cuted. Thus they voted, ordered, and decreed over their names, and that this act be proclaimed in this city and the suburb of Tondo.
Doctor Antonio de Morga
The licentiate Tellez Almaçan
The licentiate Albaro Çambrano
Before me:
Pedro Hurtado Desquibel
An act decreeing that no one shall embark for the purpose of leaving these islands, without permission.
In the city of Manila, on the first of July, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, the president and auditors of the royal Audiencia and Chancillería of the said islands, being assembled, and considering a petition presented by the licentiate Geronimo Salazar y Salzedo, his Majesty's fiscal in the said royal Audiencia, declared that, whereas many people who go unpunished by the royal justice for murders and other crimes that they have committed, and others for owing money to the royal exchequer, and for bringing suits against the royal treasurer, and who have other legitimate reasons for not being able to leave this city, absent themselves from it in order not to be punished, or to pay what they owe, and go to Nueva España and other places, favored and assisted by generals, admirals, captains, masters, and other officers and persons of the ships sailing from these islands, whence results much harm and trouble; therefore, in order that the aforesaid evils be remedied, and that this may not be so henceforth, they ordered, and they did so order, that no general, admiral, captain, master, or any other officer or person, on whatever vessel sailing from these islands, for Nueva España or any other places whatever, shall receive, assist, protect, or con-