Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/365

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rays, had retouched the dark shadows of Night, Lise took leave of the youths and set out on his way. But he had hardly proceeded fifty steps from the inn, when, opening the casket, he said, “Ah, my friend, I wish I had a litter lined with cloth, and with a little fire inside, that I might travel warm and comfortable through the snow!” No sooner had he uttered the words, than there appeared a litter, with bearers, who lifting him up placed him in it; whereupon he told them to carry him home.

When the hour was come to set the jaws to work, Lise opened the little box and said, “I wish for something to eat.” And instantly there appeared a profusion of the choicest food, and there was such a banquet that ten crowned kings might have feasted on it.

One evening having come to a wood, which did not give admittance to the Sun because he came from suspected places[1], Lise opened the little casket, and said, “I should like to rest tonight on this beautiful spot, where the river is making counterpoint upon the stones as accompaniment to the canto-fermo of the cool breezes.” And instantly there appeared, under an oil-cloth tent, a couch of fine scarlet, with down mattresses, covered with a Spanish counterpane and sheets as light

  1. Alluding to the quarantine which ships were subject to coming from the East.—L.