Mun-ge-ral, fat
Mun-gyte, the flower of the banksia
Mun-gyte-du, the hairy part of the banksia flower
Mun-jang, harmless, not fierce
Mur-ang, a root eaten by the natives
Muir-da, bald, bald; "bir-ri-kirre," as "katta murda," bald head
Mur-daile, the wrist
Mur-rigo, to go, to move
Murr-jy, the upper part of the back of the neck
Murro-murro, the peeled and ornamented sticks which the natives wear in their heads during the "yallore"
My-a, anything constructed of bark; as a house or basket
Mya, the voice
Mya kowd, an echo
Mya-gyne, to-morrow,
Mya*gyne, the day before yesterday
Myar, a place of residence
Myar-a, a roperty in land, onels landed property My ardu ck, night
My-a?ree, foliage
Mtyart, darknesi
My.er-ree, tht liver
l!liy-erbûg ul, the monthly illness of'females. During this period the native women are separ rated from their husbands and friends; a little hut close to that of UVir husbands* ia erected for them, and for six days ihev are obliged to remain in the state of "walluck wûndoween," lying apart
My-ra-bot-tine, joints of the fingers
Myre-a, the hand 01 fingers
Myre-ook, yesterday
Naal, here, present
Nab-bow, to rub on, to anoint; as "wilgey nab bow,'* to paint with wilgey
Na-ga, this
Ná-gá-lia, to steal, to purloin
Na-ga-li ung, ä thief, a robber
Na-gar*nook, one of the great families into which the natives are divided
Na-gein, stolen, that which has been obtained by theft; as "maryne nagein ngannoween," eating stolen food
Nag-o, cold
Na-go, to know (principally used to the south of Swan River
Na-go-look, an acquaintance, any person or thing that is known to one
Nag-o-mun, cold
Na-gu, fiiendly, nice, amicably; as "nagul «ginnoween/'sitting together in »'friendly manner
Nag-ul, the part of the mouth under the tongue
Nail, what? as "ntfga-nàit," what is this?
Nait juck, wherefore, for what reason
Kal-g, a sha) p edge, as the edge of a knife
Nal-go, the teeth; improperly used for to ça$ Kal ja, tu peep sideways at anything jNal juck, the outer corner of the eye Nal-ya, the arm pit Nal-yuck, the skin Nam-me-die, a small species of fresh water fish Nam-yun-go, an emu; the local name for the Dtondarup family in the VasBe district Nan-do, the breast bone Nan-dup, the red gum tree Na-nee, a species of water bird, a quail Nan-ga, the beard; the roots, and bottom parts of certain roots which the natives eat; as "borhn nanga," the roolB of borHh; "gwar-dina nanga," the, roots of gwardine . ^N*n-gar, the stars Nan-jart, the east wind Nan-ger-goon, a root eaten by the natives Nan-gutta, moss £ïan-nûp, stop, halt Na-no, mud, also.a swamp Nan-yar, benumbed, stiffened Nar-duck, downwards r^ar-duck-yogoween, the teeth in the upper jaw, so called from their pointing downward» Nar-gyle, a root eaten by the natives Nar-rta, a small species of caterpillar Nar-ra, the ribs Nar-lrJtg a-ra, the name of a Btar Nar-rail, the ribs Narr-gal-lia,
- Moodoo een-nalgo"
Nar-ri-ik, plenty,'
" boola"
Nar-ri-ja, spittle, froth; **narrija-gwart," to spit Nar-ruck-nar-ruck, from side to side; " wool-ing murrijo bingoort bingoort," unsteady, in different directions, on all sides Narrup-in-dan-win, also Nar-ruçk-wll-yan-een,, passing on one Bide Nat-djing, the yolk of an egg '
- '
Nat-te, more, continue Nee-bel, truly, in truth < . ' Nee-myte* the ribs Nee-nat, covered with sores or sore places Nee-neem, a large species of leech Nee-Van, to howl, as a dog Neer-im-ba, a species of pelican Neer-ran, to plant, to put in the ground New-ball, ye two, brother and sister, or parent and child New-bin^ ye two, man and wife Nhur doo, conduct, behaviour Nid-ja, or Nid-juk, in this place, here Nul-jal-la, here, in this place Nig-ga, the string of the opossum's hair, worn round the head Nil-lar-ee, orNil-lar-uk, blue Nin-dyan, to kiss Nirr go, a moscheto Ni-yoong, the elbow n No-dytche, dead No-go, a specif's of fungus No go-luk, the craw of a bird No-go-nnyuck,one of the great families into which the natives are divided No-go-ro, heavy sleep, to sleep soundly; "bid-jar uguo-mon,"
"nogoro backaneen," heavy slee¡) bites nie N > gyte, the elbow Nool-burn, the gird'e of opossum's hair worn round the waist by the natives, Nool-ioo, narrow Noon-al-lung, yours, thine Noon dee, the tail of an animal Noon-goor-dool, stuck in. That which has pierced but not peneirated is said to be Noon-goor-doo 1 Noor-doo, a fly Noor-do rung-win, snoring
(To be continued)
Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth.
September 11, 1839.
CERTAIN portions of Ground having been set apart for public purpose by the Local Government in the Towns of Perth and Fremantle, His Excellency, the Governor has, been pleased to direct a list of them to be published for general information:—
- For Public Recreation and Amusement. The space of about 18 acres, bounded on the north by the building lots in section X; on the south by those in section N; on the west by the eastern boundary of allotment 0 16, prolonged to the northward; and on the east by a line extending from the south-east corner of allotment X 43 to the north east corner of allotment N 1.
2. For School Purposes. The building allotment D 2. comprising nearly one acre of ground, re from John Butler.
3. For School Purposes. The building lots W 10 and W 11, comprising one and a half acres, resumed from H. Terry and H. G; Smith.
4. For School Purposes The building lot L 52, comprising upwards of three quarters of an acre, resumed from W. H. Harris.
5. For Public Slaughter House and Paddock. Three acres.of Land at Point Fraisen
1. For School Purposes. The space of about one acre and a quarter at present occupied by resumed buildings lot No. 220, and the vacant lots 219, 208, and 373.
2. For School Purposes. The space of about-one acre and a quarter at present occupied by the resumed building lots 314, 315, 342, and 343.
3. For a Church Site. The square occupied by the corner^ building lots at the crossing of Parry street and High-street.
4. For a Market Site. The space of about 7 ½ acres, including thoroughfares; bounded on the north-west by a line extending from north-corner, of Lot 239 to. the shore of North Bay, in direction towards the north extremity of,Arthur's . Head j on the west by (he shore of North Bay as far as the weat corner of lot 148; on the south-east by the boundary lots 146 to 143; inclusive; and on the east by the lots 229 to 239 inclusive.
By His Excellency's command, PETER BROWN, Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary'sÁ Office, Perth' September 11, 1839
HIS Excellency the Governor has directed the following List of Natives, against whom Warrants have been, issued in the several places named, to be published for general information:—
In the York District.
Ejan, alias Dolbyne Neilbochan, alias Nhilbung. . Bunabong Yughite, alias-Doodjep, alias Djak-kur, alias Ban-ya, alias Kopil, murderer of Murphy. Wingebong Mallet Wannine, alias Mr. Waylen, Dirup. Tom. Dillum. Nillink, alias Comer Again, alias Boralware. Bungar, alias Boongar, alias Gun-mar-reef Mallum.
At Fremantle.
Wauchup, a Mangles Bay native.
By His Excellency's command, PETER BROWN, Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth, September 19, 1839.
THE undermentioned Application for the surrender of Land having been received in conformity, with the Public Notice issued from this Office on the 29th of September, 1837j His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct the publication of the same, with the view of affording interested Parties.an opportunity of seating their objections to such Surrender being made, viz: —
James Henty. 40,000 acres of Land, forming a portion of Location 9, Leschenault, assigned to Applicant as 60,000 By His Excellency's command, PETER BROWN, Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth, August 20, 1*839. SALE OF TOWN ALLOTMENTS. MOTICE is hereby given, that on Wednesday, the 27th of November next, at Twelve o'Clock' Noon, the Sub Collector of Revenue at Albany, King George's Sound, will offer for Sale by Public Auction, at that place, the undi i mentioned Town Lots, under and subject to the existing Regulations
- Albany Lot S No. 25 . Ditto No. 173. .
Ditto . No. 174 . Ditto No.206. For further particulars, reference to be made to the Offices of the Sub Collector at Albany, or the Survey Office, Perth. By His Excellency's command, PETER BROWN, Colonial Secretary. Commissariat Office, Perth, September 5, 1839. £*EALED Tenders in Triplicate (marked!^B
- Tendersfor Fresh Meat") will be received at this Office on Wednesday, the 25th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock, from such person or persons as may be willing to supply Fresh Meat (Mutton or Beef) for the use of Her Majesty's Troops for three months certain' fiom the first day of October next, in such quantities as nfay be from time to time required at the following Stations, viz:. ' Perth, Upper Swan, Pinjarra* Kelmscott, Mahogany &eek, York,Dale,' arid fVitlianfsbi^rgh,. The Price per Pound to be stated'in figures and words at length, a>.d two sufficient Sureties will be required for the due performance of ihte Contract. '
All further particulars may be known on application at this Office. ' ' '
"' JOHN LEWIS, Asmtant'Commllsafy General. BDJTED, PRINTED,. AND PUBLISHED, BV, CHARLES MACFAULL, ..;.., Atthe Gazette Office, Pehth.,;?; j?w Terms of (Subscription
- -10 .» . 6d. per Quartet'¡¡if paillHn advance;? or, 12«. ifpaid at the end of,
thfi Qmarterj,Single¡number Oneskillingí ' . Terms, oJAdvertißcmmts:? , For Eight lines Bel 6d, and ed, per line above;this .mifitjer.v .! >.?' Advertisements mitti b« paid for previously tú insertion, >.¡ tti: . -< /