen Anderson. — EUza Plimier. [2] Edwin Plumer. I.T. caUed 1841, Q.C. B.A. Lincoln Coll. Oxon. 'recorder of York, and judge of county courts West Norfolk; b. 13 Mar. 1818; m. 15 June, 1841, his cousin Lucy, elder dau. and coheir of John Harrison. Esq. of Eipley, Surrey (son of Eobert Harrison, of Beuuingholme HaU and Euisthorpe, co. York), and has a son and 3 daus. (1) John Harrison, b. 8 Dec. 1848. (2) Dora Lucy. (3) Georgiana Charlotte EUzabeth, m. 22 Oct. 1879, to AVilliam Thomas Law, M.D. of Brompton hospital. (4) Beatrice. [3] .Spencer Cosbv, capt, late 72nd highlanders; b, 19 Aug. 1819; m. 1st— 18 Dec, 1843, Sarah, dau. of John Hyde, of Castle Hyde. co. Cork, and widow of William Cooke ColUs, Esq. of Castle Cooke, co. Cork; she d. 12 Aug. 1850. He ui. 2ndly — Adelaide, dau. of George Baker, Esq. By liLs 1st wife he had 3 daus. (1) Annie EUza. m.8 June, 1869, to Homiuzd Bassam, late first assistant poUtical resident Aden, in n.M. Indian c.s. also envoy to King Theodore of Abyssima, and has 5 daus. Theresa Eassam. — Mary. — Helena. — Annie Ferida. — A dau. b. 7 Mar. 1880. (2) Louisa Marv, m. 16 May, 1872, to Henry Charles Cut- cliffe, Esq. (3) CaroUne Frances, m. 24 Dec. 1867, to Henry George Saunders, major Bengal s.C. [4] HiiU Eokeby, master of Ironmongers' company 1877,8; b. 11 July, 1821; m. 12 May, 1853, Fanny, dau. of Matthew Holland, of London, and has 2 .sons and a dau. Arthur Rokebv. b. 5 Mar. 1854.— Wilfrid Thomas Rokeby, b. 16 Jan. 1856.— Helen Ursula Rokebv. [5] Clement Uvedale, b.l9 April, 1825; d. unm. 25 Dec. 1879. [6] Eliza Caroline, m. 28 29 Mar. 18.55, to her cousin Capt. Eobert Charles Holmes, 10th hussars ; he d. 17 April, 1869, leaving 3 .sons, Charles Holmes, b. .—Harry, b. .— Dalkeith, b.