What Prominent Authorities and Librarians say:
It gives me very great pleasure to state that Miss Blair’s six years of service as my principal assistant upon the Jesuit Relations gave her a fund of experience well qualifying her for undertaking such a work as she is now engaged upon. She has the true spirit of the editor of historical materials, and is a master of the technical details of the art.—Reuben G. Thwaites, Editor of “The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents,” “Wisconsin Historical Collections,” “Chronicles of Border Warfare,” etc.
I am glad to learn that you propose publishing the old works relating to the discovery, colonization, and early history of the Philippine Islands. You may rest assured that the United States Embassy and myself will assist in every possible way those engaged in collecting documents for this most valuable publication. I heartily commend this enterprise, and congratulate you on having undertaken the work.—Henry Vignaud, Paris, author of "Toscanelli and Columbus," etc.