offenses demand. They ordered unanimously that no person, of whatever rank or condition, for any cause or reason whatever, shall leave this city, to go beyond these islands, or to leave them for Nueva España, or any other places unless he has permission in writing from the said governor, with the necessary conditions. Likewise, it shall be understood by the captains, masters, pilots, sailors, and other workmen on any ships whatever, in the manner aforesaid. In order that this act be exactly enforced, it shall be publicly proclaimed in this city and the port of Cavite. Copies shall be made of it and affixed to the doors of the royal houses, so that it may come to the notice of everyone, and no one may plead ignorance of it, so that one and all may observe it in the manner aforesaid—under penalty of a fine of five hundred pesos of common gold, to be applied to the use of the royal treasury and the interests of the royal exchequer, to which sum they hold them condemned as soon as they disobey this decree, besides the deprivation of their offices. This penalty is to be executed without any favor. Thus they decreed, ordered, and ordained.
Doctor Antonio de Morga
The licentiate Tellez Almaçan
An act decreeing that one of the auditors shall have charge of reviewing the charges against prisoners every two months.
In the city of Manila, on the fifth of August, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, the president and auditors of the royal Audiencia of the Philipinas Islands, being assembled, declared that, whereas there are many prisoners in the royal prison of this court, whose numbers are constantly increasing, on