Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/795

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VARIOUS ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 759 Innes, J Rose, acting administrator Griqualami West 1879, formerly civil commissioner King AVilliam's Town Innes, John Harrie Ker, M.R.C.S.E. C.B. sm-geon-gen. prin- cipal meiiical oflacer in Bengal since 1876, meJical super- Lntendeut ilalta 1872, G, served in Crimea and Oude Inskip, Rev. Robert Mills, r.n. c.b. (retd.) Irvine, Matthew Bell, c.b. c.m.g. (hon.) commissary-gen. (retd.) 1881, district commissary-gen. Aldershot 1878, served in Canada, Australia, Crimea, AVest Indies, Spain, Red River expedition, and Ashantee; b. 7 Jan. 1832 Irving, Major-Gen. Alexander, r.a. C.b. (retd.), served in Crimea Irving, Charles John, C.M.G. residt. coimciUor at Malacca, Straits Settlements Irwin, Ahmuty, R.y. c.b. L.R.C.S. Ireland 1850, hon. M.B. Dublin 1881, inspector-gen. hospitals and fleets 1880, served on Gold Coast 1873 Jackson, Robert William, c.b. brigade surgeon, served in Crimea, Indian Mutiny, and Ashantee; b. 11 Aug. 1827 Jameson, WilUam, c.i.E. deputy-surgeon-gen. Janisch, Hudson Ralph, C.M.g. governor St. Helena 1873, police magistrate 1851,6, col. sec. and auditor-gen. 1868, 73 Jarvis, hon. Major-Gen. Samuel Peters, c.ll.G. lieut.-col. (h.p.) 82nd regt. with which he served in Indian Mutinj-, d.a.g. of a district in Canada, on special service at Cape 1879 Jeans, William David, C.B. Jee, Joseph, V.C. c.b. surgeon-major, deputy-inspector of hospitals (retd.); m. 25 Nov. 1880, Xorah Carola, dan. of Charles Riley, Esq. of London JeflFreys, Lieut.-Gen. and hon. Gen. Edmund Richard, c.b. col. Manchester (63rd) regt. 1881 (retd. list), served in Crimea, com.i88th regt. at Inkerman, K.M. Jenkins, Col. Francis HoweU,c.B. lieut.-col. Bengal s.c. brig.- gen. Cabul field force 1879, com. of corps of Guides since 1870, A.D.C. to the Queen, severely woundeil at siege and assault of Delhi, &c.; b. 18 Sept. 1832 Jenkins, James, R.x. ii.D. C.B. inspector-gen. hospitals and fleets since 1878, &c. surgeon naval brigade Crimea, K.L.H.M. Jenkins, Rear-Adm. Robert, C.B. served in S}-rian, China, Borneo, and Kafiir wars, Arctic expedition, and Xew Zealand war 1863/4 Jenkins, William, c.i.E. massacred with others of the British embassy at Cabul 3 Sept. 1879 Jephson, Major-Gen. Stanhope WUliam, C.B. retd. (f.p.), Ueut.-col. 2nd regt. served in AfEghan 1841, and China war, brigadier 1860 (Bart.) Johnson, Col. AUen Bayard, B.s.c. C.B. (B.utT.) Johnson, Col. Alured Clarke, C.B. r.a. Johnstone, Major-Gen. Henry Campbell, c.b. (retd.), Bengal s.c. deputy superintendent revenue survey N.w. frontier Punjab since 1866 Johnstone, Lieut.-Col. James, C.s.i. Bengal inf. dep. commis. Assam, and political agent, Munipur Jones, Humphrey Stanley Herbert, C.B. commissary-gen. (h.p.) since 1869, served in Crimea and New Zealand wars Jones, Rear-Adm. William Gore, C.B. com.-in-chief e. India station, late naval attache at Washington Jordan, Col. Joseph, c.b. (retd.), commanding brigade depot Reading 1877, lieut.-col. late 41st regt. served in Crimea and Indian Mutiny, K.M. ; b. 24 June, 1826 Justice, Lieut.-Col. William CUve, C.M.G. comd. troops Gold Coast Colony 1880 Kaye, Lieut.-Gen. Edward, R.A. C.b. retd. as major-gen. com. Mooltan brigade 1878,72, served in Afghanistan 1839, on the Sutlej, in Punjab, and in Indian Mutiny Keane, Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. Hussey Fane, C.B. (B. Kease) Keane, Leopold George Frederick, C.B. lieut.-col. and hon. col. Waterford city mil. (B.lHT.) Keatinge, Col. Richard Harte, V.C. C.S.I. Bombay s.c. chief commissioner Assam, dangerously wounded in three places at the siege of Chandaree, in Indian Mutiny (Pottixgeh— Bart.); b. 17 June, 1825 Keefer, Thomas Colvin, c.m.g. executive commissioner for Canada at Paris exhibition 1878 Keen, Lieut.-Col. Frederick John, c.b. b.s.c. served in Affghan campaign 1878 9, com. 1st Punjab infantry, served with 2nd Punjab infantry during ImUan Mutinv'l857/8. at siege and capture of Delhi, &c. reUef of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, &c. Keens, James Henry, c.M.G. ir.L.c. Tobago 1878, late presi- dent Kelly, Gen. Thomas Conyngham, c.b. lieut.-col. (h.p.), late 47th regt. served in Crimea and Indian Mutiny, K.M. Kennedy, Charles Malcolm, c.b. of the foreign office Kennedy, Vice-Adm. John James, c.b. (retd.), served in Crimean war, K.L.H.M. Kennedy, Col. Thomas GObert, c.b. b.s.c. com. 2nd Punjab cav. served in Affghan war 1878,'9 King, Lieut.-Col. Anthony Singleton, K.H. late 10th regt. Kingscote, Col. Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge, c.b. m.p. West Gloucester since 1852, extra equerry to Prince of Wales, capt. late Scots guards, served in Crimea at battle of Inkerman. &c. groom in waiting to the Queen 1859 66 Knight, Frederick Winn, C.B. lieut.-col. 1st Wore. R.v! Knight, James Blackburn, c.r.E. KnoUys, Francis, C.B. private sec. to Prince of Wales (see Knightage) KnoUys, Major Loiiis Frederick, c.M.G. 26th regt. late com. constabulary Fiji Knowles, Col. Charies Benjamin, c.b. 67th regt. or Hamp- shire regt. Knox, Ralph Henry, c.B. deputy-accountant-gen. of war office Knox, Lieut.-(Jen. Thomas Edmond, c.B. (retd. list) Ueut.-col. brigade depot at Yarmouth 1873/6, com. 67th regt. in China (E. Raxfurly) Kortright, ComeUus Hendericksen, c.M.G. governor British Guiana since 1876, Gambia 1873/5, &c. Lafont, Rev. Eugene, CLE. Lambert, John, c.i.e. dep. commissioner poUce, Calcutta Lambert, hon. Major-Gen. WiUiam, c.b. bt. col. (h.p.), late Connaught rangers (88th regt.); b. 16 Aug. 1836 Lane, Col. Cecil Newton, c.m.g. British resident at Cepha- lonia 1860,4, lieut.-col. Staff, mil. 1875 6 (E. Abixgdox) Lane, Gen. John Theophilus, C.B. 1846, col. com. H.A. served as commissary of ordnance in Affghan campaign 1842, served in Sutlej campaign 1845/6, and in Punjab 1848/9 Larnack, William James Mudie. c.M.G. of Dunedin, x.z.; m. Eliza Jane Guise ; she d. 8 Nov. 1880, aged 36 Law, Col. Francis To^-ry Adeane, It.-col. r.a. C.B. A.A.&Q.m.g. Woolwich district 1881. served in Crimean war 1855, at siege and fall of Sebastopol, in expedition to China 1860, served in Zulu war 1879, com. r.a. at Cape (B. Ellex- BOROCGH) Lawrence, Lieut.-Gen. Richard Charles, c.B. (civil), Bengal S.C. (sup. list 1881), served in Sutlej campaign and Indian Mutiny, com. 4th column of assault at capture of Delhi (B. Lawrexce) Lay, Horatio Nelson, C.B. bar.-at-law M.T. inspector-gen. customs Chinese government 1859, 64, &c. Layard, Edgar Leopold, c.M.G. Ceylon barrister, consul in New Caledonia since 1876 Laye, Lieut.-Gen. Joseph Henry, c.b. (retd. Ust) Lees, Capt. Charles Cameron, C.M.G. gov. and com.-in-chief of the Bahama Islands 1881, consul-gen. Borneo 1880, gov. and com.-in-chief island of Labuan, <S:c. 1879/80, late lieut.- gov. Gold Coast, collector of customs at Lagos 1872 4, administrator since 1874, late 23rd regt. Lefroy, Anthony O'Grady, c.M.G. Leith, Gen. Robert William Disney, c.B. (retd. list), a.g. of division in Indian Mutiny, served in Persian Gulf 1838, and in Punjab 1848; b. 28 Feb. 1819 Lennox, Major-Gen. Wilbraham Gates, Y.C. C.B. r.e. (h.p.), commanding r.e. Curragh. military attache in Tm-key 1876, and with the German armies during the Franco-German war, served in Crimea, at battle of Inkerman and faU of Sebastopol, and in Indian Mutiny, at battle of Cawnpore and siege of Lucknow (D. RlCHMOXD) Lethbridge, E. Roper, c.i.E. bar.-at-law i.t. m.a. Exeter Coll. Oxon. Indian press commissioner