ordains and orders the aforesaid, that one auditor of this his royal Audiencia shall each year audit the accounts of this city; and that they shall commence with the last elected, and that each year they shall continue with the rest of the auditors in their turn: therefore, in conformity with the said royal ordinance, and in order exactly to enforce its provisions, they ordered, and they did so order, that the licentiate Albaro Çambrano, auditor of this royal Audiencia, beginning the aforesaid, shall immediately audit the said accounts of this city for the past year of ninety-eight, ordering and providing therefor whatever is necessary. To that end, and for any act connected with and concerning it, they gave him power and full commission, as far as is required by law. In future years the other members, in their turn, shall continue to audit the said accounts annually, as is here declared. Thus they voted, and ordered it to be registered as an act, and signed the same.
Don Francisco Tello
Doctor Antonio de Morga
The licentiate Tellez Almaçan
The licentiate Albaro Çambrano
Before me:
Pedro Hurtado Desquibel
An act decreeing that the residencias of the faithful administrators of this city shall be taken every two months.
In the city of Manila, on the nineteenth of December, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, the president and auditors of the royal Audiencia of the Philipinas Islands declared that, whereas the king our sovereign, in one of his royal ordinances,