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His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has thought proper
in the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, signed
communications made to those persons to whom they may
to direct, that all public communications, which may appear
with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official


VOL. I.] [No. 15

SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 1833


Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, Feb. 5th, 1833

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to grant Permission to William Temple Graham, Esquire, to act as 'Notary Public' in this Colony.

By His Honor's Command

Peter Brown,
Colonial Secretary


Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, March 20th, 1833.

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor directs the following List of the Magistrates of this Colony, to be published for general Information.

The Honorable W. H. Mackie, Esquire, Chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions

George Leake, Esquire

Edward Barrett Lennard, Esquire

John Morgan, Esquire

John Bussell, Esquire

Henry Bull, Esquire

The Rev. J. B. Wittenoom

Thomas Peel, Esquire

William Nairn, Esquire

William Tanner, Esquire

William Lockie Brockman, Esquire

T. T Ellis, Esquire

J. Molloy, Esquire

Alexander Collie, Esquire

Frances H. Byrne, Esquire

Peter Pegus, Esquire, and

Joshua Gregory, Esquire.

By His Honor's Command

Peter Brown,
Colonial Secretary.


Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, 20th March, 1833,

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to direct the Publication of the general Objects of the following Bill, now under the consideration of the Legislative Council.

"An Act to enable the Governor or other Officer administering the Government of Western Australia, to grant exemptions from the payment of License Duty under special circumstances."

WHEREAS by an Act of the Governor and Council (No. 8) of the second year of His present Majesty, intituled "An Act to regulate the sale of spiritous and fermented Liquors by Retail:" it is enacted, that all Publicans in any part of the Colony of Western Australia shall pay to the use of His Majesty &c. certain yearly Duties therein mentioned, and no Provision is therein made for exempting Publicans under any circumstances from such payment; AND whereas it appears expedient for the Public convenience, and probably conducive to the ultimate increase of His Majesty's Revenue in the said Colony that the erection or opening of Houses for the shelter and refreshment of Travellers in certain remote, and thinly peopled Districts or Thoroughfares, and the formation and repair of Roads without expense to the public, should be encouraged by granting such Exemptions as aforesaid, it is proposed

That power be conferred on the Governor to issue, with advice of Council, Licenses free of Duty, to persons proposing to keep Public Houses in certain situations: or to construct certain public works at their own expense.

That the duration of such License shall not continue or be in Force for any longer period than twelve calendar Months, and shall not be granted to any person without first obtaining and producing a Certificate signed by two Magistrates of the said Colony.

That on Violation of the conditions upon which such License shall be granted the same shall be forfeited.

By His Honor's Command,

Peter Brown,
Colonial Secretary,

without reserve

Mr. Richard Lewis begs to offer to the Public on Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1833, at the Perth HOTEL at 12 o'clock.—

2 superior 2 year old Heifers heavy in calf.

1 Excellent double wheel Plough, 1 ditto Kentish foot ditto, 1 Pair of Harrows, 1 superior Whale Boat, with masts, sails, and oars complete, 1 Light Cart not quite complete, &c., &c., &c.

Fremantle, April 12th, 1833.

Weekly Cargo Boat to Perth.

J. LUKIN respectfully informs the Public, that his boat, the Fanny will leave Fremantle every Thursday for Perth, and will return every Saturday morning, wind and weather permitting.—Goods landed at Perth, at 30s. per Ton, carriage at Fremantle included. Under half a ton—charge will be made according to the size of the package.

*** Timber, Bricks, Hay, and colonial produce conveyed to Fremantle on the most reasonable terms.

Fremantle, 11th April, 1833

Flour has been selling at Fremantle Wholesale at two pence half penny; 18 Tons were disposed of at this price a few days ago; by the bag at Perth it is still 5d., we shall hear more of this traffice in the course of a few days. Bread the 4lb. loaf, is reduced to 16d.

On Thursday, the 18th Instant,
at 12 o'clock
Will sell by AUCTION

At the STORE lately occupied by Mr. A. Curtis, the following valuable articles consisting of—

1 Large size superior spanish mahogany telescope dining table, 1 smaller ditto, 1 double barrel back percussion gun, 1 ditto flint gun, 1 single ditto back action percussion, 1 superior flint rifle with bayonet &c., 2 brace of pocket pistols, 5 fusees with bayonets, 1 superior Carbine, and various other articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold without reserve.


Flour in bags and barrels,
Split Peas
Sein Twine
Arrow Root
Hams and Bacon
Bullocks Bows and Chains
Bran and Pollard
Tripe in small kegs
Salmon in barrels, &c., &c.


150 Fine wool SHEEP.

F. Downing.


Before G. F. Moore, Esq., Civil Commissioner

Anderson v. Hall. This case which was adjudged to be left to the decision of two arbitrators, Messrs Lamb & Scott of Fremantle, was again brought forward in consequence, of Mr. Lamb's declining to act. After a long discussion it was arranged that Mr. Scott should supply the place of Mr. Lamb.

Hall v. Leake. This case was ordered to stand over for discussion upon the points of law until next court day.

Keats v. Smith. Mr. Clark opened the case. Various transactions had passed between the Plaintiff and the Defendant, and on the 28th December a balance was struck, the Defendant engaging to rectify any errors which might be discovered. It had subsequently been found out that sums had been received, for which the Plaintiff had not had credit. Johnson who was present at the settlement, deposed to this effect, which was further corrobated by the testimony of J. Thomas, Mr. Butler who appeared for the Defendant, handed in a receipt which was given at the time of settlement. The Commissioner remarked, that the nature of the defence, was exceedingly unsatisfactory, and he was surprised that the Defendant should stake his reputation upon, the production of a receipt, which