Posolan, Don Agustin Asum, Don Alonso Tindig, Luis Aveij, Don Diego Laval, Don Diego Gaddola, Gonçalo Lima, Don Francisco Pirangaran, Don Pablo Caliox, Alonso Paraorao, Don Diego Lahacan, Don Gonçalo Magcoli, Antonio Puragti Habanpoli, Don Juan Bambin, chiefs and lords, heads of barangay, and other chiefs, common people, and all the timaguas of the said village and government. Don Agustin Baticio, Don Marcos Manalo, Don Agustin Sandi, Pedro Cabasao, Dionisio Magsubey, Don Tomas Bagsit, Alonso Sancabo, chiefs of barangay of the said province.
And all having assembled and come together thus, both the chiefs and the timaguas, with the said Franciscan father guardian, Fray Antonio de Nombela, as interpreter, they were given to understand why they had been called together and were assembled. They were told how God our Lord had granted them great kindness and grace in keeping them under the evangelical faith, which remains in His holy church, in the apostle St. Peter and his successors, who are the pontiffs, bishops, and confessors who in His name administer instruction and point out the way to heaven. Our Lord had liberated them from the blindness and tyranny in which they were as subjects of the devil—who not only caused the damnation of their immortal souls, which are to be cared for, but likewise harassed their bodies and consumed their lives.
What is still more weighty, the most cursed and perverse sect of Mahoma had begun, through its followers and disciples, to spread and scatter through some of the islands of this archipelago its pestilent and abominable creed; but the true God was pleased