Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/752

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716 THE KNIGHTAGE. GREEN. Major-Gex. Sib William Henry Rhodes, k.c.s.i. 1868, c.b. retd. f.p. as lieut.- col. Bombay staflf corps, adj. of Scinde irrejrular horse 1846, in Punjab, and in Crimea under Omar Pasha, jx)liti.-al superintendent Upper Scinde 186.5,70, hon. A.D.C. to gov.-gen. India (Lord Xorthbrook) 1872 .5 (son of Vice-Adm. Sir Andrew Pellet Green K.C.H.): b. 31 May, 1823; m. 11 Aug. 1868, Louisa, youngest dau. of late John Henry Dunn, receiver-gen. Canada, and has a son and 2 cLius. (1) Henry Cliffonl Eoden, b. 1-5 May, 1872. (2) Ethel Louisa Rodes. (3) Sophia Mabel Rodes. 93, Belgrave Road, S.W. GREGORY, RiaHT Hon. Sir Willi am Henry, P.O. K.C.M.G. 1876, gov. of Ceylon 1872.7, M.p. DubUn city 1842 70, Galway county 1857/72, sherifE 1849 (sou of Rotert Gregory, of Coole Park, Galway); b. 1817; m. 1st— 10 Jan. 1872, Eliza- beth, widow of James Temple Bowdoin. Esq. and (Lau. of late Sir William Clay, Bart.; she d. 28 June, 1873. He m. 2ndlj' — 4 Mar. 1880, Augusta, dau. of late Dudley Persse, Esq. d.l. of Roxborough, co. Galway, and has a sou, (1) William Robert, b. 20 May, 1881. Coole Park, near Gort, and 3, St. George's Place, Hyde Park Comer, W. GREY, Sir George Edward, ll.d. k.c.b. 1848, premier New Zealand 1877,9, superintendent province of Auckland 187.5. gov. South Australia 1840,6, gov. New Zealand 1846/54, 1861/7, of Cape of Good Hope 1854/61, capt. late 88rd regt. (post- humous and only son of Col. Grey, 30th regt. who fell at Badajoz— see Thomas — Bart.) ; b. 9 Mav, 1812; m. 8 Dec. 1839, Harriet, "dau." of late Capt. Sir Robert Cavendish Spencer, k.c.h. c.b. (E. Spencer). Hewun Island, Auckland, X.Z. j GRIFFIN, Sir Lepel Henry, k.c.s.l 1881, B.c.s. agent to gov.-gen. Central India. GROVE, Hon. Sir William Robert, d.c.l. knighted 1871, justice of common pleas since 1871, bar.-at-law L.l. 1835, Q.C. and a bencher 1853, president British association 1866, author of the "Correlation of Phyt^ical Forces," and of several works on physical science (son of John Grove, of Swansea, J.P.D.L.); b. 11 July, 1811; m. 1837, Emma Maria, dau. of John Diston Powles, Esq. of London; she d. 8 Mar. 1879, having hatl with other issue a son, (1) Florence Crawfurd, b. 12 Mar. 1838; m. 5 Oct. 1869, Louisa Harriet, dan. of late Louis Novelli, Esq. of Prestwich, co. Lane. 115, Harley Street, w. HAINES, Gen. Sib Frederick Paul, g.c.b. 1877, G.C.S.i. (extra), c.i.E. com.-in-chief India 1876/81, col. 104th regt. since 1874, extraordinary member council governor-gen. India since 1876, military sec. to Lord Gough when com.-in-chief in Sutlej and Punjaub campaigns, served in Crimea ■with 21st regt. D.A.G. Ireland 1862/4, commis.sioner Jlysore division 1865,70, Q.M.G. 1870/1, com.-in- chief Madras 1871/5 (.son of Commissary-Gen. Gregory Haines, C.B.) ; b. 10 Aug. 1819; m. 11 Sept. 1856, Charlotte Jane Sophia, dau. of Col. Edward Every Miller (Macgregor — Bart.); she d. 7 April, 1880, having had 3 sons, (1) Frederick Edward Grant, b. 22 July, 1857. (2) GreKory Sinclair, lieut. 6th regt. A.D.C. to com.-in-chief India; b. 14 Nov. 1858. (3) Evan Paul Arbuthnot, b, 19 May, 1860. HALL, Hon. Sir Charles, knighted 12 Dec. 1873, vice-chancellor since 11 Nov. 1873, bar.-at-law M.T. 1838, bencher 1872, was one of , conveyancing counsel of high court of chancery j (son of John Hall, Esq. of Manchester) ; b. 14 ' April, 1814; m. 26 Nov. 1837, Sarah, dau. of Francis Duval, Esq. of Exeter; she d. 5 Feb. 1880, having j had with other issue 2 sons and 4 daus. (1) Lew-is Duval b. 13 Mar. 1842; m. Mary Kate Meeking. (2) Charles, bar.-at-law L.I. 1866, attomey-gen.toH.R.H. Prince j of Wales, Q.C 1881; b. 3 Aug. 1843. (3) Saran Elizabeth, d. 14 May, 1873, having m. to Henry Casson, Esq. (4) Mary Jane, m. 1 Aug. 1859, to Edmund John Mortlock, Esq. (5) Harriet, m. 4 Aug. 1863, to John Ochoncar Forbes, Esq. of I Corse, Aberdeensh. (Bart.) (6) Ellen, m. 7 July, 1874, to Henry Gordon, Esq. of Manar, CO. Aberdeen, J.p. D.L. late 92ud Gordon highlanders, and rifle brigaile, and has a dau. — Elizabeth Cruger. 8, Bayswater HiU, W. and Famham Chase, Bucks. HALL, Adm. Sir William King, k.c.b. 1871 (retd list 1881), com.-in-chief at the Nora 1876 80, served in Carlist war 1836/9, Syria 1840. at capture of St. Jean d"Acre, commanded " Stj-x " in Kafl^ war 1850,3, " BuUdog," as flag-ship, Russian war 1854,5, " Exmouth " at bombardment of Swea- borg, capt. " Calcutta " at taking of Taku forts in China war 1 856 9, capt. superintendent Sheerness dockyard 1865/9, rear-adm. superintendent Devon- port dockvard 1871/2 (son of late James Hall, m.d.); b. 1816; m. 1st— 20 June, 1848, Louisa, dau. of James Fonnan. of Coldstream, n.b.; she d. 25 June, 1878. He m. 2ndly— 6 .July, 1880, Charlotte, widow of Thomas Knowles Tillotson, Esq. and dau. of late T. Campbell Simp-son, Esq. 23rd light dragoons. By his 1st wife he had with other issue a dau. (1) Meta, d. 24 Nov. 1881. having m. 19 Oct. 1874, to Edward Grogau, capt. 42nd highlanders (BART.) 6, Elgin Road, Kensington Park, W. HALLIDAY, Sir Frederick James, k.c.b. 1860, lieut.-governor Bengal 1854/9, b.c.s. 1825/59, member of supreme council India 1853/4 (son of Thomas Halliday, of EweU) ; b. 25 Dec. 1806 ; m. 25 Dec. 1834, Eliza, 2nd dau. of Gen. John Alexander Paul Macgregor. 21, Bolton Gardens, S.W. ( HAMILTON, Gen. Sir Frederick William, K.C.B. 24 May, 1872, col. 21st regt. since 1870 (retd. list 188i). (See Peerage— Baron Belhaven.) Pitcorthie, Colinsburgh, Fife. HAMILTON, Sir James, knighted 1872, formerly chainnan Belfast harbour com- missioners (son of Rev. George Hamilton, of Armagh); b. 1815. Belfast. HAMLEY, Major-Gen. Sir Edward Bruce, E.A. K.C.M.G. 1880, C.B. 1867, Served in Eastern campaign 1854 5, commis.sioner for delimit- ation of Bulgaria 1879, for demarcation of Turkish fi-ontier in Asia 1880, and for Turco-Greek frontier 1881, commandant staff college Sandhurst 1870 7. professor of military histoiy there 1858/64, served in Crimea, at battles of the Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman, and siege and fall of Sebastopol, K.L.H.M. author of " The Operations of War;" b. 27 April, 1824. HANCOCK, Sir Samuel, knighted 1841 as senior exon. of yeomen of the guard (son of Samuel Hancock, of London); b. 3 June, 1805; m. 2 July, 1831, Dorothea Harriet, dau. of Godfrey Wentworth - Wentworth, Esq. of WooUey Park, York.s. (See Armyt AGE— Bart.) Cheltenham.