Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/770

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734 THE KNIGHTAGE. commdt. 10th Bengal cav. 1859,81, adj. Scinclc camel corps 1853, severely wounded, served in Indian Mutiny, three times wounded, once danger- ously, comdg. 10th Bengal cav. in Abyssinia (son of late Major-Gen. Henry Palliser, R.A. by his wife Caroline, sister of Sir Henry, Viscount Hardinge, G.C.B.) ; b. 20 Aug. 1830; m. 12 Aug. 1871, Bertha, dau. of Rev. Charles Evelyn Cotton, of Etwall Hall, Dcrbysh. and has a dau. Bertha. PALLISER, LiEUT.-COL. Sir William, c.b. knighted 1873, major late 68th regt. and formerly in rifle Ijrigade, licut. col. 2nd Middx. art. vols. 1875/81, inventor of the "Palliser projectile," for piercing armour-plated ships, and various artil- lery patents, M.P. Taunton 1880 (son of Col. Wray Palliser, of DeiTylusken, co. Tipperary, and Connagh, CO. Waterford); b. 18 June, 1830; m. 1868, Anna, eldest dau. of late George Perham, Esq. 1, Earl's Court Square, S.W. PALMER, Sir Arthur Hunter, k.c.m.g. 1881, col. sec. and lately premier of Queensland (son of Lieut. Arthur Palmer, R.N.) ; b. 28 Dec. 1819; m. 17 May, 1865, Cecilia Jessie, dau. of Archibald Mosman, of Annidale, N.s.w. PARISH, Sir Woodbine, k.c.h. 1837, p.r.s. consul-gen. and minister plenipotentiary to province of La Plata 1823, charge d'affaires at Buenos Ayres 1824/32, joint plenipotentiary with Sir W. Temple for commercial treaty with Naples 1842/5 (son of Woodbine Parish, commissioner of excise) ; m. 1st — 1819, Emily, dau. of liConard Becher Morse, Esq. of Norwood, Surrey ; she d. 22 Oct. 1835, having had with other issue 4 sons. (1) Henry Woodbine, C.B. lieut.-col. (retd.) brigade depot Devizes 1873/8, com. 45th regt. in Abyssinia 1868, served in Kaffir war 1846, 7; b. 8 Jan. 1821; m. 1846, Charlotte, dau. of Judge Cloetd, of the Cajje. (2) John Edward, rear-adm. R.N. (retd.); b. 1822; m. 23 April, 1879, Williamina Emma, eldest dau. of late William Longman, Esq. of Ashlyns, Herts. (BARLOW— Bakt.) (3) Frank, late consul at Buenos Ayres, b. 1824; m. 1855, Margaret, dau. of G. Miller, of that place. (4) WiUiam Douglas, chancellor of Chichester Cathedral; b. 1833. Sir Woodbine Parish m. 2ndly — 7 May, 1844, Louisa, sister of Right Hon. John Gellibrand Hubbard, m.p. and has 2 sons and a dau. (5) Charles Woodbyne, m. 16 July, 1879, Frances Montgomerie, youngest dau. of Rear-Adm. Alexander Boyle (E. GLASGOW), and lia.s a son, b. 3 Dec. 1880. (6) Arthur, b. 1854. (7) Blanche Marion, m. 1 July, 1871, to Sir Ughtred James kay-Sliuttleworth, Bart. St. Leonards-on-Sea. PARKES, Sir Harry Smith, g.c.m.g. 1881, K.C.B. 1862, envoy extraordinary and consul- gen. Japan since 1865, entered civil service 1842, con.sul at Amoy 1854, sec. Siam 1855, commissioner Canton 1858/61, taken prisoner I860, consul Shanghae 1862/5 (son of Harry Parkes, Esq. of Birchills Hall, .Staff.) ; b. 9 May, 1828 ; m. 6 Dec. 1856, Fanny Hannah, dau. of late Thomas Plumer, E.sq. of Canons Park, Middx. and granddau. of Sir Thomas Hall Plumer, master of rolls ; she d. 12 Nov. 1879. Yokohama, Japan. PARKES, Sir Henry, k.c.m.g. 1877, premier N.s.w. since 1877, colonial sec. and premier 1872/5, 1877, elected M.L.C. Sydney 1854, com- missioner of emigration in England 1861/3, colonial sec. 1866/8, president council of education 1866/70, founder of "Empire Newspaper" (son of Thomas Parkes) ; b. ; m. 1835, Clarinda Varney, and has with other issue, (1) Mary Editli (2nd dau.), m. 15 June, 1881, to George Murray, of Liverpool, N.S.W. Faulcoubridge, Blue Mountains, N.s.w. PATON, Sir Joseph Noel, r.s.a. ll.d. knighted 1867, H.M.s. limmer since 1865 (son of Joseph Neil Paton, F.S.A.s. of Wooers Alley, Dun- fermline, and his wife Catherine, 3rd dau. of Archi- bald McDiarmid, Esq. of Kuldaloskin, co. Perth) ; b. 13 Dec. 1821 ; m. 17 June, 1858, Margaret, dau. of Alexander Ferrier, Esq. of Bloomhill, co. Dum- barton, and has had 8 sons and 3 daus. (1) Diarmid Noel, b. 19 Mar. 1859. (2) Frederick W F Noel, b. 7 Nov. 1861. (3) Victor Albert Noel, b. 29 Dec. 1862. (4) Ranald Ale.xander Noel, b. 8 June, 1863. (5) Ernest Theodore Noel, b. 22 Sept. 1866. (6) Hamilton Lora Noel, b. 26 Mar. 1868. (7) Donald Robertson Noel, b. 8 July, 1872. (8) Malcolm Campbell Noel, b. 28 Feb. 1874; d. 20 Sept. 1879. (9) Mona Margaret Noel, m. 6 July, 1880, to Rev. John Wal- lace Kidston, M A. b.C.l. Oxon. (10) Caroline Aimilie Robertson Noel. (11) Eva Noel. 33, George Square, Edinburgh. PAULET, Gen. Sir William, g.c.b. commonly called Lord William Paulet, (See Peerage — M. Winchester.) PAUNCEFOTE, Sir Julian, k.c.m.g. 1880, c.b. 1880, knighted 1874, assist, (legal) under-sec. of state foreign office since 1 876 (son of late Robert Pauncefote, of Preston Court, Glouc.) (See Smith, of Edwalton, &c. — Baron Carbington — Peer- age.) 11, Sumner Place, Onslow Square, S.W. PEACOCKE, Right Hon. Sir Barnes, p.c. 1870, knighted 1859, member judicial com- mittee privy council since 1872, bar.-at-law i.T. 1836, Q.c. and a liencher 1850, member supreme council of India 1852, chief justice high court of judicature Bengal 1859/69, v.P. legislative council of India 1859 (son of Barnes Peacocke) ; b. 1810 ; m. 1st— 1835, Elizabeth, dau. of William Fanning, Esq.; she d. 28 Mar. 1865, having had 3 sons, (1) Frederick Barnes, B.C.S. (2) Harry P m. 18 Jan. 1862, Emily, eldest dau. of Robert Mosely Tliomas, Esq. (3) Frank Denman, m. 27 Jan. 1877, Emily, 2nd dau. of late Joseph Baly, Esq. Sib Barnes m. 2ndly — 27 Jan. 1870, Georgina, 2nd dau. of late Major-Gen. Showers, C.B, and has 2 sons, (4) Walker, b. 24 May, 1871. (5) Herbert St. George, b. 8 Aug. 1872. 49, Cornwall Gardens, S.W., and Englemere Wood, Ascot. PEARS, Majob-Gen. Sib Thomas Townsend, R.E. K.C.B. 1871, served as commanding engineer at Zorapoor 1839, com. R.E. China 1840/2, sec. to military department India office 1861/76 (son of Rev. James Pears, of Windlesham, Surrey) ; b. 9 May, 1809; m. 31 Dec. 1840, Bellina Marianne, dau. of late Capt. Charles Johnston, Madras army, and has 3 sons and 4 daus. of whom, (1) Thomas Caldwell (2nd son), 1st Punjab inf. ; b. 27 June. 18.51 ; m. 22 Mar. 1881, Helen Botht-a. eldest dau. of Col. William George Davics, e.s.I. commissioner of JuUundur. (2) Margaret, m 1873, to John Henry Etherington Smith, bar.-at-law I.T. Eton Lodge, Putney, S.W. PEARSON, LiEUT.-CoL. Sir Charles Knight. K.C.M.G. 11 Dec. 1879, C.B. (h.p.), lieut.-col. late 3rd buffs, .shut up at Ekowe in Zulu war 1879, gov. and comdt. royal Victoria hospital, Netley, since 1880 (son of Com. Charles Pearson, r.n. of Thome Coffin, near Yeovil); b. 1 July, 1834; m. 10 April, 1866, Marian Catherine, eldest dau of Major Sir Robert Miller Mund}^ K.C.M.G. 1, Athol ViUa, Redhill.