Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/793

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VARIOUS ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Ibl Greene, Col. Dominic Sarsfield, k.a. C.b. commanded r.a. Dublin district 1872/7, commanded a column during Feniau outbreak in Ireland, served in Indian Mutiny ; b. 22 Mar. 1826 Greene, Col. Godfrey Thomas, C.B. (civil), late director engi- neering and architectural works admiralty Greene, Jolm Ball, c.b. commissioner of valuation in Ireland Greer, (hon.) Lieut.-Geu. Henry Harpur, C.B. served in N.z. 1864/6 (E. Ranfcrlt); b. 24 Feb. 1821 Gregory, Charles Hutton, C.M.G. president institute C.E. 18 consulting engineer Ceylon, the Cape, and Trinidad, lieut.- col. engineer and railway vols. S.C. Greig, Major John James, c.B. chief constable Liverpool 1852/81, late 24th regt. Grenfell, Adm. Sidney, c.B. (retd. list) Grey, MajorLeopold John Herbert, c.s.i. B.s.C. deputy commis- sioner Punjab, and superintendent Bhawalpur state (E. Grey) Griffith, Charles Duncan, C.M.G. chief magistrate Basutoland, commanding a division Cape police Griffith, Gen. Henry Darby, C.B. 1855 (retd. list 1880), col. 5th lancers since 1872, a.d.C. to the Queen 1855/66, commanded Scots Greys in Crimea, K.M. served at battles of Balaclava (wounded), Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, &c. Griffith, Philip, C.B. charge d'affaires Columbia 1854/65, sec. legation Greece 1837/52, Washington 1852/4 Griffith, (Hon.) William Brandford, C.m.g. late M.L.c. and auditor-gen. Barbadoes, lieut.-gov. Gold Coast colony and administrator of Lagos 1879 Growse, Frederick Salmon, C.I.E. M.A. Oxou. B.c.s. magistrate of the Bulandshahr district N.W.P. Oriental scholar and archseologlst. Hunt-Grubbe, Capt. Walter James, r.k. c.b. a.d.c. to the Queen, commanded a wing of the naval brigade at the battle of Amoaful in the Ashantee expedition, where he was woimded, commanded " Devastation " 1877/8 Gubbins, Frederick Bebb, c.B. B.C.s. 1835/63 Gubbins, Major-Gen. James, C.B. (retd. list) Guise, hon. Lieut.-Gen. John Cliristopher, T.C. C.B. (retd. Ust). served in Crimea and Indian Mutiny, late 90th L.i. (Bart.) Gurdon, WiUiam Brampton, c.B. a clerk in the treasury, private sec. to Mr. Gladstone when chancellor of exchequer 1865/6, and prime minister 1869/74 Hagart, Lieut.-Col. James McCaul, C.B. of Eastbury Manor, Guildford. Haig, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Arthur Balfour, late majw R.E. C.m.g. equerry to H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh since 1865 (B. Harris) Haliburton, Ai-thur Laurence, C.B. (civil), director of supplies and transport 1878, and commissioner income duty, army services, miUtary finance department of India 1872, 5, entered service 1855, served in Turkey, Canada, and Nova Scotia (sou of late Mr. Justice HaUbiirton of Nova Scotia, M.P. Launceston, author of " Sam SUck," &c. by his wife Louisa, dau of Capt. Neville, 19th dragoons— see Clat Bart.) Hall, Vice-Adm. Robert, C.B. naval sec. to admiralty since 1872, A.D.C. to Queen 1869/73, 3rd lord of the admiralty and comptroller of the navy 1871/2, &c. Halloran, Henry, c.m.g. Hamilton, Gen. Charles, c.B. served in Gwalior (1843), and Sutlej campaigns 1845 6, medals and clasps Hamilton, brevet Col. Francis Fisher, c.B. lient.-col. 4th regt. A.A. and A.Q.M.G. W. district 1875/80, served in the Crimea, K.M. &c. ; b. 20 April, 1830 Hamilton, Gen. Henry, c.B. command. Cork district 1877/81, served in Ceylon, Scinde, and Indian Mutiny (V. BorSE) Hamilton, Major-Gen. Henry Meade, C.B. A.Q.M.G. Crimean war, K.M. commaudmg 12th regt. N.Z. war 1863/6 (BOR- ROWE.s— BART.) ; b. 8 Dec. 1820 Baillie-Hamilton, Ker, c.B. gov. Leeward Islands 1855/63 (E. Haddington) Hamilton, Lieut.-Gen. Richard, C.B. Madras S.C. (retd. list), commanding division British BuTmah 1873/5, served in Burmese war 1853, and in Indian Mutiny 1857/8 ; b. 18 Dec. 1810 Hamilton, Rear-Adm. Richard Vesey, r.n. c.B. director naval ordnance since 1878 (D. ATHOLE) Hamley, Joseph Osbertus, c.B. (civil), hon. commissary-gen. deputy-commissary-geu. ordnance 1878/80, served in Aus- traha and N.z. Hanbury, James Arthm-, C.B. dep. siirg.-gen. brigade sur- geon Bengal army Hand, Adm. George Sumner, c.B. (retd.) Hardinge, Reai--Adm. Edward, r.n. c.b. a.d.c. to the Queen (V. Hardinge) Hardinge, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Arthui- Edward, c.B. com.-iu- chief Bo. army 1881 (V. HARDINGE) Hardy, Major-Gen. William, c.B. served in Crimea, K.M.; b. 11 Mar. 1822 Hare, Edward, c.S.i. late deputy-inspector-gen. hospitals Bengal establishment Harley, Col. Robert WiUiam, c.B. c.m.g. lieut.-gov. Grenada since 1877, of Tobago 1875/7, &c. late 2nd W. India regt. Harman, Major-Gen. George Byug (h.p.), c.B. late brigade depot, D.A.G. headquarters Ireland Harness, brevet Lieut.-Col. Arthur, r.a. c.b. served in Zulu war 1879; b. Jime 1838 Harris, Capt. WiUiam Charles, c.B. late assist, com. of police, London Harrison, Col. Richard, brevet-col., r.e. c.b. a.a.&q.m.g. Aldershot 1881. served throughout Indian Mutiny 1857,9, at siege and captiure of Lucknow, &c. through the Oude campaign 1858, 9, in China war 1860, A.Q.M.G. Zulu field force 1879; b. 26 May, 1837 Harrison, Richard Pryce,c.S.l. government director bank of Bengal and coutroUer-gen. of India accoimts 1863/7, B.C.S. 1834/67 Hart, Robert, c.m.g. inspector-gen. Chinese imperial maritime customs Hassard, Col. Fairfax Charles, r.e. c.b. (h.p.), commanding R.e. at the Cape since 1877, at Sheemess 1873 7, at the Curragh 1870/3, served in Crimea, at siege and faU of Sebastopol, K.M. served in Zulu war 1880; b. 15 Mar. 1822 Hassard, Henry Bolton, c.b. m.b. dep. surgeon-gen. Bengal army Hastings, Bt. Lieut. -CoL Edward George Godolphiu, c.B. (civil), Bengal cav. late poUtical agent at Cabul and chief pohtical officer with Gen. Roberts' force on march from Cabul to Caudahar 1880 (E. HUNTINGDON) Hatch, Major-Gen. George CUflfe, c.S.i. Bengal s.c. (sup. list 1881), deputy-judge-advocate-gen. in Indian Mutiny; b. 11 Jan. 1820 Haughton, Major-Gen. John Colpoys, c.s.i. Bengal s.c. (sup. Ust 1881), served in Beloochistan and Afghanistan 1838,42, severely wounded, lost his right hand (E. RAD- NOR) ; b. 25 Nov. 1817 Havelock, Capt. Arthur EUbank, C.M.G. gov. w. African settlements since 1881, chief civil commissioner of the Seychelles Islands 1879/81, acting chief 1874/5, M.L.C. Fiji 1875, provisional and colonial sec. and receiver-gen. 1875, president of Nevis 1877 (Bart.) Hawkins, Hon. Major-Gen. Alexander Caesar, c.B. col. r.a, (retd. f. p.), served at siege and fall of Sebastopol (BART.) Hawley, Major-Gen. Robert Beaufoy, C.B. D.A.G. since 1878, assist, military sec. 1874 8, served with 89th regt. at Sebas- topol, D.A.Q.M.G. at Balaklava; b. 18 April, 1821 Drummond-Hay, James de Vismes, c.B. consul at Val- paraiso since 1870, Para 1866, 70 (E. KINNOULL) Leith-Hay, Col. Alexander Sebastian,c.B. lieut.-col. late 93rd regt. which he led at Sebastopol, and the reUef and capture of Lucknow, &c. Hayes, Vice-Adm. John Montagu, c.B. served in China war 1840/2, &c. K.W. of the Netherlands Hearn, Col. Charles Shuckbiu-gh, c.i.E. Ma<lras S.C. inspector- gen. Madras poUce, serve<l in 2nd Burmese war 1852, A.A.6. to headquarters of Turkish contingent 1855/6, 4th class medjidie; b. 9 Feb. 1829 Heath, Rear-Ailm. Wilham Andrew James, R.N. C.B. (retd.), served at St. Jean d'Acre, &c. Heathcote, Col. Charles Thomas, c.b. Bo.s.C. Heathcote, Lieut.-Col. Mark Henrj'. c.B. B.s.C. (CURRIE^ BART.) Hector, James, M.D. C.m.g. director of geological survey N.z &c. 3 Z>2